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Posts posted by Deadstroke

  1. Did you ever think that just maybe Chan needed a game or 2 under his best to see what the "O" could do in real live game conditions? Yeah, his game plan didn't work and now he knows a few things about his team that he didn't know before, plus how other teams will plan on stopping us.


    Now let's just calm down a bit and see if he can spot ways to get around these problems. I'm thinking that the WR's and the RB's are much better than they were given a chance to show last week, so let's see if a little better game planning/management can turn it around some.


    By the way, the 2nd half Defense looked pretty good....something to build on I'm thinking!!

  2. I have been saying this since training camp - Brian Brohm should be getting a chance here. IF YOU ASK, HOW CAN OFFENSES RAN BY TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT COACHES LOOK SO TERRIBLY SIMILAR? My answer - Trent Edwards!


    Trent is shell shocked! As soon as he senses pressure he runs and his first impulse is always to dump it off. He looks down his recievers, and he almost always looks for a receiver who is standing still.




    Our defense looked pretty good. Sure, our O-line didn't, but as I've said previously, Brohm has a quick backstep away from the snap, has a quick release, a very fast throw, and he is decisive. After the first drive after the half I thought we'd see Fitz in there. I just can't believe Gailey and Co. will allow one QB to ruin their season. I think this performace validates what most of us think - Edwards is ruined. He's damaged mentally.


    The only question that remains is, How long will the fans support this team with him at the helm? Shouldn't we get a chance, before next year, to see what Brohm can do? I mean, we already know who Fitz is. Let's see what Brohm has. I really believe if we would have put Brohm in there at the end of the third quarter we'd of rallied.



    I totally agree with you, my friend. After a pretty good pre-season Trent reverted to his previous ways and went to his checkdown mode....which it was pretty obvious that the "D" was looking for.


    Fitz had a good pre-season also, but now I have to feel that in the regular season he'll also revert to his "can't hit a barn from the inside" ways.


    Go with Brohm, who it's pretty obvious at this point in time at least has the biggest upside. What do we have to lose by trying him? Tell me that, will you!!

  3. This is junk! Green is terrible, Bell played well IMO, it was Meridith that gave up that sack not Bell, Bell was in and out the whole game. Edwards had plenty of time by NFL standards to throw the ball today, and he made terrible decisions and held the ball bringing back the ghost of Losman. Edwards was the problem people, four out of five Olinemen played passable.



    I agree; he stood there, stood there, and stood there, then rolled out and threw an incompletion.....all day. Bring in Fitz or Brohm. I personally like Brohm who seems to make the quickest decisions in the pocket of the three QBs.

  4. What do I know....but IMHO if Nelson comes in with his head and body in shape we have another extremely fast and dangerous receiver to add to our already somewhat fast and dangerous stable. Consider the following players on the field at the same time for a minute:


    Evans with sub 4.4 speed


    Parrish whose 40 is fast but his quickness is off the charts


    Spiller...let's put him on a pass route for now. Duh, just who is going to cover him? Huh? Answer: Nobody!


    Nelson, a TE who runs the 40 in the 4.5's


    And just for the fun of it let's throw a 6'5 1/2", 2nd WR out there with those guys.


    Assuming the OL holds up for a couple of seconds, ain't no DB's gonna cover those guys for long.

  5. I've been thinking/saying the same thing about the OL for some time now. Just compare it to last year at this time: 3 of the 5 were rookies (I know Bell technically wasn't, but since he had never played an NFL snap...same thing), so it's pretty obvious that you have a normal high degree of progression there from rookie year to 2nd year VET status. The RT was in total disarray because of Butler's retirement, and no matter how bad people think Green is, he is a vet who is a step up from last year.


    All in all this OL is vastly improved from last year, and that, my friends, is a given!

  6. If Sun Tzu makes anyone feel better about the upcoming season then I'm OK with that, but no amout of ancient wisdom changes the fact that the Bills lack talent in a great number of places as our personnel decisions over the past decade have been terrible. I am constantly amazed at what Bills fans will draw upon to give them hope before the season starts.Don't get me wrong - I'm not criticizing anyone for getting pumped up, but when your best hope is that we have some sort of genius plan of deception based on ancient philosophy you might just be bitterly disappointed when the season actually starts.



