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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. The only time I've ever been physically accosted at a game, was at a Bills, Dolphins game in Miami. It was a drunk Bills fan that thought I was a Dolphins fan.
  2. Did you read Sully's article today? It seems that the reason the Sabres didn't turn it around after Pegula purchase is because they didn't listen to Sullivan. How arrogant is that?
  3. I once got sued for $2m, for the intent to commit mental anguish , because I questioned a tip that a customer left wait staff. It went on for a few years. The jerk eventually got nothing.
  4. Watch the Inside the NFL. Ed Reed wants to know the whole story before he condemns his "brother" Ray Rice. Gumbel and Esiason don't really disagree. Well Ed, your "brother" punched a woman and knocked her out. What do you think Ed? Was Ray threatened? Was he defending himself? Then to add insult to injury the producers of this show have Brandon Marshall as a guest, who of course was stabbed by his wife on a domestic violence incident, unbelievable.
  5. Ok this story is mind boggling. I have not lived on Buffalo for forty years, so I am of no help. Someone tell JMora where to stay, what to do. Someone needs to invite them to tailgate.
  6. Don't know about now but at one point in time Wayne Huizenga owned the Dolphins, Panthers and Marlins.
  7. My living room in Delray Beach FL. I think I'll grill some Italian sausage at half time.
  8. Talked to a kid on the beach here in FL wearing a Bills jersey. He was about ten, asked him if he was from Buffalo , he said no but his dad was. He said he hoped the Bills are good this year, I said me too. As I walked away I thought , the Bills have not been remotely good in this kids lifetime. And so the cycle goes on, the misery and joy of being a Bills fan. Saw a homeless guy wearing a Thurman Thomas Dolphins jersey. Did a double take.
  9. Game perpetration: Beer Chips Wings Remote charged Comfortable chair
  10. As I said 147 pages ago, we need to start the beatification process. I'm very familiar with it, since I threw my hat into the ring to be elected Pope.
  11. What your saying is true, but isn't it possible that half way through camp Marrone knew the back up QBs had "regressed" and started asking for a veteran back up. Wanted Orton and they gave him Palmer. Is it possible that this is why Marrone played Palmer for three quarters, to show how much he sucked? Isn't it possible that this was about money?
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