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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Is this the same guy that kept going back and forth with Boller and McNair?
  2. It has been my contention for years that Ralph Wilson was the problem. Ralph was good for the league but not his own franchise. The bone headed moves are too numerous and painful to list. I hope Pegula does better. That still leaves us with years of rebuilding and I'm really sick of waiting.
  3. I don't want them to just win the division, I want them to win a Super Bowl. If Manuel is a bust then we have moved further from that goal. Smith was a bust until he got good coaching.
  4. How could you possibly be pumped? EJ Manuel's failure is a disasters for this organization. So now what? Another QB search? This time they will go the FA or trade route. That always works.
  5. I am amazed by all the people that are happy about this. Ultimately what it means is that the Bills don't have a QB. It also means that the entire organization will get blown up. Some here will rejoice. Another GM, another coach, another QB search. Of course the next guys will be better or not. In the end it means this organization will not be competitive. Yet another rebuild.
  6. I mean this in all honesty, how can you tell guys are wide open when watching on TV? I kept wondering if this were the case but can't tell, are you watching something I'm not?
  7. I agree Brady gets special treatment. Are we just overly sensitive to it or is it universally recognized? Outside of New England of course.
  8. Houston is beatable. Neutralize Watt by running the ball. Another random thought, $8k for a head butt and $11k for socks, WTF NFL?
  9. Not a fan of Goodell or ESPN, but this was a publicity stunt. I'd never heard of Bill Simmons before yesterday.
  10. I'm not really one for conspiracy, but when you see plays like Brady trying to spike one of the Bills (can't remember who) it makes you wonder.
  11. Then the "hit" on Brady would be legal and yet a penalty was called.
  12. At the very least I think he would have preferred a gentler approach.
  13. Does anyone else remember the penalty against the Bills for a defender pushing Brady with one hand after he threw a interception? It was a couple of years ago. Brady was moving in the direction of the return. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24724332/chip-kelly-on-baker-hitting-foles-thats-news-to-me-if-thats-a-legal-hit
  14. I'm so use to the Bills getting ripped, that as I started reading and didn't see them in the D or even C section I was certain the article would end with a special F section just for the Bills.
  15. I'll take Buffalo Bills for $100 Alex. Who are Rob Johnson and Doug Flutie?
  16. I think coaching is exactly it. Not that it's all on coaching with EJ, but he seems so worried about turning the ball over that he checks down or is tentative with his throws. It is a different kind of tentative than Edwards suffered from. I don't thimk EJ is scared, he is so worried about the interception his mechanics become bad. As I've said before, his best drives have been two minute drills or over time. That being said Geno is a turn over machine.
  17. I couldn't agree more. It isn't just this site. My brother and one nephew were calling for Orton, my other nephew thinks they should cut EJ. The Bills stunk as a team yesterday. From the coaching all the way down.
  18. It will take less time to approve the Pegulas than it did for me to type this. I do however type with one finger.
  19. I was never a fan of Flutie. His career in Buffalo reminded me of a major league pitcher that doesn't have enough pitches. Once opponents get a look at him and figure out want he can and cannot do, he's done.
  20. You mean the guy that once said he didn't understand why teams didn't try field goals on third down, because if they missed they could try again on fourth. That Stephen A. Smith?
  21. I count 30 wins by elite QBs. You could make the argument for a few more, but it is closer to 60% to 70%. Not 85% to 90% and I watched everyone of those guys play.
  22. Hate is too strong a word. I feel that we dislike him a great deal, in all instances.
  23. Chuck Rhinebeck is a legend, he has a town named after him in Upstate NY.
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