    I have to disagree to a point about your statement about lack of talent. The way I see it the only dangerous areas of "possible" lack of talent could be the 2 OLBs, and MAYBE our number 2 WR....I say maybe because the book is still out on those young guys who, IMO, with Evans and Roscoe as the true threats, are just in there with their main objectives to move the chains every now and then and occupy a DB in coverage.


    Getting back to the "D", I see no major problem with the DL or the DBs or the 2 MLB's, it's the 2 OLB's that have to hold their own for this "D" to be....ready for this?...better than average.


    IF the "D" is pretty decent I'm thinking that the Offense, given steady health all year, could be a major surprise to the league and score some serious points.

  7. I had a half asleep, half awake "dream" last night at about 3 AM and the Bills beat Miami by 45-17, obviously shocking the NFL world. If I'm not mistaken Evans had 2 TDs, one on a trademark long one, Spiller had 2 TDs, one on a kickoff return, and Parrish had one.


    Nice "dream"; hope it pans out, but actually I'm previously on record with the same score that I saw today that Jimbo predicted; 27-17.

  8. No rivalry? I live in South Florida and recently called a local air conditioning co. The repair guy shows up in a van with Dolphins stuff all over it, and on the roof was "billssuck.com", with Bills logo with a red circle and line thru it.


    It was ninety in may house and I still told him I didn't need his service.



    Great post, my man. I laughed my arse off when I read it!

  9. I believe that Gailey and Edwards made a decision to play nothing but base defenses in the preseason in order to evaluate players and keep the blitz packages under wraps. It's the same thing most teams do.


    On Sunday you'll see a defense that looks quite different from what you saw in the preseason. I don't know if it will look and perform better but I gaurantee you'll see things you didn't see when the games didn't count.


    Now in three or four weeks if we're still moaning about a lack of pass rush, then it will be time to start getting concerned. But right now we haven't seen the real defensive scheme on the field yet.



    That's what is being said and obviously that's what we're hoping, RI.


    You know that in just trying to evaluate our players, I see the DL guys are at least avg, maybe a shade better; the DB's are way better than avg, maybe even top 5 or so, and that leaves the LB's.


    When you think about it, Poz & Davis in the middle are more than adequate. Davis is good and the only knock against Poz has been a marginal one concerning MAYBE he lacks good speed for a MLB, but that knock is now negated by going to the 3-4.


    To me the only concern is the 2 OLB's. Hopefully with the talent that we have there if they are used properly at the right time, situation, etc, the lack of top line talent there won't hurt too much. They're not that darned awful!

  10. Depends...Moats probably has some potential so if there was room I'd keep him...if not waivers and hopefully practice squad....I have to believe Brohm is probably gone unless they can get a trade for Fitz...I live in Mount Juliet, TN where Levi is from and my brother in law here knows the famiily well....they feel from talking to him that the brass is high on him and I interpret that to mean they won't risk waivers/PS..


    Cuts will be tough..my point to the OP was to not get worked up over losing this game...we came out healthy and I for one am very happy about the how the pre-season wnet..exceeded my expectations especially on offense..


    Go Bills!



    I don't know about Brohm, but it'll be sad if he's cut. Instead of 7 for 15 with a pick, he should have been at least 10 or 11 for 15 and no pick, and that's with no protection at all from the OL. As for me, I chance putting Brownie on the practice squad and carrying the 3 vets on the active roster. Edwards is def the 1, Fitz earned 2, and to unload Brohm, IMO the guy with the most potential of the 3 is crazy.

  11. the o-line was a shambles last year, that was the main reason he looked so bad, it has been good this year, so thats the reason he looks good, hopofully the game has slowed down for him now that he has seen it for a while,we shall see. Let's hope for the best, since we've had to deal with the rest for the last 10 years, either we have patience or we become patients. :D



    And add to the above that barring injuries the OL will improve!

