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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. If what you mean by "read option" is Orton taking the option to lay on his couch and read instead of playing football, then yes "our" offense will flourish.
  2. Not that hard, just deflate the balls a couple of pounds.
  3. Why not just convert Paul Costa from tackle back to TE?
  4. Why do I have a phobia when it comes to Penn State Players?
  5. In 1961 he had $400k he was willing to lend, for all intents and purposes, to a bankrupt franchise. I'm guessing it wasn't all the money he had. Ralph was already a wealthy man when he bought the Bills. The Bills made him much wealthier. They also generated a considerable profit for him annually. Does your house generate a considerable profit for you?
  6. Ralph Wilson inherited an Insurance company from his father. He also owned radio, TV stations, manufacturing and mining interests. He loaned the Raiders $400K in 1961 which presemt value would be about $3.2m. His entire wealth was not tied up in an illiquid asset.
  7. Kaepernick was fined for a racial slur. He claimed he didn't do it. The official said he did. Being fined is not the same as being black balled. Black balling is denying ones ability to work, that is going to bring a law suit.
  8. Just for clarification, Sherman and Lynch don't work for the NFL. They work for Paul Allen and the Seattle Seahawks. If Sherman and Lynch were bad mouthing the Seahawks I could see them being fired. Unless there are specific rules regarding expressing opinions about the league they can't force Allen to do anything. Paul Allen could tell the league and the other owners to go to hell. If you don't think that happens Google Al Davis. We live in a very litigious society, if the league started pressuring owners to blackball players for speaking negatively, at some point they would get sued. That kind of law suit could jeopardize the NFL's anti-trust exemption. They would never take that chance.
  9. How do you really feel? I happen to agree. I don't think I could have stated it quite so eloquently.
  10. So your supposition is that the Patriots unwittingly have a process with their footballs that inadvertently results in a lower than legal PSI. The PSI of the footballs used by the Colts is meaningless because they don't go through the same process. Is anyone buying that the Patriots didn't know what the end result of the process would be?
  11. So why are franchises not held to the same standard as the players? Isn't this a pattern of cheating? A second offense if you will. Doesn't that get a suspension?
  12. Most of the QBs on that list will not be available at any price. Those that would be available via trade are not worth the asking price. Sign Jake Locker and draft Bryce Petty in the third. Let them compete.
  13. The Patriots should be disbanded, Boston should be leveled and the earth salted so nothing ever exist there again.
  14. I think Marrone over played his hand, nothing more. He tried to leverage Pegula with the opt out. He wanted an extension for himself and coaches, in particular Hackett. Pegula called his bluff.
  15. Waygu is not a region it is the Japanese cattle. Kobe is a type of Waygu. Kobe is a region.
  16. i http://www.forbes.com/sites/larryolmsted/2014/01/07/the-new-truth-about-kobe-beef-2/ Law changed on 2012, still very hard to come by but not impossible. So not everyone is full of it.
  17. I opened the thread, Nucci didn't. And I couldn't care less about Marrone. I find it head scratching that anyone would offer him a job. Set aside the fact that he way over played his hand, didn't O'Brien see how bad the Bills offense was? Friend or not that's hard to overlook. Doesn't the owner of the Texans question the hire?
  18. La Canfora speculating that Marrone ends up as OC in Houston. Anybody seen this anywhere else? http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/writer/jason-la-canfora/24975659/the-case-of-dan-quinn-and-why-the-nfl-needs-to-fix-its-coaching-rules
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