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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. The original Dome which was doomed due to corruption, was suppose to be downtown somewhere.
  2. Dual useage with UB is smart. Dolphins and The U do it. Those buildings cost like a billion dollars. They need to be used more than eight times a year. By the way that stadium is no where near The U
  3. All these new stadiums are about getting you to not tailgate. There is no revenue in making it better for you to enjoy food and beverage you purchased elsewhere. They want you inside spending money. That's why they have multiple restaurants, museums and other attractions.
  4. I'm sorry but anywhere is better than Orchard Park. I believe the effort to regionalize the team is hamperd by the Ralph's location. I always felt that the selection of Orchard Park, some forty years ago was based on its proximity to Buffalo's more affluent suburbs. Regionalization is the only solution to keeping the Bills in Western NY. Therefore the location of the stadium should be based on accessablility from not only Buffalo, but Rochester, Syracuse, and yes even Canada.
  5. The Eiffel Tower isn't slanted or leaning. You're thinking of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
  6. Ever since the smoking man on the X Files said that the Bils would never win a Superbowl, I have believed in a conspiracy.
  7. The Bills have already stated that they are not interested. As to Tebow playing TE, a number of college QBs have been converted to WR, why is it such a reach that Tebow could be converted to TE?
  8. That opening game last year was the worst. I thought the defense was going to be good. I tried to convince myself that a smart QB with limited tools could work. Chan could coach. That one game showed me how wrong I was. This is different, this off season was very un-Bills like. What ever the final record is, this year will be interesting and I believe it will be more fun. Isn't that the point?
  9. "78% of all statistics are made up" is a joke! i·ro·ny noun 1. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. "“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony" synonyms: sarcasm, causticity, cynicism, mockery, satire, sardonicism "that note of irony in her voice" antonyms: sincerity a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.
  10. You're right, think of all the stupid things done with waterfront property. Why is there that stretch of the Niagara Section of the Thruway right along the river? My sister lives in Hanford Bay, somebody a hundred years ago thought it was a good idea to run the railroad tracks along the lake. I don't know the outer harbor at all. Could a stadium be built close but far enough away from the water front?
  11. The whole time I was reading that, I was thinking, good job on not going out on a limb.
  12. Before the game started my wife asked a question Manning and I pointed out the being a QB today was different than when Unitas was getting the crap kicked out of him by the likes of Deacon Jones. As do people who are humorless.
  13. All I know is my wife had plantar fasciitis, it takes awhile to get rid of it. Not eight months however. It is something that can be reoccurring. If you are not diligent about taking care of your foot it will come back. You can't even walk around in your house in bare feet. You have to always have on shoes that give support.
  14. You would think there is some technology that could improve upon this. It is not only ridiculous it has to be archaic.
  15. There is precedent, fans beat up Booth Lustig for missing a FG.
  16. +2 I knew what this was going to be before I opened it, and yet I opened it anyway.
  17. You know I think their roster looks weak every year and then the win 12 or 13 games. That being said I am going to continue to think their roster is weak until I am right.
  18. I went to a Stones concert, the opening act was Stevie Wonder and he performed "Superstition". On my wedding day, after the ceremony, my wife and had dinner and the went to see "The Omen". Coincidence? I think not.
  19. I'd like Dareus to give Brady the business.
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