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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. You know what is awesome? In a thread about who the next DC might be, you managed to take a shot at Manuel, well done.
  2. Thanks a lot! I just had to stab my mind's eye with a hot poker!
  3. I would agree with this. The proof is the Colts perennial playoff team with him, 1-15 without him. That being said, only Payton and Brady are so good that they can make a team with average talent a playoff team.
  4. I posted this on another thread. I've posted this before and I'm going to do it again. In any era there are four or five elite QBs in the NFl, there is a handful of guys that have no business starting, but are, because of injury or because a team mistakenly made an investment in them. Then there are all the other guys. Guys that probably aren't going to the HOF, but can win if they have a good team around them and good coaching. Think Phil Simms, two SB rings, SB MVP. Would you take that record for a Bills QB? Payton Manning was drafted in 1998. How many QBs have been drafted since then? And yet there are still only three or four QBs playing today that can even be mentioned in the same sentence as Payton. He is arguably one of the best to have ever played. If a teams has a QB that they believe is good enough if they build a team around him but probably not elite, does that organization build a team around him or keep trying to draft an elite guy?
  5. I've posted this before and I'm going to do it again. In any era there are four or five elite QBs in the NFl, there is a handful of guys that have no business starting, but are, because of injury or because a team mistakenly made an investment in them. Then there are all the other guys. Guys that probably aren't going to the HOF, but can win if they have a good team around them and good coaching. Think Phil Simms, two SB rings, SB MVP. Would you take that record for a Bills QB? Payton Manning was drafted in 1998. How many QBs have been drafted since then? And yet there are still only three or four QBs playing today that can even be mentioned in the same sentence as Payton. He is arguably one of the best to have ever played. If a teams has a QB that they believe is good enough if they build a team around him but probably not elite, does that organization build a team around him or keep trying to draft an elite guy?
  6. The difference between these teams is that Bellichick things he can win with just Brady. Elway gave Payton a team.
  7. We don't know what we don't know. Are Moeaki and Hairston healthy and do the Bills view them as answers at positions of need? The answer changes the dynamic of this discussion.
  8. Don't you ever post anything positive about Manuel again! He is a horrible QB and a bad person. I heard that he once lied to his mother! The Bills should draft QBs in the first round until they get it right!
  9. I agree, and they are not taking a QB. So if Watkins is gone, is nine to high for Ebron?
  10. I agree, nothing against Pettine, but his only HC experience is high school and being the DC under Ryan is like Curtis Modkins bring the OC under Gailey. Which makes last year his first being in charge of anything.
  11. So if you don't believe that he is going to work on, among other things, his accuracy and mechanics, what do you think he is going to work on, his hair?
  12. Continuity is the key. Since 1969 the Bills have had 15 head coaches, the Steelers have had 3. The Steelers have 6 Super Bowl wins the Bills have 0. So let's just keep hiring and firing coaches, because it has worked so well in the past.
  13. The 1982 Dolphins went to the Super Bowl, in a strike shortened season with David Woodley as QB. Marino was on a very good well coached team in his rookie year.
  14. I pretty much agree, but let me fix one part. 1. Get rid of Graham 2, Draft Sammy Watkins 3. Upgrafe the OL and LB corps 4. Fix special teams.
  15. I want them to do everything they can to protect Manuel and open holes for Jackson and Spiller. On D get help to stop the run. That being said, I'd have a very hard time passing on Sammy Watkins.
  16. Agree and isn't Lynch one dumb move from a years suspension? And hasn't he already made that dumb move?
  17. Press release says Haslett is DC and McVay is OC. Where did you get Morris and Jackson?
  18. I like Matthews also. My nephew recently graduated from Vanderbilt, watched the what ever that bowl game was with my nephew and brother, both of them have seen most of Vanderbilt's games the last few years. Pointed out how good Matthews numbers were, considering he did not have great QB play.
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