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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. I know, my point was that I think guys that had long careers in the NFL, like Angelo, Polian, and Gabriel know more than even the most astute fan. It just seems like a logical premiss. Nobody is right all the time, I get that. I think Graham is a good pick up, he could start, if not adds depth. We learned quickly last year that there was no depth at corner. Williams seems to be the polarizing pick up. He can't possibly be worse than what they had. I was confused by Gaughan column it said Polian didn't like Wiiliams, but ESPN site has Polian grading him as a B. I still think they need to draft somebody to play guard. If Williams ends up as a backup is he over paid? And should I care about that? I know I'm straying from this thread but the guy that I'm most confused about is Rivers. I asked some friends of mine that are Giant fans about him, their response was "who?".
  2. After he signed with NO he said he was sick of losing, isn't that saying he was sick of being a Bill?
  3. I agree, and I still think they draft two OL. I don't think the Williams signing changed how they approach the draft.
  4. I've said this before, but I'll say it again, best user name ever. I agree with all of this.
  5. The reason I used Losman as an example is because my 10 year old nephew asked Greg if he thought Losman was going to be good. I'm sorry I did not make that clear, after all you were not in attendance that day. I don't claim anyone is beyond reproach, however 28 years in the same profession might indicate that individual had some experience. You are correct, he managed scouts and made recommendations to a GM, Jerry Angelo, who brought him to Chicago from NY. Angelo fired him and others in a job saving attempt . Angelo was eventually fired anyway. I'm unsure of your point, it is obvious that people in professional sports are fired often and move to other organizations. Greg Gabriel's 28 years in the NFL is a pretty good run. When he was fired he decided to retire. It wasn't like there were no offers. Please remember, I know him. So your premiss is that a multi-billion dollar industry is wasting millions paying talent evaluates when all they really need to do is ask astute fans?
  6. John, in another thread I fully admitted to never having paid on bit of attention to Chris Williams. I don't know if I've ever seen him play. My point is I think a guy the scouted for NFL teams for 28 years knows more than me.
  7. Yeah, I don't know, do defend people you know more strongly than those you don't? I just think 28 years of scouting for NFL teams make s him a better judge than fans.
  8. You are correct, he managed scouts and made recommendations to a GM, Jerry Angelo, who brought him to Chicago from NY. Angelo fired him and others in a job saving attempt . Angelo was eventually fired anyway. I'm unsure of your point, it is obvious that people in professional sports are fired often and move to other organizations. Greg Gabriel's 28 years in the NFL is a pretty good run. When he was fired he decided to retire. It wasn't like there were no offers. Please remember, I know him.
  9. What is your response? Anyone can be an NFL scout? Look, I love the Bills and I enjoy the discourse on this site and I know our common denominator is we all root for the Bills on fall Sundays. That's a bond albeit a strange one.
  10. Some the Bears draft picks during his tenure are, Lance Briggs, Tommie Harris, Devin Hester, Johnny Knox and Nathan Vasher. My point is if you guys could do better then do it. Greg Gabriel started reviewing film for free and parlayed that into a 28 year career. I'm sure you have never made the wrong decision.
  11. I went surfing today and I'm having a glass of wine if I were anymore relaxed I'd be dead. The person in question spent 28 years scouting for NFL teams and you think the casual fan is just as good?
  12. As I stated earlier I know Greg Gabriel, nepotism and favoritism had nothing to do with his 28 years in the league. If what you are saying is true it would result in a bad product and make us all stupid for buying into it. Could you give some examples?
  13. I'm not trying to insult anyone, but if NFL teams could get just as good information from bloggers as they do from scouting, yet spend millions on scouting it would make them incredible stupid.
  14. It was one example out of many, are you actually saying that half the posters on this site understand football talent better than someone who spent 28 years scouting talent? If that were true all 32 franchise in a multi billion dollar industry are run by morons, and we are fools for being fans.
  15. I've known Greg Gabriel for a long time he is a good friend of my sister and brother-in-law. He was at my home a few years ago, it was when Losman was named the Bills starter. He gave a very accurate assessment of Losman which was pretty depressing, almost prophetic though. Greg is a guy that worked his way into an NFL job. Watched a lot of film, wrote reports. Spent two scouting part time for the Bills. Then sixteen years as a full time scout for the Giants, which led to him being named the Director of College Scouting for the Bears. A position he held for ten years. All in all a 28 year career in the NFL. And you?
  16. I'm one of the biggest optimistic homers that there is. That being said about a decade ago I had reached the conclusion that this franchise was not going to change without a change of ownership. I have a lot of respect for Mr. Wilson for bringing a team to Buffalo and for what he has done for the league. So here is where my optimism kicks in, I don't know if relinquishing control to Brandon completely changes things, but the last year has a different feel to it. Yes I know they let Byrd and Levitre leave, (I don't thing Byrd would have stayed under any condition), but no recycled GM, no old recycled head coach, drafting a QB in the first round, good draft and some solid, but unspectacular FA pick ups. I think they are headed on the right direction, we'll see. Now as to the topic. At some point sooner rather than later Brady is going to decline and retire. I feel like they get worse every year. It happens to all dynasties. The Jets and the Dolphins both have strange ownership and both have head coaches not hired by the current GMs. Tannehill was drafted by the Dolphins because their OC was his head coach in college, now he is gone. Why is Sanchez still a Jet? That can't be a good situation. If these two teams don't make the playoffs there will be big changes. So why not the Bills?
  17. You forgot GM: Tom "it's the fans fault I had to fire Gregg Williams" Donahoe.
  18. Didn't the Browns just cut all their QBs? And the Raiders have no OL.
  19. Who takes Watkins? Texans? No Rams? Maybe Jags? No Browns? No Raiders? Not anymore, need OL and QB Falcons? No Bucs? Maybe Vikings? No
  20. Not taking a LB in the first, not after just signing two
  21. I hope you're right about Watkins falling to nine. I think Oakland has to go tackle. So based on most mocks that leaves St Louis and Tampa as possibly taking Watkins.
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