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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. So both you guys want to spend half the draft on RBs?
  2. Buffalotmv, I didn't see you post before I posted thanks for the clarification. So that brings me back to my original post, a 2nd, 4th and 5th on the RB position?
  3. So this years fourth was part of the Watkins trade and last years was traded for Brown? What did they get for Johnson?
  4. So if you include the Brown trade, you think the Bills will use a 2nd, 4th and fifth on th RB position?
  5. You know I was just thinking Hernandez might be available by the time the season starts. He would be killer.
  6. Rob, I didn't take it personally. I'm just screwing around, meaning having some fun, not engaging in coitus or driving a screw phillips or otherwise.
  7. Yo, i was poking fun at Rob for criticizing my use of the word "ignorant". He objected to the fact that I referred to Incognito as ignorant. Ignorance meaning Ill informed, not racist or lacking in character. it is my contention that ignorance is a prerequisite to lack of character or racism. Can't remember whether this is inductive or deductive reasoning, "John is a racist, therefore John is ignorant". Rob, after correcting me, referred to Martin as a "kitty". I get that he was using "kitty" in the colloquial sense not the strict definition. I found it ironic.
  8. I wish people would stop misusing the word "kitty", it means baby cat. I think Jonathan Martin to big to be a baby cat.
  9. So what you are saying is that racists, intolerant or people lacking in character are well informed?
  10. Having a guy like Incognito on the roster is not even a consideration for FA. They have played with all kinds of jerks from high school on. They want to get paid and most want a contender.
  11. Is isexploring Apple's version of being curious? I know typo just couldn't resist.
  12. I'm not a fan of Incognito, he's a punk. However, there is about 1800 players in the NFL. There is always going to be bullies, racist, homophobes and criminals. It is going to be up to his teammates and management to control his ignorance.
  13. Ralph was cheaper with coaches than he was with players. That really was the problem.
  14. So am I to believe that there are athletes that troll for women in bars and there are women who troll for athletes? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!
  15. There has been a great deal of questionable performances. Oh, wait you meant the new server.
  16. I'm sorry, I just can't root for the Pats. I think if they were playing the Taliban I'd have to root for the Taliban.
  17. If what you mean by "read option" is Orton taking the option to lay on his couch and read instead of playing football, then yes "our" offense will flourish.
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