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chris heff

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Everything posted by chris heff

  1. I get it but Fred seemed to always show up.
  2. I know, Kelly is either a genius or a nut.
  3. Chip Kelly obviously didn't trust him. I don't like that he has a hamstring injury. He has taken a lot of hits. He makes me nervous.
  4. I have a bad feeling about this. I don't trust McCoy and behind him they have what? A rookie, a journeyman and a fumbler? They are apparently going to start a guy at QB who has never started in the NFL and you cut a great safety valve and a great blocker. I don't get it.
  5. EJ is the only one to have thrown a TD pass. I think he has thrown four.
  6. Let them game plan for Taylor, then start EJ. Let NE game plan for EJ, then start Taylor.
  7. I agree, but everything EJ does is over analyzed. He is not allowed any latitude. Like the pass that may or may not have been tipped. There are posters that point to that and say "see, bad EJ, that's why he can't start". I know I'm preaching to the choir with you.
  8. I was all for the Marrone hire, because it was not the Bills MO. This is going to sound ridiculous, but after his first press conference I started to wonder. There was just something about him. I had greater concerns when he didn't hire a QB coach. Whether or not he wanted EJ or any other rookie QB, that was the hand he was dealt. He had a rookie OC and yet still no QB coach. Then the decision to go with the hurry up. It all struck me as arrogance. I'm glad Whaley clashed with him, I'm glad Pegula didn't cave and I'm glad Marrone walked, good riddance. He will never have another NFL head coaching job.
  9. So you think with a better OL, additional skill position players, the same D personnel and same ST, the team is three games worse? Why because Marrone was such a great coach?
  10. It was a great pass, but Palmer was wide open one second earlier. You are right EJ looked at him then looked away and then back to him. All of that is good not bad. A year ago EJ checks down.
  11. I saw them both play. Briscoe was a victim of racism, Harris may have been. I remember that the fans weren't very kind to James Harris and that's putting it mildly. Yes it was Dennis Shaw, he was offensive ROY. No, I don't think he saw him right away, go back and look at it.
  12. It might have been late, but that throw had some velocity on it.
  13. Marlin Briscoe played in the NFL for eight years. He only played QB for one year, with the Broncos. Was traded to Bills you made him a receiver. During his time with the Bills one of the QBs he played with was James Harris who is black.
  14. Every QB that played for Marrone/Hacket had the same issues, the greatest of which was the inability to score in the red zone.this was not just an EJ issue.
  15. Last preseason my brother predicted that EJ will end up on another team and come back to haunt the Bills. I've always been an EJ guy. I even predicted he would be the Bills first round pick. I hope they go with EJ. He has prototypical size, a big arm, he can move, and great work ethic. He still has the most potential. I like Taylor, he certainly can move, his arm is way better than I thought, he also has a great work ethic. I wish he were bigger. I won't be disappointed if they give him the job. I'm dumbfounded as to why Cassel is still in the conversation.
  16. When has EJ looked good in preseason? How many QBs did they play in preseason games under Marrone? They all looked bad.
  17. Because it's practice, Rex giving him no help. Just like the first game.
  18. I was thinking about him the other day, he was a great punt catcher
  19. That is a painful list. Thank God it's almost five o'clock.
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