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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. Funny, my brother has had direct dealing with Coumo considers him a thug. Coumo is going to have big problems from the fallout of the Sheldon Silver indictment. Shelly knows where all the bodies are buried.
  2. "Lou Potty", that's funny.Good list, I think they will pick up at least one of those guys.
  3. So McCown had no connection to Bills coaching staff? Wasn't Kromer his OC in Chicago? Wants to mentor Johnny but not EJ? And the Bills are a much better team than the Browns. So that just leaves money, then don't want him anyway. You think the Bills are going to bring in two vet QBs?
  4. Drew Brees, other wise why did SD draft Manning and trade for Rivers? And maybe Alex Smith
  5. I completely concur. They have to bring in a vet FA, not trafe for somebody. And you have to draft QBs early to mid until you get it right.
  6. The fact that McCown signed with Cleveland tells me he felt he had a better chance to start there. Which in turn would indicate that the coaches and front office are not as down on EJ as some believe. IMO (meaning conjecture)
  7. Can trades he made before the start of the league year? If so why wait? And Leroi said McCown/Locker. Why trade for Locker? If a deal has been made with Locker, it is tampering.
  8. Isn't there an "Imo" at the end of Leroi's post?
  9. Do you know why they changed to the red helmets? It was to help Ferguson cut down on interceptions. It didn't work. They are going back to the red helmet to help McCown/Locker. It didn't work last time so why not try it again.
  10. Just so that I'm clear, two guys, McCown and Locker, who are currently not under contract are going to battle it out. McCown could be under contract by tomorrow, but Locker? Neither he nor his agent are allowed to even have a conversation with anyone from any team. Yet it is a forgone conclusion that Locker and his agent will choose Buffalo over any other team? To many variables, sorry, I don't care how inside some one may be but no one could know any of that.
  11. Remember when he was the greatest thing since sliced bread?
  12. The Patriots were the Bills original rival in the 1960s. Then for about thirty years the Pats weren't much of anything, no reason to hate. They were replaced by the Dolphins after the 0 for the 1970s. I hate them both.
  13. A few months ago I saw a homeless guy wearing a Thurman Thomad Dolphins jersey. Which in the grand scheme of things means about as much.
  14. This is just so obvious, I don't understand why some people just don't get it. At any given time there are four or five elite QBs, ten franchise QBs(including the elite), Qbs are not easy to find.
  15. Wasn't Bruce considered a bust after his rookie year?
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