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Posts posted by Deadstroke

  1. There's a difference here though... Peters signed a 5 year deal when he was getting close to the league minimum. That was dumb because now he's stuck with it. We did pay Peters, he's just pissed that he made a bad decision. Jackson gets a lousy qualifying offer and from what I understand that's all they have to do next year to keep him too... forgive me, I read that at either WGR's site or through the Buffalo news and don't have the patience too find it. He's 28 now... running backs don't last long in this league. He has to get paid NOW or else he could be screwed. Everyone on this board would do exactly what Fred is doing if they were in his situation. The Bills should pay him.



    Jackson most definitely deserves a large pay raise. He has performed extremely well for the Bills and at his age this could be his last shot at the bucks. Pay him.... ching!!


    As for fat ass Peters, although I'm learning how to hate the guys guts, he's awful good, so one of 2 things; either trade him for at least a 1st and a 2nd, or sign him up on a new long term contract. But anything more that 10 million would be a disgrace!

  2. Its the spread dude. Just because he never lined up as a blocker doesnt mean he cant do it average enough to be a starting TE. Royal was supposed to be a "blocking TE" but if you didnt notice he was taken out for most running plays. In college Coffman completely controlled the middle of the field on seem routes and was spectacular running underneath and crossign routes - Just what the Bills need. He wont dominate as a blocker, but he will as a pass catcher -- pass catching muhc more important.



    Duh! Am I missing something here fellas? If you have a receiver going out for passes and he's not expected to block... uh, why not just put another WR in there??


    He BETTER block, Thoner, or he won't hack it in the NFL! :thumbsup:

  3. It is a sad situation, but you can't blame others for the choices you make in life. When you're grown, you are accountable for yourself and what you do. You can't point the finger at anyone else except the person you face when looking in a mirror. Hopefully Todd will look in the mirror, see a person in need of help, and come to his senses. Hopefully he will start taking the steps to get his life in order.




    You need to take Psych 101, fella. Your childhood experiences do in fact continue to influence your lifestyle over and over and over and.... all your life, like it or not.

  4. this will show Peters that the Bills dont F*ck around!!



    And show the rest of the league that the Bills are cheap ass bastards that they don't want to play for. Great idea. We need to pay Peters and get him on board for training camp. I am sick of the Bils second rate mentality.



    Hey, great idea, evans... let's do it!! Let's make Peters, who I believe let the league in sacks allowed by an Offensive Lineman, the HIGHEST PAID LINEMAN IN THE GAME!! Hey, we'll show him and the whole league how smart we are. Yes sir!! :thumbsup::wallbash::thumbsup:

  5. you may be right, but think about it like this, if we didn't trade him by draftday, don't you think that we are sending him a strong message that we aren't going to trade him or that he didn't garner enough interest from other teams? Also I believe that it could send a wakeup call to Peters and his agent that his value may not be as high as they hoped it to be.


    Personally, I think the Bills should set a deadline by the June minicamps. Offer him something fair, whatever that number may be. If he doesn't accept the deal by the June minicamps, rescind the offer, but communicate to him clearly that this is an offer with a june deadline. Also, make it really clear that he will get fined for every mandatory minicamp and practice that he misses, and there will absolutely be no chance for any sort of a restitution of his fines.


    At this point Parker and Peters would be foolish to not accept the contract offer. They would be losing out on at least $6 Million this year alone, not to mention what other teams perception of him would be. He would be risking another year of lack luster play, and then what would his contract value be the following year? My guess is that it would be less than this years and now there definitely would be a big question mark concerning his desire and playing ability.


    They know we don't bluff and cave in because of last year, which is another thing that I think really gives us better footing for this contract deal.


    I don't know. I think it depends on how the Bills FO plays this. My feelings is that they should play hardball with him.


    I think just grab a 1st and a 3rd for him and be done with it!


    The guy has dissention written all over him starting from his college days when instead of being a 3rd or 4th rounder, as he should have been, he went all the way to being a FA. His attitude screwed him back then and will continue to do so thoughout his career. Let it be with someone else! :thumbsup:

  6. Bell has shown an ability to learn very quickly. If Peters is traded I wonder if Buffalo will put him in at LT this year. He seems to have a lot of upside and when he gets some starts I believe he will quickly improve.


