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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. It is more likely that it would be the third, fourth or even fifth QB at 9.
  2. Apparently you and I are the only people that think this.
  3. You and I have the same reasoning, but do you take a RT at nine? Why not Ebron? I'm not lobbying for the guy, I'm just asking.
  4. Ok maybe I was out of touch in 1990. What is the connection with Moore and the video?
  5. Hard to do, so much depends on free agency. If I were them I would try and address the OL in free agency, seems easier than signing a top WR or TE. If Watkins is there I'd run to the podium, but I don't think he will be. I don't care if any QB falls to 9 they are not going to draft a QB that high. So it came down to LB or TE. Some LBs will already be gone by 9, I went with TE. Ebron will be there, he is the best TE in the draft and it is a position of need.
  6. Don't you know that an elite pocket passing QB always wins? Oh wait.
  7. You forgot that he ripped of James Brown's dance moves, but the so did Mick Jagger, Tina Turner and every singing dancing entertainer since. Loved the show, however.
  8. Giants twice, Ravens and Seahawks, that's four times in the last ten years.
  9. There were people on this site calling EJ a bust before last season even started.
  10. You have had the opportunity to contemplate the correct reaction. I'm assuming you weren't there.I'm certain that at 23 you always made exactly the correct response. "You are a bust, you suck at your job. I don't give a damn how hard you have worked you suck and should be replaced! " That is what Graham was passively aggressively insinuating. I'm sure at 23 you were mature enough to ready better than walking away. It is a good thing that Manuel is not a Congressman from Staten Island, or he would have threatened truth row Graham off a balcony.
  11. You are correct. The fans weren't very nice either.
  12. My take away is that Manuel asked a question, received an answer, which was in effect, "I think you are a bust" and he walked away. Should he have entered into a debate with Graham? Should he have responded "I'll welcome the completion"? And then walked away? Should he defended himself, explaining why he is not a bust?
  13. Manuel should have given the pat answer, "I really can't control that". Graham's article is the reason journalists get canned answers. After reading this thread I now understand why guys like Lynch don't speak to the press. What Graham really asked is, "do you think the Bills should exhibit a lack of confidence in you by drafting a QB in the first round, because you aren't very good at what you do? Because that's what I think". How is Manual or anyone else, for that matter suppose to respond to that? "Hey Tim Graham, your not a very good journalist and I think the organization you work for should go all in on finding a replacement. What do you think?" How do you respond to that?
  14. Just so that I have this straight, Graham told EJ he thinks the Bills should draft another QB and Manuel walked away.
  15. Separated shoulder, torn knee ligaments and a compound fracture of thumb on throwing hand. Two Super Bowl rings and Super Bowl MVP.
  16. Do real number one WR hit the FA market? It's pretty rare. The Bills don't need another number two, so I think this is a hard position to address in FA. Moeaki muddies the waters at TE. I think OL and LB, is where to focus.
  17. Is it true that people attending the game are required to be in their seats three hours before kickoff?
  18. If they now bring in a WR coach, plus Hostler and Downing, does that mean they think Hackett was in over his head?
  19. The Bills original uniforms were modeled on the Lions. Those uniforms are probably still in Ralph's basement.
  20. Since you know more about the FSU offense than a guy that played in it, please explain it to us.
  21. First of all your user name may be the best on this site. I doubt that Wade would come here or that they want him, but I was also completely wrong about any team wanting a DC from a 6-10 team as HC.
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