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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. And here in south Florida they are saying "Shula will still own the Bills"!
  2. Picking up a guard would be nice, but not really a big splash. The biggest splash would be QB, but who is really splashable? And I mean really.
  3. You're right Marrone does deserve some credit now that you mention it, and since I own an insurance agency, maybe I'll offer him a job.
  4. So Jones is ready for the NFL after three games and Manuel is a bust after fourteen, got it.
  5. I did not make this up. I saw the Bills loge recognized Brandon and then realized who he was with.
  6. It's a Marriot, but there or The Seagate.
  7. I asked if he was on board he just smiled. They would never go to the Green Owl, not with all that Steelers crap everywhere.
  8. I only go to the office in the afternoon. What's funny is that I always take notice of the Bills logo, then I realized who it was.
  9. I'm not kidding, they were sitting at a table outside. My wife and I were walking by. Saw the Bills logo on Russ shirt realized who he was, so I introduced myself and told them that I am a Bills fan. I live in Delray Beach FL, which is just north of Boca Raton. No La Boheme on Atlantic, over near the beach.
  10. I just talked to Russ Brandon and Greg Roman, they were having breakfast at a restaurant here in Delray Beach.
  11. Is Roman a done deal? During the late game yesterday I saw that he was interviewing with Cleveland. http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2015/01/greg_roman_unlikely_to_intervi.html Found this, doesn't look like he is going to Cleveland
  12. I'll give Leroi credit for the Ryan/Roman hire, but how could anyone have any idea what will happen in FA or the draft?
  13. I was warming up to the idea of Kubiak, just because the Bills offense was so dreadful. I really never gave Rex any thought, but as a head coach and without looking it up is Kubiak's record better than Ryan's? If they bring in a really strong OC couldn't this work?
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