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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. What is this defense going to be like when Gilmore and Byrd get back?
  2. On the TD the two DBs went to Hogan and let Stevie go. Hogan has never caught a pass in a regular season game.
  3. I think you meant Rams. I saw Kurt Warner say basically the same thing.
  4. If the Patriots were playing the Taliban, I'd root for the Taliban.
  5. Actually they won two championships wearing the throwback uniforms.
  6. Does anyone think that ridiculous formation splitting the tackles way out is going to work in the NFL?
  7. Penalties, turnovers,and the inability to convert third downs. In that order. How many drives were killed by penalties? You can't give Brady a short field. You can't give Brady more possessions.
  8. I could be wrong but watching that play live I thought a Bills player took it from Pats O lineman. Replay did not go far enough to show that.
  9. Thought the same thing, perfect opportunity, they set it up all day. Must be worried about his knee.
  10. The Bills really need to get the penalties under control. It is painful to watch. Two obvious missed calls Mankins giving Kyle Williams a big hug and Mario Williams flushing Brady, gets his arm grabed by O lineman.
  11. As far as head coaches go Gailey was a good offensive coordinator. By his own admission he did not pay attention to the defense.
  12. Penalties, turn overs and veterans who need to step up and didn't. That is what lost this game, not Manuel.
  13. This was hardly same old same old. I think Brady got hit more times in this game then in the last three years combined. I thought the defense played well. You can't give Brady a short field, turnovers were killer. How is this not rebuilding? When you blow it up and start over it is the definition of rebuilding.
  14. Thanks Bill good post, right on the money, first post game thread that is not, well, crazy.
  15. This game was lost because of the turn overs and the penalties. It's not complicated.
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