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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Ah obscure reference to the dawn of the red helmets.
  2. Or Marrone had been screaming for a veteran backup like Orton and he got Palmer. Reports state the Bills had been trying to sign Orton for a while. My guess is Ralph's bean counters wouldn't pony up. Thus the pissed offedness.
  3. So Marrone was wrong for for not having a QB coach and wrong for bringing one in? Got it.
  4. Let the beatification process begin. Soon there will be pilgrimages.
  5. Is there a similarity between a concession at the Ralph and this?
  6. In never paid any attention to them. Does Jerry still have the pole dancers?
  7. I think we should ask Travis Henry to hold the money.
  8. I think sometimes you will get information at this site that is insightful and other times it will be full of cliches. Everyone associated with football isn't insightful, nor are they all trite. You could probably make that statement about everything. I like the concept of the site, thanks for sharing it.
  9. So as opposed to every other year, I called. All I said was "can you do anything for me?". They gave me fifty bucks off and then said I was eligable for a system upgrade free. I know, I know only free if I stay with them for two years. So they sent me the Genie and some minis. Easy enough to conect except for my Logitech universal remotes. After 12 hours I quit. Sent Logitech email took a few days for a response, which was useless . It might as we'll have been " have you tried turning them off and on again?". Logitech claims that if you call after 90 days you have to pay $30. I called, took them two minutes to fix the problem never asked for $30.
  10. I did not see EJ at the wedding his lack of leadership is obvious. No wonder he wasn't voted a captain!
  11. So is this site articles written only by players or ex-players? Or will they include coaches, scouts, etc?
  12. Here goes, John Y. Brown comes out of nowhere, buys the Bills. Trades franchises with Bob Kafts, Kafts moves team to San Diego after Chargers move to LA.
  13. Why hasn't EJ come out and said he is going to play until he's fifty! This is the problem, EJ needs to step up!
  14. I lived in NYC in the seventies and eighties, became a Giants fan, but that ended with Super Bowl XXV. Have lived in south FL for last twenty two years, can never be a Dolphins fan.
  15. Two years to figure out what we all knew.
  16. Everyone that works there eventually goes crazy.
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