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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. I never thought it would be Rex, but I'm warming up to it. I was leaning towards Kubiak or Schwartz.
  2. I've been thinking the same thing other than the two guys you mentioned, who else is there?
  3. I don't think EJ was afraid to run. I think he was told not too. The same as he was told not to "force" the ball down field. Sometimes the injury thing is just bad luck. Phil Simms was injured a lot early in his career and got benched in favor of Scott Brunner.
  4. I wouldn't give up anything for either Foles or Glennon. They need to sign a free agent and draft a guy.Is Jake Locker a free agent?
  5. The only highlighted guy on that list I would bother with is Foles.
  6. Understand that Bills fans are the best most loyal fans any franchise could hope for. Win for your team, win for yourself and win for the fans.
  7. I don't have a problem with Kyle as OC as long as his father is not the HC, because if Kyle doesn't work out you have to fire both.
  8. I'm unclear as to the debate, we all know what the outcome of hiring Marrone was. The Bills wanted to go outside of their normal MO. So along with retreads and hot coordinators they looked to the college ranks. They wanted someone that could be the head coach for the long run. Kelly decided to stay at Oregon, then changed his mind. Took a chance and decided on Marrone. Marrone had marginal success and then quit. Am I missing something?
  9. For who? Both of the highly touted QBs in the draft scare me, Marriota looks good, but could be the system and Winston just has issues. As far as guys teams would be willing to trade, I'm not very impressed.
  10. So this has nothing to do with anything, but a friend of mine that knows I'm a Bills dropped by. He told me that a friend of his was at the Palm Beach airport and found a computer bag. He tried to give it to a security guard that wouldn't take it. He opened it, the business cards were Russ Brandon's. He called Brandon, who met him in Boca to pick up his bag. He said Brandon was a very nice guy. If I seem to have more insight than usual it is just a coincidence.
  11. I would think that someone with over 29,000 posts would know better than to make sense.
  12. I've been saying basically the same thing for months. Manuel, Orton and Lewis all regressed. All had the same issues. Some on this board will say it is because they all suck, but the unwillingness to go down field and ineptitude in the red zone can't be a coincidence. Offensive line man that had been serviceable became bad, Urbick being a case in point. Spiller was on his way to being a Pro Bowl running back became a bum. A successful offense has to be able to throw over the middle, was there no one on the roster that could do it? What is the common denominator? The Marrone apologists will say Whaley didn't provide the personel. But Gaily, while not a good HC, but a pretty good OC did much more with less.
  13. Good luck man, my brother went through the same treatment last year. Eating is going to become an issue, you will find that sweet things will be what tastes the best.
  14. Frank has no ego, he would have no problem keeping Schwartz and he would have no problem hiring an experienced OC.
  15. No it does not. Marrone may have been offered an extension, but not additional power.And if the plan was to get rid of Whaley and Brandon, why not just do it? Why are they still there?
  16. And the Hugues trade And Kiko And Preston Brown and Graham And Spikes And Diixon And Woods
  17. Is this situation ideal? Hardly, but the suggestion that the Bills would be better if Marrone had stayed another year is ridiculous. If the Pegulas had given into Marrone, then the franchise would truly be in turmoil. Another year would have past and still no direction, no continuity. It would have been postponing the inevitable. As far as Polian is concerned, by his own admission, he did not want to make a long term commitment or work very hard. To his credit he didn't just take Pegula's money. Parcells did just that in Miami, ask Dolphin fans how that turned out.
  18. Williams and Mularkey were hired by Donahoe, they were on no one's radar. He hired them so they would owe him. He was never going to lose another power struggle to a coach. After Mularkey quit, Jauron was all they could find. Gailey was a case of one old fool hires another old fool, who hires another old fool. As much as I'm glad Marrone is gone at least the hire was un-Ralph like. Ralph would have hired Lovie Smith.
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