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Everything posted by kdub

  1. Just heard that Marv will be doing an interview on WAMC's Roundtable program today (9-11am), not sure exactly when. Here's the link to their webpage and stream if interested: Webpage Stream
  2. Just want to throw another HELL YES!!! in the pile here.
  3. Sponsors have little to no conscience, and most likely do not care about the health risk. The only reason they would stop supporting the NFL is if the fans decided that they don't agree with the NFL's health risk and stop watching, and that is something that will never happen. Smoking has become shamed because the populous in large has decided that it is not acceptable anymore, and only because that happened did major corporations stop associating themselves with smoking. If smoking is ever widely accepted again by the populous, then corporations will not have any problem with endorsing. Money is king.
  4. Like I said, I wasn't actually stating that it was just an off game for the Sabres or Miller. Regardless, you are basically backing up my first point, that it takes more than just one game to get any "truths" about a team. As for watching the Sabres this year or last for that matter, I haven't been able to watch them since I moved into my current house. We decided to forgo the cable subscription to save some money. I've maybe seen four games in the last two years, but I do stream wgr every couple games, so I really don't have a good handle on how they are playing other than staring at the scoresheets during the game, reading the recaps, listening to RJ and watching highlights. From your description of the last game, sounds like the Sabres are playing like the Bills under Jauron.
  5. How does 1 game out of 82 bring you these "truths"? And if one game can define a team, what about the Atlanta game THE NIGHT BEFORE? What truths did you get form that one? Not saying Miller is or isn't good, or the team is or isn't ready, but I'm wondering how 1 game can answer either of those.
  6. Gonna argue for WickedGame on this one. Watson had control over the pressing of the buzzer. Robot!
  7. I thought John Henry won.
  8. Sigh-of-relief scenario: Bills' pick #3 on clock. Bills' War Room trying to decide and also receiving trade calls. With 60 seconds remaining to pick, war room calls reps at draft. Last thing rep hears is: "We've decided. We want.." Call is dropped. Bengals rush to turn in selection of Newton, who turns into Vince Young pt. 2. Bills end up with Fairley, who leads the Bills D to top 3 D-rankings for 10 straight years. SWEET!
  9. I'm going with Vick here. Bottom line is that the only thing we know for sure on the Roethlisomething case is that he acted like a complete scumbag. No charges filed, no guilty convictions of rape or sexual assault. With Vick it was cut and dry that he was breaking the law and in an incredibly flagrant and inhumane way.
  10. This makes you a grammar vigilante, even worse.
  11. Count me in for both also. Edit: Actually, on second thought, gimme 1.
  12. I noticed that too. No clue as to why it looked like that.
  13. Agreed he doesn't beat Keisel, but Jake Plummer? Did you see that thing? It looks like a 15 yo before his first shave. Hell, my beard right now is light years ahead of his and mine is NOTHING compared to Fitz'
  14. Rules are rules, and using props in TD celebrations is illegal and as such, he should have been fined.
  15. OC, not saying you are wrong with the arguement that other teams probably do not want to trade up, but what you are kind of mis-representing the cost of trade up in you two arguements. They aren't losing two spots in this deal, they are losing 1 sport (the second rounder) to move up from #5 to #3. That move doesn't seem that expensive if they are after someone they really want. Same thing here, you say that the redskins would be losing this year's first, but they are trading for a first, so they are basically giving up the 2nd, 3rd and next years 3rd. Losing two picks in one draft year isn't exactly trading their whole draft away (though I agree, it would be pretty stupid of them).
  16. I doubt he would be looking for long.
  17. I bet its more along the lines of: Fitzwife "Ryan, if you don't cut that beard off, you are never having sex again!" Fitz "Off it goes"
  18. He's improved since he's played for us. His lone completion is a 16 yarder! *checks play-by-play* Oh, it was a check down with a good run after catch. Nevermind.
  19. Sad, but to be expected. Its adthe.net for me.
  20. Bet OP is going to Poughkeepsie. Rough'n it in Upstate New York.
  21. And somehow they have the Jets ranked 5th for a lucky win against Pitts and two bad losses to the phins and pats. Go figure.
  22. Well, if we are considering the 2009 led Jauron Bills, the 2010 team would destroy them. If we are considering after Fewell took over, probably wouldn't be such a blow out, but 2010 would still win out.
  23. Amen. Though I did feel like I was watching Trent again yesterday. That last drive by Henne was CLASSIC. Agreed. Rude and Classless.
  24. I was trying to figure out how to record streaming video myself a few weeks ago (was hoping to set up my computer and record it, wasn't on TV here and I couldn't be around to watch it). I tried a bunch of things, but could not get the feed to record. Most of the solutions assumed that the feed was something like a youtube video, basically not a live feed. The only solution I could suggest is a screen video capture program, not a flash recorder. Problem with that is that it would get your whole desktop, but if the game is in fullscreen, it shouldn't make a difference.
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