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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Galisano, Jacobs, Trump, Milstein and Bon Jovi are cheap. Too soon?
  2. Trade down, take Martin, then Jordan Mathews and TE in second. LB in the third.
  3. I agree, why give up picks in the deepest draft in years? I just don't think any off the guys being mentioned are worth trading up for, nor are the Bills in the position to do this. They are not one layer away from contending. I think the QBs are going to fall, this opens up the opportunity for trading back. Somebody is going to be in love with one of these QBs. More picks not less. First three rounds get your OT, WR, TE And LB.
  4. If the QBs fall, trade back a few and still get Martin, get WR and TE or LB in second. Somebody is going to want one of those QBs.
  5. I happen to agree with you, but there are plenty of people that had made up their mind on Manuel before he played one down. Only time will tell. Give him good coaching and a good supporting cast and let's see what he can do. I am of the school of thought that it is easier to build a great team around a good QB, than it is to find an elite QB. However you can't build a great team by letting good players walk. With the teams that the Bills have fielded over the past fourteen years how many QBs would have made them champions? Payton, Brady, who else? There are guys that probably would have gotten them to the playoffs, but Super Bowls? Granted I'd take the playoffs right now. There are about a dozen elite guys that have won Super Bowls, about seven or eight mediocre guys, that leaves twenty eight guys that were good to very good but not elite. By elite I mean guys that can win with anybody, they are few and far between and really hard to find.
  6. Johnson won in 2003. I left some guys off this list that I don't think are elite, like Eli Manning and Joe Flacco.
  7. Joe Theismann Jim McMahon Doug Williams Jeff Hostetler Mark Rypien Trent Dilfer Brad Johnson Some pretty mediocre QBs that won Super Bowls.
  8. Thursday can't get here soon enough. Woke up in a cold sweat because I had a dream that the Bills traded Kiko and the ninth to Cleveland. Had to get up and check this site to make sure it was a dream.
  9. Well they should just do that then, seems easy enough.
  10. If we are pumped up for more than four months we should talk to everybody.
  11. I hate Bleacher Report, what's with the individual slides? Must have to do with money. I like CBS Sports, shows five different mocks on one page.
  12. Now that is thinking outside the box.
  13. I will guarantee that at some point in ths draft the Bills will draft somebody. There will be rejoicing but there will also be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
  14. I've said it before, I'll say it again, next Thursday the Bills are going to draft somebody. It can't get here soon enough.
  15. Why is it that anytime Mathews is mentioned so is his pedigree and Carr not so much? Wouldn't it be great if the Texans took Carr.
  16. As far as his football career is concerned. He started for the Colts in Super Bowl III for an injured Unitas, ended up being pulled for an injured Unitas. The game is significant in that it was the AFL's first defeat of an NFL team. It was instrumental in the merger. He also QBd the Dolphins for the vast majority of the undefeated season.
  17. I'm getting choked up reading these recollections, I feel like we should have a group hug or something. So Chandler your story of Bills fandom and mine are pretty close. The 1963 season is really the first I recall, don't think I went to a game until 64. Went to more games at the Old Rock Pile than The Ralph (geographic reasons). Went to a few good ones at The Ralph, Monday night 1974 vs Raiders and 1980 defeat of the Dolphins. Remember that Sunday 1963 after Kennedy assassination saw Ruby shoot Oswald live, it was surreal. My wife was in the Ed Sullivan theater the night the Beatles played. She neglected to tell me that for the first 35 years of our marriage. I could have gotten a lot of mileage out of that story. There was a Deli around the corner from my parents house. Owners names were Frank and Vera. Went in there with my Dad the night of Liston vs Clay. My father asked Frank who he thought would win the fight, Frank replied "Vera, she usually does". I've driven, on more than one occasion, hundreds of miles to watch a Bills game.
  18. Was St. Joe's still running the single wing? I got to know Jerry Philbin years after his career ended. I think he played DE at about 220lbs..
  19. Funny, I just mentioned his name the other day. I was having a discussion with my brother and nephew about how the Bills should bring in a solid vet QB to back up and mentor EJ, "you know an Earl Morrall type guy". Quintessential backup QB. He should be put in the HOF for the role he played. Condolences to his family.
  20. Wel, after reading the transcript I know this, the Bills are going to draft somebody. Seriously though I think the most interesting part was about Tackles. They really don't see much difference between LT and RT as far as importance and draft position. I don't think that is subterfuge. If Watkins and Mack are gone, which is likely, and Mathews falls, you take him. If Mathews and Manzel are there my guess would be Mathews. If Watkins, Mack , Mathews are gone and Manziel falls, that strikes me as a trade situation. For the past couple of years, at this point, I had a pretty good idea who I thought they would take. This year I have no idea.
  21. It's two QBs, Manziel at 26, but I'm not buying it either. If two QBs, three OTs, Clowney, and Watkins go in the first seven, then either Evans or Mack falls to the Bills.
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