  12. I'm not sure i'm sold yet that he should be are number 2 receiver. Don't get me wrong i like the guy and think he has a lot of upside but i just haven't seen him do much this preseason to warrant that.I think Chad Jackson has shown him up thus far in preseason and i wouldn't be suprised if Chad Jackson runs with the first team sometime this preseason.Anybody else thinking the same thing? GO BILLS.



    Take the guy with the most immediate potential and let him go for it.....at this point looks like Jackson to me.

  13. What's your point? After his rookie year Favre was traded for a 1st round pick and played well enough in his 2nd season to take over the starting job in Green Bay. After his rookie year Brohm was waived, GB couldn't even trade him for a 7th round pick & he played poorly(the exact opposite of Favre's 2nd season) in the one game he was allowed to start. In fact, he played so bad that the coach at the time, Perry Fewell, couldn't wait to get Fitzpatrick back out there for the next game.



    You guys making comparisons between Brohm and Favre, arguably the greatest QB in the history of the game, are brain dead. Gimme a break, fellas, the guy is just trying to get started.....not compete with a hall of famer.

  14. Yea...."aweful" isn't a word. And believe me, there is no QB in the NFL that would have succeeded on any team Trent has been the starting QB for. The problem has been an utter lack of talent. No talent on the line, no talent at WR. Now I know you will say "Oh but he has Lee Evans." Please refer to my above comment about no talent at WR.


    I'm not saying Trent is a good QB. I'm simply saying we certainly have not seen him play to full potential, and also that Joe Montana would look pretty terrible surrounded by this Bills team. And don't expect it to be pretty this year. It's always the darkest right before the sun rises, and this season should prove that out.


    I believe Chan Gailey can and will do a good job, and that our draft was solid and I do like their apparent philosophy. But it looks pretty hopeless for the Bills this year and probably next year as well. After that - who knows. Will we fans allow Chan time to get his system fully implemented? Probably not. So really while I think Chan was a good hire, it will probably lead to rebuilding for 2-3 years while being mired in mediocrity if not down right horrible football, fans growing impatient because the system isn't working, Chan being fired, and the process starting all over again as we attempt to switch back to a base 4-3 defense (should be about fully phased back in by then). Oh yea - and then Ralph Wilson dies and the Bills become the Los Angeles Terminators. Pretty much sums up how I feel about the state of the franchise. :rolleyes:



    Go back to S. Georgia and use your crying towel there. Don't bother us here with it....please!! :rolleyes:

  15. In my opinion all three QB's are finally going to get the proper coaching/ attention they need to develop and flourish properly in the NFL.


    Brohm, Edwards and Fitzpatrick under Chan Gailey will all three gain confidence/ knowledge that they will be able to carry with them into the future and myself personally, I think its a win/win/win situation.




    I Billieve...


    Good analysis....But I'm thinking that Brohm has more upside than the others and if Gailey judges that he had the right football stability, then he's the guy the go with 'cause he's the guy who can get better than the others.

  16. 40-45 rushes and 15-20 passes in this NFL day and age....I kinda doubt it, my friends! To have that kind of split you'd better have a once a decade type of running game and even with our maybe potential, we ain't got it. 60-40 is the most run to pass that I see.

  17. I don't post often so have at it...


    I see Jackson, Spiller, and Lynch as the key to driving any hopes we have of eeeking into the playoffs this year. In my humble opinion our Coach is basically creating an extremely diverse set of options out of our backfield that will keep any defense on their heels from the first to the last snap of the game. All three can catch and each is uniquely different in style. Short passes to any of them can turn into huge gains on any given play. The possibilites are endless and the rotation should go long on keeping legs fresh and the potential for damage on high.


    Everyone keeps calling for, or predicting a trade for Lynch. He is a beast. Make no mistake about it! Even on his worst day he is a beast and no one can argue that he loves what he does. Last year was an aboration and the fact that he fell off in productivity can be attributed to anyone of a number of reasons. Some his fault, like the suspension, but overall I believe in him as a true beast and expect him to be back in full beast mode. The Coach just needs some time to get Lynch to see the value in the three pronged attack and if Lynch has half a brain he has to know a good season being a team player will drive his stock back up. I am very optimistic and really see keeping Lynch and his style of play as a critical component in our rebuilding process.


