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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. John, I've said this before, EJ's best moments came during two minute drills. When there is no time to think. The rest of the time he was over thinking which led to indecision. Thus checking down or not pulling the trigger.
  2. I think you're right, but this just keeps getting worse. I'm thinking four game suspension no matter what he does.
  3. Costas on NBC Nightly News again tonight, completely back pedaling. Now it's not "gamesmanship " it's cheating. Thinks Brady will be suspended for at least on game. He is still a tool.
  4. What ever anyone thinks of McCoy's comments, isn't he entitled to his opinion? Not according to Sullivan, apparently Mr. Sullivan believes players should be seen and not heard. Only Mr. Sullivan should express his opinion.
  5. After watching NFL Total Access I'm convinced this will be a slap on the wrist, very disappointing.
  6. Bob Costas, was just on NBC Nightly News. He said this is no big deal, just "gamesmanship". What a tool.
  7. You usually needed a Sheriff's Card, but those could be had too.
  8. The Polian thread is annoying, but it's like a car accident. I can't look away.
  9. How exactly were the Bills supposed to do more at the QB position? We have no idea what they may have tried. It's easy to say just trade for Rivers or Bradford. What would it take to get Rivers? And would the Chargers even entertain the idea of trading him? The Bills didn't have a QB like Foles to include in a trade package, so what would the Rams have wanted for Bradford? Should they have traded away the next two years draft for Wnston or Mariota? And who's to say the Bucs or Titans were interested? So then what draft another project QB? There is already three of those on the roster. The only sure think they could have done is over draft one of those second tier guys, and then what would be the reaction of pundits or this board.
  10. It was 2004, hurricanes Francis and Jean both made land fall along the Treasure Coast. More Vero Beach than Port St Lucie. Port St Lucie is on the St. Lucie River, not directly on the coast. I think they both made land fall as cat threes. We were evacuated for both. The next year was when there were so many named storms that they got into the Greek Alphabet. We got hit by Wilma, a cat three. No one was evacuated because they thought it was only going to be a tropical storm. It was pretty scary. We haven't had a major storm since. The gulf coast is more susceptible to storm surge because it is shallow and shaped like a bowl. The insurance is expensive, but I'm not sure it would off set a state and city income tax. When I lived in NYC my federal, state and city taxes totaled 55%, but that was awhile ago.
  11. I would argue that Reich was the second best QB that Polian drafted. Polian's longest tenure was the Colts. When you get to take a once in a lifetime QB it helps job security, and even with that they still only won one SB.
  12. Just to be clear, Polian was not the Bills GM when Kelly was drafted. He drafted Kerry Collins when GM of the Panthers. Collins lasted four years with the Panthers. He took the Colts job when they had the number one pick and took Patyon Manning.
  13. So how do you feel about EJ? Oh come on you were all thinking it.
  14. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000488760/article/lael-collins-police-to-schedule-interview-after-draft Baton Rouge police say he is not a suspect, but still want to speak with him. Sad story woman was eight months pregnant, baby survived.
  15. I agree and I think Laken Tomlinson is as good a guess as any. They could go QB in the third if on of those second tier guys are there. If they go QB in the second it means they have no faith in EJ.
  16. The poster I was replying to stated that it was Al Davis' signing NFL QBs that lead to the merger. Those guys are all well past the merger. And Stabler didn't play for an NFC team until the very end of his career.
  17. Let me qualify this, although I believe Namath belongs in the Hall, he was never the brightest guy. He once quit football for his partnership in Bachelors Three, a short lived crapy bar.
  18. Name one former NFL QB that played for the Raiders. The NFL and AFL did battle for draft picks. Namath was the AFL's biggest win. They pretty much left each other's players alone until the NY Giants signed Pete Gogolak away from the Bills. The gloves were off after that. This one event was the most instrumental in leading to the merger. Namath was great and belongs in HOF.
  19. Disband the Patriots, exile Krafts, Belichick and Brady. Burn that stadium to the ground and salt the earth so nothing ever grows there.
  20. Lamonica, imagine the mad bomber on this team.
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