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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. That blockbuster Herschel Walker trade worked out well for the Vikings.
  2. I agree. I have noticed that both QBs perform better in two minute drill than the rest of the game, could this have anything to do with Hackett?
  3. One of the worst trades ever, but my criteria was a guy that was with a team for a long time and consistently won.
  4. Because Spiller plays like he is running on one leg.
  5. I don't disagree, but franchise QBs are not easy to find. The Bills have had one in their 55 year history. Kemp was a good game manager, smart, had a great running game and very good defense. Joe Ferguson was a gamer, but franchise? So the only real franchise QB was Kelly. You can say this about most NFL teams. Most have had one or two franchise QBs. If you count Bledsoe the Pats have had two, the Jets one and the Dolphins two. I do believe that it should be easier today than in the past. Free agency helps, and the rookie pay scale means that you can take a shot in the first round. If your wrong it is not a financial disaster.
  6. I don't want to seem like a snob, but I've never heard of a pizza log, and does Western NY really need additional junk foods?
  7. Just when you think this is different, Kim fires Marrone and hires Harvey Johnson posthumously.
  8. What? It was EJ's fault! He shinned a laser in Orton's eyes!
  9. Had a great time in all three, my sister still has a house walking distance from the Lake. It is now the Sunset Beach club I think. A shadow of its former self.
  10. Littmann is going to personally count the money. One, two, three, four......
  11. Hackett is in over his head. For three quarters it was like the Bills had no WR. The offense looked exactly the same as it did in the previous four games. Marrone needs to take over the offense, but he won't. He fixed the problem with special teams by using starters not a coaching change. I believe Hackett will be Marrone's undoing.
  12. Hey that's my joke! One of the great QB duels of all time, Willie Totten vs Lawrence Taylor.
  13. I agree Belichick thinks it's him. Not only the players he traded or cut, but all those moves in the draft. At some point you have to draft people. You can't just keep trading out. No matter how many times the media anoints him a genius.
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