    All our line has to do is give anyone of these guys a crack, or Trent that extra second he needs to get the ball into anyone of these guy's hands on a check down and there will be holy havoc to pay on the other side of the ball. I like our odds with this rotation and I see this as the foundation to at least having a remote chance of getting back into the post season.





    Only problem, my friend, is that it wouldn't take long for the rest of the league to catch on to that dubious tactic...like about first quarter of the first game, and then they'd be playing the run run run and then what? :devil:

  18. 1. Buffalo Bills: No team had a greener offensive line last season than the Bills, which had rookies Demetrius Bell at left tackle and Jonathan Scott at left guard. All the Bills did to help the line was sign 33-year-old tackle Cornell Green.


    The Bills averaged a horrible 16.1 points a game on offense and did nothing to upgrade a quarterback corps filled by Trent Edwards and Ryan Fitzpatrick. The receiving corps lost 82 catches by not re-signing Terrell Owens and Josh Reed. The only replacement was fourth-round choice Marcus Easley, leaving Lee Evans with little around him.


    Owner Ralph Wilson was willing to pay a high salary for his new coach, and ended up with nice guy Chan Gailey, hardly a headliner. To make things even more challenging, the Bills switched to a 3-4 defense even though they didn't have a legitimate 3-4 outside linebacker or a nose tackle. They drafted nose tackle Torell Troup in the second round and hope that Broncos castoff Andra Davis and seldom-used Aaron Maybin can handle the tough outside linebacking jobs.


    Making matters worse, the Bills' three division rivals -- the Patriots, Jets and Dolphins -- had three of the best five offseasons. With those odds against them, the Bills won't need luck to be in position to draft either Jake Locker or Andrew Luck next year.


    Pretty easy to respond to those charges OMI...


    1) Cornell green is a fine RT and Bell now is healthy and a year more experienced...and lots of potential!

    2) Edwards has shown flairs of being pretty good and in a ground dominated theme, he just may be all right. Also, hey.. Brohm also may be the answer.

    3) Owens is a has been and Reed is a 3rd receiver at best while we have several fine young ones to look at.

    4) Chan Gailey has been successful wherever he's been.

    5) Troup just might be a very fine NG.

    6) No sweat with the LB's

    7) Pats, Jets, Fish pfffft!


    We are definitely better than last year!

  19. First, let me say that I have indeed calmed down after being traumatized by the Spiller pick. I still am angry at the pick mind you, but am thrilled at the rest of the selections, despite the fact that I admittedly know next to nothing about them.



    You know maybe, if the OL jells, Spills gains like 1500 yds. Then how would you feel about the pick?

  20. I have to believe that our new strength and conditioning philosophy will translate into more aggressiveness, fewer injuries and, hopefully, a team that pounds people for 60 minutes. Yes we were 6 - 10, but we lost 6 games by a total of 20 points. Sure, we had bad bounces, but I think the collective "softness" when compared to other teams caused players to make crucial mistakes at crucial times. That opening night loss to the Pats set the tone for the whole season, IMO.


    Look, I am not parading around the "we're going to the playoffs" banner, but I do think we took major steps with our draft, filled some key positions and added the most dynamic offensive player available. We need a new QB.....I know that. We need to add a pro-level LT, I know that too. However, we simply had too many holes to fill for any reasonable person to believe we could fill them all in one draft.


    I am willing to enter the season with optimism and believe this team will have a new attitude. Say what you will about Gailey, but he took a horrible Chiefs offense under Thigpen and averaged over 23 PPG once they went to the spread. I have suffered for a decade with all of you, but at least now I have some hope. I could never say that under Dick "I don't know what emotion is" Jauron.


    Speaking of LT, maybe, just maybe, Bell being now in his 3rd yr, one that players sometimes "break out", he'll be a pleasant surprise. Gotta hope, huh?

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