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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Last Bills vs Chiefs game I attended was the 1966 AFL Championship. Game was in Buffalo and the Chiefs were favored, didn't turn out very well. That Bills team was on it's way down, this team is on its way up, Bills win.
  2. Add in the coaching hires and chastising the fans for him having to fire Williams and it may just make him the worst. He is the reason for the mess this team has been in since. Ralph gave him more control than anyone had ever had. Donohoe is why Ralph brought Marv back and then Nix.
  3. s"Screwed up his coaching hire" is an understatement. He hired guys that were on no ones radar. I believe he did this so that the head coach was beholding to him. Donohoe was never going to lose a power struggle like he did to Cowher.
  4. I don't think Cowher will coach again. TV gig is too easy and pays well. Don't see them going with Schwartz. They need to fix the offense.
  5. Funny reading this, my wife at one time was the manager of the Garibaldis in Charleston, same owner.
  6. Didn't Mr Ags Fire himself last year? Why did he do that?
  7. Foster Brooks was a one trick pony, but boy what a trick.
  8. Yes it worked, that's my point! You run, you run, you became predictable and then THROW THE DAMN BALL!
  9. I'm the biggest homer there is. I picked the Bills to win 10. I liked the Marrone hire. I still think EJ can be good. However, when you have started three consecutive drives with a run don't you need to start a drive with play action?
  10. Or Watt would have killed him. Orton's downside is lack of mobility and he holds the ball too long.
  11. I don't want to argue with other Bills fans after a win. You guys are right Hackett is the second coming of Bill Walsh. Running on every first down is genius, play action is over rated.
  12. Only because the Jets offence is so incredibly inept, not because the Bills offense is so awesome. All those three and outs don't provide a lot of opportunity for turnovers.
  13. You should have tried a couple of more cliches in that last sentence. They were "working on the run game" when they were only up by seven. Did you like the last drive of the first half? You know the drive that gave the Jets a field goal. The reason the Jets were still in it through the third quarter is Hackett's play calling. The Jets defensive weakness is their secondary. You have to exploit that, not avoid it. Woods and Watkins were "college open" on some of those catches. You don't go away from what's working until they stop you.
  14. I love the kid, I think the trade was a great move. When they picked him I jumped up and down a number of times. Sammy should be all over the highlights this week, but now it will be for the wrong reason. I doubt he'll ever do it again.
  15. You cannot play that way. You either have confidence in your players ability to execute or you don't.
  16. Yes that's right turn overs inside the thirty, team with bad secondary, good D line, so run, run, pass, field goal. That's what Belichick would do.
  17. I'm sorry but when you get turn overs on the other teams side of the field, when their streghth is D-line and weakness is their secondary, you have to take a shot. Maybe just once.
  18. If I said this once during the game I said it ten times. Hackett is just awful.
  19. I'm I the only one that heard last Sunday's announcer say, "looks like it's Boobie Dixon or bust"?
  20. Does McFaddens hire a bus? I'd call them and ask 212-986-1515.
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