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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. We are having this exchange in the wrong thread, so I'll mention Ebron. I have concerns about Ebron, Evans, Mosley and Lewan. That being said the only way I see the Bills taking a tackle at nine is that they feel the way you do about Glenn (not sure they do) and that they believe the tackle available is a can't miss sure thing. It will create an issue at some point. I'm not against taking a tackle, I just think it is a long shot.
  2. You can post all the stats you can muster, but your scenario only works if the Bills are willing to pay Glenn LT money to play RT. If not he is gone after 2015. Your premiss is based upon Glenn being a RT but after two, probably three at LT he believes he is a LT. Some other team will believe that also.
  3. Mack Clowney Watkins Ebron Robinson And a guard and a DB You said dream draft.
  4. Although I disagree with some of this, I'm not going to dispute it. However you are excluding the human factor. Robinson, Mathews, Lewan and Glenn all believe they are left tackles and should be paid as such. Based on what your saying if they draft either Robinson or Mathews, then Glenn eventually goes to RT, which means in two years he is gone and they are back to looking for a RT. Lewan is not going to be happy about being drafted to spend half his career at RT.
  5. Can't we just merge all draft threads? We are having this discussion in three other places.
  6. We did this last week. There is no news.
  7. I didn't have time to finish my thoughts. I don't think anyone disagrees that the OL is important and that it needs help. They need a LG and RT. There in lies the rub. If they needed a LT everyone would be on board. All three tackles in the picture here view themselves as a LT, as does Cordy Glenn. If you draft a tackle at 9 play him for a year at RT and then switch him to LT, you can rest assured that Glenn will leave after his rookie contract is up. Thus no continuity, and back to looking for a RT. If you keep whom ever is drafted at 9 at RT, you are now paying a RT top ten money for four or five years and then he leaves.
  8. It is possible that Watkins is there at 9. Let's say your right about the tackles rising, if three go before before 9, plus three QBs, Clowney and Mack. It is a long shot.
  9. Let's start some rumors about Watkins. I think he is better suited for the guard position. He lied to his mother three times and he disobeyed his parents twice.
  10. If you want to create a problem, draft a guy that believes he is a LT and play him at RT, or move Glenn.
  11. All it takes is one team in the first eight to do something unexpected to make either Mack or Watkins fall to nine. In free agency I think it is easier to get a serviceable LB or OL, whether it be a tackle or guard, than it is to get a number one WR or a top TE.
  12. I believe that three QBs, two tackles and Clowney go before 9th pick. I don't think they are going to take a tackle, certainly not the third one. Let's say the other two picks before 9 are Mack and Watkins. That leaves Evans, Ebron and Mosley. Free agency is the wild card.
  13. I think your right, unless, Watkins, Robinson, and Mathews are gone and Mack is still there.
  14. Let me put this another way, it is my opinion that three QBs, two OTs, and Clowney will go in the first seven. That means the other two would have to be Mack and Watkins. Hypothetically what if Watkins is there?
  15. I wasn't talking about Steen, I was just saying that I worry about LBs and DL from Alabama.
  16. I worry about LBs and DL from Alabama, should I get over it?
  17. I'd be good with all that. If Mack is gone and Watkins is there do you take him or Mosley?
  18. Here is what I think makes this difficult. This draft is deep at WR and OT. Do you take a tackle (would have to be Robinson or Mathews) that sees himself as a LT and play him at RT, where he is not going to be happy? Or do you move Glenn, to where he won't be happy. You kind of assure yourself that you will eventually let one walk. You could get a RT in 2 or 3. The Bills really don't have a number one WR. If you take one at 9 it would have to be Watkins, maybe Evans. Then there is Ebron, would he be a better option the Evans? Can he platy a Jimmy Graham type role? Then go get a WR in 2 or 3? What if Mack is there? Then you get a RT and WR later?
  19. He handled himself pretty well at his press conference. Not going to help his forty time though.
  20. I saw Ebron run, but I didn't see the drills. Did he mess them up? I got the impression from some posts that he did. That being said if Mack, Watkins, Robinson and Jake Mathews are gone and there is no trading partner, what are the options? I'm a little afraid of Alabama LBs. So it brings me to Ebron or Evans.
  21. Mathews put up those numbers with nobodies at QB. I'd be happy with him in rd 2.
  22. I'm completely confused at this point. I feel like a kid in a candy store. I watch the tackles go through their drills and I want one. I saw Ebron run, hear what Mayock says about him and I want him, but apparently he had problems in the drills. Wasn't high on Evans, but he looks good. Then there is Mack.
  23. Joe Don Baker, not Joe Don Duncan. There was also the great RB Joe Don Looney.
  24. When they were reading the litany of things Lyeria did, I said to my wife "that the kid sounds NFL ready". She looked at me like I was nits.
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