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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. If they keep Fitz they probably finish with the same record or better. Look at how many teams drafting ahead of the Bills are projected to take a QB. So they should use their first round pick to take the fifth or sixth QB?
  2. This is the first time Wnston has faced an SEC team. There is a reason SEC teams have won the last seven national championships
  3. My brother and I were discussing QBs, I've seen a lot or as my brother put it, he has seen all the greats since Otto Graham. In any given year in the NFL there are a few elite QBs. Then a few guys that have no business starting, but are because of injuries or because some team has an investment in them. There are some rookies, who I think deserve a pass. Then there is all the other guys. The elite guys right now, in my opinion, are Payton Manning, Brady, Brees, Rogers and Roethlisberger. I'm basing this on having won Super Bowls and body of work. None of these guys were drafted in the same year. Of those guys only Manning and Brady can carry a team without much talent, and they have proven that. Payton was drafted in 1998. How many QBs have been drafted by NFL teams since 1998? Yes there have been other elite guys that have retired but other guys, like Rogers, emerg. QBs from the ranks of "the othe guys", have won a lot of Super Bowls. What is easier to find, the elite guy or find one of "the other guys", and build a great team around him?
  4. Is it your contention that if they beat Atlanta they don't stink up that place against Tampa Bay? If it is I agree.
  5. What about Kemp and Lamonica? Oh wait, never mind.
  6. Give Byrd what ever he wants. Get a guard.
  7. Isn't this show like a year old? And didn't we beat it to death?
  8. Did the Bills play the week before that game at Cincy? I thought that game was really cold also. Game ended on a bad call, no replay review. The replay clearly showed Bills receiver in but was called out. What else is new.
  9. Wasn't there a really cold playoff game in Cincinnati in the early 80s?
  10. This may be the funniest think I have ever read on this site.
  11. Problem is two guys having "the exact same abilities and instincts" is extremely remote.
  12. Stop making sense, not what this is about. It is about hyperbole and over reaction.
  13. I get that, but the fact remains that the Saints are $8 million over the cap.
  14. The Saints would have to do some cutting and some renegotiating to even franchise Graham. Bills have the money, stranger things have happened, like Mario Williams for example, but I hear you.
  15. I asked this in another thread but got no response. Is there anyway Jimmy Graham hits the free agent market? Saints are $8mil over cap. Graham would solve both the TE and big WR problem.
  16. Mock drafts show four or five QBs going before the ninth pick. Would you rather they take the fifth or sixth QB or possibly the best LB, TE, or WR? After eight pick the remaining QBs are going to fall to second and third round.
  17. I like the Mosley pick. The run D is not good, Sunday was painful. I don't know how I feel about the next two picks. Bills really need O line help. LG imperative and could use upgrade at RG, RT. I was looking at free agents, is there any way Jimmy Graham hits the market? Saints are about $8 mil over cap.
  18. IMO they need, LG, TE, RT, LB and WR in that order. I'd like a guard in free agency and draft one. I wouldn't be against taking a TE in the first round. Who is the best one?
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