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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Mary Wilson, Ralph's wife, is not on the commitee, Mary Owen, Ralph's niece is.
  2. I watched that game in a bar called Boston's, it was painful. Was that the same year that the officials gave Testaverte the touchdown?
  3. If Oakland picks him up does that mean no Watkins in the draft?
  4. Why not just start with shipping Cookie Gilchrist to Denver?
  5. I ran into Mr. Wilson a few times had a conversation with him once. It was in the lobby of the Palm Beach Ritz Carlton. I introduced my self told him I was a Bills Fan. He said he ran into Bills fans all over the place. His face lit up when he talked about the team. As much as we all love the Bills, I think he loved the team more. He will be missed.
  6. I have to agree with you and I think the Bills will also and pass on this guy.
  7. Good thing your not a GM, one of the many things that led to Andy Robustelli's demise as the Giants GM was that he once said something to the effect that the best place for teams to finish was to just miss or get knocked out of the playoffs early. That way the fans stayed interested and you didn't have to over pay players. How many elite QBs are there in the NFL at any given time? Four maybe five? Right now, Brady, P. Manning, Brees and Rogers. Money issues aside it is very hard to find an elite QB.
  8. I get the argument against a retractable dome, but the economics would make it dumb not to build one. It's location needs to be easily accessible for not only Buffalo and its suburbs, but Canada and Rochester. It seems to me that the design of all these new stadiums are to get you out of the parking lot and into the building. There is no revenue in tailgating.
  9. Rodak and Farrar aren't even announcers nor have they ever held any position with any NFL team. I agree they had no plan to replace Levitre. Williams has got to better than three guys you mentioned, and I still think they draft someone.
  10. So Mike Rodak and Doug Farrar don't like him and Polian grades him as a B.
  11. The only thing about this current format is my wife thinks I'm less insane. I don't spend an entire Saturday watching seven rounds on two different networks.
  12. This was suppose to be a great draft for QBs. At the start of the college season, it was Bridgewater, Boyd and Manziel. Bortles kind of comes out of nowhere. Boyd plummets. Some mocks have have Bridgewater and Maziel dropping. I'm not sold on Bortles, funny.
  13. I hope Raiders pull off trade with Eagles for Jackson, maybe Watkins falls.
  14. Gil Brandt! What does he know? Forty years in the NFL! So what? He's not even in the NFL anymore! Sorry I couldn't resist after getting blasted by some for suggesting people with NFL experience might be better at evaluating talent than fans.
  15. I think based on what you have posted and what Maryland has posted it makes it unlikely the take a tackle at nine.
  16. I have more of a problem, that by his own admission to the police, that he told a young woman who was going to accuse his roommate of rape, that if she did he would rape her too.
  17. If not for his history with the Bills I'd be happy with thst situation.
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