    As for Johnson he's another quick learner it appears. It definitely showed toward the end of last year and letting him play third or fourth receiver this year should help him improve. He might be a starter 2010. It's way to early to call him the next Andre Reed but he's definitely got a lot of unrefined talent that he seems to be using a lot better after some coaching.



    And what about Walker at LT, a position which he could probably handle fair to midlin'ly well for awhile and Bell at RT where it's just a tad easier for awhile. When it's determined that Bell is ready, whether that is during the bye week or at the end of the season, pull the switcheroo.


    As far as Johnson goes I'm all with you. I'm thinking that in all probability Owens is a 1 year wonder with the herd regardless of his success here one way or the other 'cause really he needs a big city atmosphere... more publicity and all that stuff. But one more year under their belts and I'm thinking that both Johnson and Hardy have excellent chances to be big time receivers in this league. Here's hoping, anyway.

  7. I agree. This would be the most ideal scenario. Hopefully we would be able to get Philadelphia's earlier pick at #21, but if they include a 3rd as well, we would probably receive their 2nd pick in the 1st round at #28. Our draft could look something like this:


    #11: T, Andre Smith, ALA

    #28: DE, either Michael Johnson or Robert Ayers

    #42: OLB, Clint Simtin, UVA

    #75: OG, Herman Johnson, LSU

    #85 (from Philadelphia): Trade it to the Broncos for TE, Tony Scheffler


    We would get our replacement for Peters who would be a rookie, but based on Peters performance last year, Smith could equal Peters performance or better it. We would get our pass catching TE. Some depth at LB. Dockery's replacement at LG. And help at DE.



    Gott say, Bob, these nice to have plans rarely work out the way that you want them, but I'd take yours in a heartbeat. Sent it in, will you?! :beer:

  8. Trade Peters to the Eales/Lions for their first rounders (Lions 20, Eagles 21) and thirds. Use one of the thirds to trade for Scheffler. Use the Bills two first rounders on a DE and LT (in either order), the second round pick on a LG (Robinson, the best in class may still be on the board) and sign Keiaho or June at OLB and then go best available with the other 3rd through 7th. From last year's team we'd regress on LT (albeit not as much as people think since JP played only in 11 or 12 games and took 3-4 of those to get back in shape) and possibly at LG, but would probably be much stronger at C (how can anyone not be an upgrade over Preston and Fowler?), LB (between Keiaho/June and Poz being in his 2nd full year), TE, WR and DL (between Schobel coming back and a first rounder DE). Trent has one more year under his belt, we have the same RB's (albeit missing Lynch probably two games) and our secondary is probably a push in losing Greer but getting Florence and Leodis having another year under his belt. Our special teams should be better (the light went on for Leodis somewhere around mid-season) due to increased depth as well. If we can play relatively injury-free and hit on most of our early round picks this team may not be half bad and may be set up pretty nicely for the next few years--TO and Schobel being the only real oldsters on the squad.....


    Gee, nice post, MattM. Have you contacted Brandon on this yet? I'm certain he'll appreciate the advice. :thumbsup:

  9. Thanks, you just convinced me. I don't want Trent getting slammed to the ground like a rag doll, so lets trade the LT that gave up the most sacks in the league last year.


    There is no denying his talent, but I'm sick of his game. Let him be another teams headache. I want players that buy into the team, especially linemen.



    Well said! :devil:

  10. I agree if Peters wants to price himself out then trade him if you can get a first and additional fist day pick. I disagree with the posts stating Demetrius Bell should be a starter, the guy was on the practice squad last year. If Peters is gone we should take one of the OT's in the draft this year-Maybe Eben Britton to compete with Chambers. Chambers played better at OT than OG last year. We would still need to take an OG/C the first day and I'm opimistic that we can find one throught the draft that would be a better starter than Bell.



    Let's see if I've got this... Bell practiced against our professional DL all year and Eben Britton played against college players but E. B. has the edge. OK, gotcha! :thumbsup:

  11. We've got the better cards. We shouldn't fold and take it to the River if need be. My guess is he'll fold and by folding that means he'll get somewhere in the ballpark of $10 Million a year.




