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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. http://www.wgr550.com/pages/9034669.php?pid=406523 Watkins let a pass go right through his hands! This guy is a bust. I knew it.
  2. I don't care if they hold it in somebody's basement in North Tonawanda as long as they televise it.
  3. I use to have a Bucky Brooks Bills card and those were his stats.
  4. I'm optimistic about Schwartz, but while reading that article, the first thing that came to mind was, fumbles may be random, but only the Bills fumble twice on game winning drives in the same game.
  5. I don't like the "San Francisco Bay Area" should have been "San Francisco-ish"
  6. I think at that point we would have clung to anything.
  7. How about when Jones and Nelson went down? Who were the receivers? Martin and?
  8. I felt that Hackett was limiting Manuel not the other way around. Manuel appeared to me to be so worried about turn overs that he would check down, so worried about ball placement that he would aim the ball. Manuel's best drives came in crunch time. He would stop thinking and play instictivly, way less checking down no more aiming the ball. This tendency started in the first preseason game.
  9. In this day and age I find it depressing that you can't watch games. You can't even watch replays of games online? I can't imagine going back to the days when I would watch a game I didn't care about just to see what the score was in the Bills game, or driving all over the place to find a bar showing the Bills. To answer your question last years offense was pretty predictable. I'm not sure what the plan was last year. Why not get young guys like Hackett and Manual all the help you can? Did they want to limit the number of voices in a Manuals ear? They have rogognized that what they were doing wasn't working. I think they knew it last year, which is why Hackett was down on the field for the last part of the season. If this offense does not produce this year Hackett will be gone.
  10. What exactly are the five chances Sullivan is referring too? 1) Late for meeting. 2) Late for meeting. 3) Arrested for possession of illegal substance. 4) Arrested for drag racing. What's number five? Mourning the loss of his brother? Dareus' behavior smacks of immaturity not a pattern of criminal behavior. So for this they should cut him?
  11. I saw him play QB at the Old Rockpile, 1968 I think.
  12. What could possibly be the advantage of keeping Dareus from participating in OTAs? Some alone time? More time to get in trouble?
  13. Statistics can be misleading. One of the articles you posted states that the stats don't take into consideration the protection or the speed with which a QB gets rid of the ball.. What if you were able to review all the roughing calls on Brady and you determined that 25% were "bad" calls. You the did the same for Campbell and only 10% were "bad". What would your conclusion be? Now I don't believe that either you or I have the time, inclination or the resources to do this. What it means however is that neither statistic nor anecdotal evidence are conclusive.
  14. http://duelingcouches.blogspot.com/2013/01/tom-brady-gets-favorable-treatment.html
  15. Do you have any statistics to prove I'm wrong? And do you know what silly? Calling someone you have never met a "mush brain".
  16. Wouldn't your observation that Fouts is a mush brain be anecdotal or do you have statistics to prove that? Perhaps you are a neurologist that has examined him? Fouts along with a number of former and current NFL players believe Brady receives preferential treatment, are they all mush brains? Are statistics the only evidence? Does eye witness observation, because it is "anecdotal" not count? "Your honor I observed that man, the defendant, shoot Bill Smith." "I'm sorry your testimony is anecdotal, do you have any statistics to back that up? You don't like The defendant do you? " "No your Honor I don't, but he still shot Bill Smith."
  17. So Fouts doesn't count because he has a mush brain from playing in an NFL where the star QBs were not given special treatment?
  18. You are aware that Dan Fouts is a HOF QB and not a disgruntled rival? I started this thread, because I'm sick of a Brady, sick of Belichick, sick of the Patriots and sick of their front running smug fans. I find it depressing that this could go on for years. I believe that rule changes and preferential treatment of star QBs, Brady in particular, have contributed to his longevity.
  19. J. D. Hill, Ahmad Rashad and Bob Chandler were pretty good. As were Reed, Lofton and Beebe, but I get your point.
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