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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Apparently I'm not the only one that thinks this. http://itiswhatitis.weei.com/sports/newengland/football/patriots/2013/01/15/dan-fouts-tom-brady-gets-special-treatment-from-refs/
  2. I believe Brady. is protected more. The most blatant example occurred in a Bills, Pats game a few years ago. Brady threw an interception, he was jogging in the direction of the interceptor, one of the Bills pushed him on the shoulder with one hand. Brady at that point is no longer the QB, he is now a defender. The Bills were called for unnessisary roughness.
  3. I hope Hogan is around again this season. When ever he did anything last season, which granted was not very often, I would do my best Colonel Kling impersonation, which alwasys made my wife laugh.
  4. Not many. Brady has had the luxury of playing in an era where the QB is much more protected, especially Brady. That fact will extend his career along with others.
  5. So I'm guessing that by trade you are a stand up philosopher.
  6. Best football game I've seen in ten years was Atlantic High vs Boca High. I think three kids from that game ended up in the NFL
  7. Orchard Park was not even in the discussion as a location for a stadium in the late 1960s. The stadium ended up there by default, after what can only be described as a cluster f@ck. Stupidity, corruption and greed ruled the day. I always believed it was built in OP because of it's proximity to wealthy suburbs.
  8. All of those leagues have had more teams move than the NFL. Atlanta alone has lost two NHL teams.
  9. I live in south east FL. I've gone to a lot of Bills, Dolphins games, there are almost as many Biils fans as Dolphins fans. No one goes to Panthers or Marlins games and those that do are usually there to root for the opponent. The Heat has fans.. Teams most likely to move to LA are the three teams that were once there, Rams, Raiders and Chargers.
  10. This is depressing. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24575274/how-many-more-seasons-does-tom-brady-realistically-have-left
  11. I always felt he was aiming the ball and I blame coaching. He is a different player in two minute drill, because he plays instinctively.
  12. What if Spikes has a bad year or has a good year and leaves? I think you are right about grading the draft.
  13. Don't know about Marrone yet, but they did get Hackett some help. Spikes has a one year deal. I think a draft should be judged before it happens.
  14. PSL stands for Personal Seat License. It is a license that is purchased that gives the owner the right to buy season tickets for seats in a specific stadium. The license can be sold to someone else or if season tickets are not purchased it can revert back to the team.
  15. Let's review that list: 1) Brady is never playing for the Bills. If he left NE, they would let him choose, he is not choosing Buffalo. 2) Eli Manning, he refused to play in San Diego, you think he's going to play in Buffalo. 3) Bradford? We have people calling EJ a bust, Bradford has had four years. 4) Dalton isn't going anywhere. 5).KC gave up two 2nd rounders, Smith stays. 6) Stafford has been injured more than EJ and he is not going anywhere. 7), 8), 9), and 10) Does anybody really want any of these guys other than as a backup? That could turn out to be steep also. There is only one QB on the field at a time. There are usually three or four WRs.
  16. No, it was 2013 second and what became 2014 second, seems a little steep. You can't give that up and the draft a QB in the first.
  17. Yeah, but there are always tax payers that object to using public funds. This funding would be voluntary. There are also a lot of Bills fans that don't live in Erie County or in my case even in NY State.
  18. Please don't blast me for this, it is just a thought. I know that fans can't own the team, like in Green Bay, but could fans own all or part of a stadium?
  19. Smith wasn't coming to the Bills last year. Not after they drafted EJ.
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