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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. They do have a life size EJ decal in stock if you are interested.
  2. I think some of you missed the point. Roth was referring to good players over the last 15 years.
  3. Once again I agree, the coaches will discount nothing. It is Dunne who is discounting, he said "do not be fooled by preseason numbers (13-22 188 yards and two touchdowns). As though those performances should be ignored.
  4. Ok, simulated game like conditions vs drills, happy now? I agree it's all important, which is why I don't understand discounting the numbers from the simulated game like conditions of the practices referred to as preseason or exhibition games.
  5. "EJ Manuel can’t be trusted. Don’t be fooled by his preseason numbers (13 of 22 for 188 yards, two touchdowns). Manuel’s practice tape is littered with one incomplete pass into the hospitality tent, one that drilled a cameraman on the sideline and several fumbled snaps." From Dunne's BN article this morning. Apparently it doesn't matter if someone looks good in a game, what's important is practice.
  6. I'm not a big Manziel fan, but I feel bad for the guy. He seemed to be trying to get his act together.
  7. This is a world of difference. Remember the panic at the last two camps?
  8. That's what I think, seemed to be backtracking a bit. More guaranteed, the other number is just a number.
  9. I don't know what Manuel has to do? He has been good in the scrimmage and both preseason games. I won't comment on practice, because I haven't seen any. He still has a couple of those passes were it looks like he's trying to push the ball to the receiver, but he also has some very good throws. I think he has earned the right to start the next game. My impression of last nights game was that it was Ryan vs Pettine in an exhibition of who has the greater defensive mind. Who blitzes that much in a preseason game? I'm so glad McCown choose Cleveland. In his article today Sully reiterates his contention that Manuel is the Bills biggest draft bust. He's not even close, without trying I rattled off so many guys that were worse that they are too numerous to list.
  10. I know, but this isn't about you, it is about me being entertained. That's it, you got it.
  11. A few months ago I saw a homeless man wearing a Thurman Thomas Dolphin's jersey. I did a triple take.
  12. I'm not interested in running John or anyone else off. Participation in any public forum is going to result in a certain amount of contentiousness. People shouldn't take things personally or make them personal. The impersonal nature of this form of communication makes it easier to be contentious than face to face communication. That being said I'm still confused as to how this QB scenario is playing out. I was hoping that John could shed some light, instead his response was no more enlightened that that of any other poster.
  13. No, but I don't think either have Cassel or Taylor. I have not been at any training camp practices., so all I know is what I've read. I have however watched Friday's game a couple of times and what I saw in Cassel and Taylor are one dimensional QBs, that a coach like Bill Beiichick will easily game plan for. They can't lose twice to the Patriots and go anywhere. What I'm confused about is what I saw in that game, which was the best pass of the night was thrown by Manuel. I'm confused about the scrimmage. The scrimmage was touted by Ryan as being very important, it appeared to be won by Manuel. Yet somehow the hand writing is on the wall?
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