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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Ebron just ran a 4.5. Mayock says better athlete than Vernon Davis, wouldn't be surprised if he goes in top ten.
  2. You may be right, someone always drops, but I can't find one mock that doesn't show three QBs going before 9.
  3. So if three QBs go before Bills pick, plus Clowney and Robinson, that's five. Somebody very good is going to fall to the Bills.
  4. I like this also, but is anybody willing to pull the trigger on either or?
  5. I asked the question in another thread now buried. What do you do if both Mack and Watkins are there at 9? Not very likely but possible.
  6. I didn't really answer your question. I think I agree with TXBILLSFAN and take Ebron.
  7. I think with Benjamin it's on the list, but down the list. Boy, that's a good question. The problem with a trade is you can't count on it. This is off topic and I'm sure I'll be chastised for it, but what do you do if both Mack and Watkins are there?
  8. In my opinion there are only three first round guys that fit the Bills need for a big WR, Watkins, Evans and Benjamin. If Watkins is there I would run to the podium. I'm not sure how I feel about Evans. The 9th is too high for Benjamin. I like Jordan Matthews, from Vanderbilt in the second, good size, great production in college with no one throwing him the ball. The only other guy in the mix is Robinson, but Penn State players scare me.
  9. If he runs well at the combine he won't make it to the 2nd round. The 9th pick is too high for him.
  10. It was hard to tell who was the bigger jerk, the Greek or Musburger.
  11. I worked at the bar/restaurant, Peartrees in NYC and was there the night that Jimmy the Greek punched Brent Musburger.
  12. So in conclusion, we still don't know anything. We should do this again soon.
  13. I think Hairston was taken off the PUP list last week, but I think that is just procedural. So don't read too much into it.
  14. Did you leave anybody out? The Bills are definatly going to draft someone.
  15. I periodically do a search to see if there is any news, but not a peep.
  16. A lot depends on what they do in free agency. I think they should try and upgrade the OL and LB in free agency, it seems easier than signing a top WR or TE. That being said I don't believe they will use the 9th pick on a RT. If Watkins is there I would run to the podium. If not I would take Ebron or trade out, but trading takes two, not as easy as it sounds. I would still address the OL in round two or three maybe both.
  17. The knock would be because of how predictable they were on first down. They were continually in second or third and long. There was also a lack of play action. Hard to run play action from the shotgun.
  18. Remember how much better they got when Lofton showed up. Was he a FA or did they trade for him?
  19. It's spelled "Riesenshine". I before e except after c.
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