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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. By the time Flutie got to the Bills hadn't he been playing professional football for like ten years?
  2. The interior of this D Line is much better than the team of the 1990s. Jeff Wright was the Achilles heal.
  3. Chris Burkett got onto a very visible shouting match with Kelly and a week later he was a Jet. Yes and yes, I'll have the orange Kool-Aid thank you. Oh and I had to leave the room for wide right. Burkett was traded in 1989 after two games.
  4. I just think it is too complicated for the Toronto group no matter who is the majority owner. If the offer is even close it's just easier to do business with Pegula.
  5. What bothers me about Hogan, is he a practice star? I keep thinking of Josh Reed, not that he and Hogan are similar type players, it's just that they practice great. Not so great in games. Old adage applies to Graham, you can't teach speed. Can you teach catching the ball?
  6. I did it last preseason without an HDMI cable. I can't remember how, I'll get back to you.
  7. Agree, makes everybody happy. Isn't $1.3B getting a little rich for JBJ as majority owner?
  8. I'm confused, Bon Jovi estimated net worth is somewhere between $300 - $500m. To be the majority owner wouldn't he have to put up every cent he has? How does this get past the NFL owners?
  9. See this is the direction this thread needed to go in.
  10. I would have liked it four years ago when that ad was running. And yes that pitchman was bitten by a hooker in Miami, I think he was trying to stiff her.
  11. Don't pay any attention, this is just a rumor spread to keep out the riffraff. You will have your own wait staff and might I suggest the Menu Degustacion.
  12. If you encounter a long line just go into a luxury box and pee in the sink.
  13. Willie Totten at QB for the Bills and by the end of the game Parcells was so frustrated that he had Lawrence Taylor playing QB. Taylor had crossed the picket line.
  14. Sorry to hear Gerald Ford got cut, played well at Michigan. Served the country well when Nixon resigned.
  15. I agree, because this means great running game and great D.
  16. I think Alphadawg said the Chargers were notoriously slow starters.
  17. Although I would love this. This is more likely.
  18. Thanks, I have a question. Last year I felt that EJ was at his best when he would just play, good two minute drills. Then there were times he seemed , and I hate to use this word, tentative, aiming the ball not throwing it. Is this what you are referring to?
  19. So he was so out of shape that it took three days to get into shape?
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