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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. In another thread last week someone ousted a quote from Hackett that basically said take what they give you and don't force the ball down field. That is playing scared. That is why they are ineffective in the red zone. That is why they check down. I agree that they shouldn't go with the up tempo, but that was what Marrone/Hackett was suppose to bring, innovation got thrown around a lot. My question is, what is this offense? What is their philosophy?
  2. I've asked these questions in other threads. 1.) How is it that both QBs have exactly the same issues? 2.) I thought Marrone's offense was no huddle, up tempo, what is this offense?
  3. Ok this proves once and for all that I have slow eyes and an inability to process information. I saw "any word on Kiko?", thus resulting in my extreme confusion pertaining to all of your replays.
  4. How can both Orton and Manuel have the same issues? Inaccurate, inability to find reveivers down field and ineptitude in the red zone. I don't believe in coincidence.
  5. Johnny Unitas would stink in this offense.
  6. Fourth and one against Cleveland he was lined up as tailback behind Dixon. Dixon went up the middle for no gain.
  7. If this is true, then he has had a God awful career. Your right and they did the same to Manuel.
  8. Right before GB last play, I said to my brother and wife, who were both predicting gloom, "sack, fumble, TD". I was close, I must be psychotic!
  9. You are absolutly correct. I sick of saying this, how is it possible that Orton and Manuel have exactly the same issues?
  10. OL has regressed under this staff. Wood, Pears, and Urbick were at least adequate under previous staff. Spiller was on his way to being a force. Johnson regressed to the point he got traded. I don't want to hear the excuse that Gailey's offense coverd up their weaknesses, because if he could do that why the hell can't this staff? A prime example of the ineptitude of the offensive coaching is a formation in the Cleveland game. Forth and one, I formation with Dixon as up back and Watkins at tailback. Never seen that formation before haven't seen it since. I may have slow eyes and lack to mental acumen to process information (this was established a number of pages ago), but I know that for that to be successful you had to have run Watkins from that formation. Make the D worry about him running a sweep, because it had been done before.
  11. The OL, specifically the guards are a problem, but Manuel and Orton have had exactly the same issues. The most glaring is the red zone production. How is that not on coaching?
  12. Hey any of you guys see Sully's article about because of Whaley the Bills are relevant, but because of Marrone they are equally irrelevant. I love Friday, have the Christmas Boat Parade tonight, Christmas Parade and a couple of parties tomorrow night. Then Bills, Packers on Sunday with my brother. He will rant against Whaley, Marrone, Hackett, Orton and EJ. I will as always try and be the voice of reason and blame Ralph for the state of the Bills, but in the same breath thank him. So that is why I love this site, I feel at home.
  13. John, we have already established that I am an idiot that can't read. I miss read the article. Can I get on put probation for self deprecation?
  14. I'm going to change my screen name to Emily Litella, "never mind".
  15. I completely read that wrong., my apologies. I thought Woods said "wasn't"not "was". I guess because I sceam "throw the ball down field" at my television every Sunday I expected to read "wasn't".
  16. I think you are probably right. Marrone could be gone if he loses out.
  17. John, read Sully's column from yesterday. It's not conjecture by Sully, both Woods and Whatkins clearly stated that throwing the ball down field was not in the game plan. Again, how is that possible? Your right about QBs being able to change the play, but if they do it continuously, I don't think that would bode well.
  18. I understand not being able to fix everything all at once. Guard and TE need to be a priority. Based on who was available and when Orton was a good pick up. A gamelan that does not include throwing down field is head scratching. Both Orton and Manuel have been vilified for not throwing down field and yet we have now learned, at least for one game it was not in the game plan. How is that possible?
  19. If I missed this being discussed else where, I appoligize. If there was not a conflict between Marrone and Whaley there should be now. Yesterday in Sully's article both Woods and Whatkins stated that throwing down field to the WRs in the Denver game was not in the game plan. So the plan was to not utilize a second round pick or a first rounder you traded up for. Think about that, arguably the two best play makers on the offense, whose jobs are to catch passes down field, not in the game plan. If I were Whaley I'd like an explanation.
  20. In Sully's column today, both Woods and Watkins state that throwing down field to WRs was not in the game plan. First round pick, traded up for and second round pick, let's not use them. Aren't these guys the two best play makers on the offense? Some will now make this about Orton and Manuel, but how is it that both these guys have the same issues? This is a timid offense without an identity.
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