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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. I don't think that "train wreck" necessarily refers only to the 49ers record. The situation with Harbaugh was hanging over that team all season. The FO didn't try and fix it they fueled it. Everything that has happened since just confirms what a mess they are. The Bills were considered a train wreck when Marrone quit and Polian turned Pegula down, however the moves made by the Bills since then have them in playoff discussions. The Bills took adversity and dealt with it. The 49ers not so much.
  2. You're probably right, but there are only 32 HC jobs in the NFL. Guys who are in the first contract of their first NFL HC job rarely walk away. What was his end game? Why jeopardize the position at all? New owner that didn't hire him, didn't make the playoffs. I think it's possible that he just wanted out.
  3. I rarely watch the 49ers, but just as was the case with Rex and the Jets, everyone knew Harbaugh was done there. That is a different situation. The entire 49er organization is a train wreck.
  4. Except if you watched the Bills the last two years. A number of players regressed, Spiller, Glenn and Wood to name a few. The handling of EJ Manuel could not have been worse. I believe that part of Marrone's decision to leave was that he knew he was in over his head.
  5. I agree, if we are right and EJ and OL step up this team could be very good.
  6. His campaign slogan is "We Shall Over Comb".
  7. dEvery time Hogan does anything I do the same, makes my wife laugh.
  8. I don't know anything about this guy, but from that link it doesn't seem Falcon fans are going to miss him.
  9. They would have signed anything? How do you know this? Were you there? Have you ever had to deal with municipal or county government on any kind of agreement? They would have signed anything? How do you know this? Were you there? Have you ever had to deal with municipal or county government on any kind of agreement?
  10. No it is not, but you make the second half of your assumption sound easy. So let's assume Ralph's instructions were to negotiate a new lease that would make it difficult for new owners to immediately move the team, while at the same time not screwing themselves. I for one don't think that Brandon, et al, we're give a particularly easy task. Furthermore I believe it was handled masterfully.
  11. Yeah that's right businesses that make hundreds of millions and are worth over a billion only need one ninety year old confined to a wheelchair to run it. Ralph could have sent any of us to handle lease negotiations for him. So your position is that Ralph was smart enough to handle this whole lease thing, but an idiot for turning full control over to Brandon a year later.? I mean after all Brandon is really nothing more than a waiter deserving of nothing more than a tip, and at 15% a bad tip at that.
  12. Leg work means going to the endless meetings required to get anything done with local governments. So you think Ralph, in his nineties, the same Ralph Wilson who in his HOF speech said he was appalled to see all the people in wheelchairs at the parade (he meant amazed), you think he handled 85% of this? The Ralph Wilson that was unable to travel, that Ralph Wison?
  13. None of us know who or how involved anyone was in the lease deal. Ralph would have had to sign off on it. Probably was Ralph's idea, but he didn't do the leg work or negotiating. The Pegula ownership is hindsight, was not a forgone conclusion.
  14. I think that Brandon's efforts to regionalize the team were smart, the Toronto experiment not withstanding. It didn't work, but I understood it. Moving training camp to Rochester was a good idea. The combined market of Buffalo and Rochester makes the Bills market a mid sized one rather than a small one. However Brandon's largest contribution, to what ever degreehe participated, was the stadium lease. It eliminated most potential suitors that wanted to move the franchise. This far over shadows anything else.
  15. Lamonica made his team a contender, while the Bills got a one way ticket to Pegulaville.
  16. Ok so now I don't have to check this thread every ten minutes.
  17. And apparently still screwed because of Rex. It seems to me that they have now done everything to help Manuel become successful, by adding both coaches and players.
  18. The most important aspect of this may be that Jeff Littman is no longer with the Bills.
  19. Isn't this just repeating what was written by others? These are not his own observations.
  20. I forgot about Williams, can he even play?
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