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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Never lived in the East Village just had friends there. Lived on W68th between Columbus and CPW. Among other places
  2. Somehow I fully expect to see a photo of those being worn to Walmart, and the back view will not look like that.
  3. Been to both of those places, also lived on the Upper Westside (please Dean don't take offense, that's what it's called) a lfe time ago.
  4. Vader, you of all people should appreciate all black uniforms! Oh the irony.
  5. Aren't the Bills playing a preseason game there next week?
  6. I love the fact that there could possibly be a Bills Bar in the East Village. I haven't lived in a NYC for some time, but lived there for 18 years. I was in the restaurant business. Spent some time in your neighborhood, man things change. Like the Second Avenue Deli not being on Second Ave anymore, or even in the East Village. I wish you luck.
  7. But you haven't multiplied or divided anything. Oh and I forgot "different era".
  8. What is the name of the receiver from Texas A&M? And where did he go? Seriously I'm drawing a blank.
  9. I got nothing, just thought somebody needed to jump on.
  10. Re-watching game, third and short on first drive is on Chandler, he completely whiffed on Hardy.
  11. How about the no call on the Mike Williams catch? He caught it so it wouldn't have mattered, but come on. The defender had both arms around him. A body slam tackle is going to get a penalty every time.
  12. "I'm in with the in crowd I go where the in crowd goes I'm in with the in crowd And I know what the in crowd knows Anytime of the year, don't you hear? Dressing fine, making time"
  13. Nope mirroring won't work. Tried an app called Airweb, that won't work either.
  14. Loaded NFL app onto iPad, went to site. Turned on Apple TV turned on Air Play and mirroring on iPad, Had same screen on both. I'll check it with tonight's game.
  15. The Tournedos Rossini at Old Man River in Tonawanda.
  16. How does MS drum up other bidders, cold calls? Seriously, the list of potential bidders has to be pretty short. How long do they wait?
  17. So then your comparing Flutie's third and fourth year of professional football to Manuel's rookie year.
  18. Read that Kiko isn't going to show until the Bills move to One Bills Drive. He's running from Oregon as part of his rehab.
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