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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. It is such a crap shoot finding an elite QB. There are only five or six in the league at any given time. By elite I mean a QB that can win with average talent around him. I think NFL franchises have to try and build a team that can win with competent QB play and continually try to find that elite QB. The Bills problem is that for the last couple of decades they did neither.
  2. And here in south Florida they are saying "Shula will still own the Bills"!
  3. Picking up a guard would be nice, but not really a big splash. The biggest splash would be QB, but who is really splashable? And I mean really.
  4. You're right Marrone does deserve some credit now that you mention it, and since I own an insurance agency, maybe I'll offer him a job.
  5. So Jones is ready for the NFL after three games and Manuel is a bust after fourteen, got it.
  6. I did not make this up. I saw the Bills loge recognized Brandon and then realized who he was with.
  7. It's a Marriot, but there or The Seagate.
  8. I asked if he was on board he just smiled. They would never go to the Green Owl, not with all that Steelers crap everywhere.
  9. I only go to the office in the afternoon. What's funny is that I always take notice of the Bills logo, then I realized who it was.
  10. I'm not kidding, they were sitting at a table outside. My wife and I were walking by. Saw the Bills logo on Russ shirt realized who he was, so I introduced myself and told them that I am a Bills fan. I live in Delray Beach FL, which is just north of Boca Raton. No La Boheme on Atlantic, over near the beach.
  11. I just talked to Russ Brandon and Greg Roman, they were having breakfast at a restaurant here in Delray Beach.
  12. Is Roman a done deal? During the late game yesterday I saw that he was interviewing with Cleveland. http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2015/01/greg_roman_unlikely_to_intervi.html Found this, doesn't look like he is going to Cleveland
  13. I'll give Leroi credit for the Ryan/Roman hire, but how could anyone have any idea what will happen in FA or the draft?
  14. I was warming up to the idea of Kubiak, just because the Bills offense was so dreadful. I really never gave Rex any thought, but as a head coach and without looking it up is Kubiak's record better than Ryan's? If they bring in a really strong OC couldn't this work?
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