    I agree with you.... how 'bout that! <_<

  12. It's a pretty steady refrain from fans that athletes that are not solid football players will emerge as good (if not great) football players at some time in the future after watching, learning, clapping, and sitting on the sidelines. Yeah, it sometimes works out that a guy is a late bloomer. Maybe it will with Hardy.


    On the other hand, Hardy already got a chance to display his imposing athletic skills in NFL games and defenses snuffed him out even while rolling their coverage packages away from him. In short, he sucked, catching 9 balls in 14 games.



    I think you're showing a high degree of non comprehension here, sisyphean. There have been many cases of late bloomers in the NFL, especially in the class of WR's; Eric Moulds comes to mind, and if anyone had good reason to be behind in the art of NFL moves and generally getting open, it's apparently Hardy who was just asked to rely on his basic skills.


    But you know, with his obvious good attitude, great size, 4.49 combine speed, it's just a matter of time before he puts it all togther and starts to produce. Take it to the bank, fella! :thumbsup:

  13. I totally agree. I guy has 1 bad year and everyone writes him off.


    And to everyone who is SO adamant about trading Peters for draft picks, you are forgetting 1 big problem....Our draftniks are average at best. That combined with the fact that the draft is a crapshoot makes me want nothing to do with trading Peters.



    Murt Murt Murt, please understand, fella, it's not that the guy had 1 bad year, it's really that he had 1 really good year, then last year was mixed inasmuch as he played well sometimes but gave up one hell of a lot of sacks.... but the bottom line is this, Murt, HE WANTS TO BE THE HIGHEST PAID LT IN THE GAME!!! And you know know, hey, that's a lot of money that he really, truly, honest to God, doesn't deserve.


    IMO do all we can to sign him for a MAX a MAX of maybe 10 million well before the draft. If we can't do that, make a BIG attempt to trade him for a high value. If that fails, he should get NO PAY RAISE WHAT-SO-EVER for the 2 years more that he has with us and then we should keep him for the 3rd year at an average of the highest 5 (still cheaper than he wants) and then after his reputation is shot, let him go.


    Let him know well all these facts and maybe just maybe it might sink in and the story will have a happy ending :thumbsup: !

  14. He's got a point. One of the main components of a successful QB is his internal makeup. If you are going to invest millions of dollars and the fate of a franchise, then you'd be wise to check out as much as you possibly can about that player. Now I'm not saying that Singletary is a smooth operator, because he definitely isn't, he is very rough around the edges, and has said and done many things that are very unorthodox, but he does have a point.



    Gotta disagree with you on this one. Stuff him because he won't talk about his parents divorce? I fail to see what that's got to do with playing football! :rolleyes:

  15. Why? Because he signed a contract to play RT 3 years ago then was asked to play LT where he was voted to the probowl, and is considered one of the top LT's in the league and still has much room to improve???? The man deserves a raise. I would have rather he not sit out, but all the Bills needed to do was renegotiate to get him into camp. The Bills got him cheap for three years. It's time to pay up. I firmly believe a contract is a contract. But if you get a promotion ie RT to LT, some adjustment, $$$$$, should be made. The FO instead decided to play hardball. And you wonder why FA's don't land here!




    Uh, you know, Tarkus II, when you say that the man deserves a raise it seems to me that the reported 8.8 MILLION BUCKS that the Bills are offering a guy who just led the league in sacks allowed with 11.5 or there-abouts, is not to awful shabby.... but that's JMO. :lol:

  16. If we can't draft Curry, Raji or Brown, then Pettigrew is the next best player on my wish list. He is the most NFL ready player in the draft in my view. He's the best all around TE, great hands, big body, very agile for his size and a devestating blocker both in the passing and running game. He will allow our receivers more time to get open when he drops back to block, he will allow our rushers more of an opportunity to have successful rushes when we decide to run the ball, and he will be a good option for our QB in the short to intermediate passing game.


    If one of the other non blocking TE's are drafted, we will have to be realistic here. Anyone who knows anything about football will know that coaches will not allow their TE's to play that often until they know how to block and protect the QB. Right?


    So in best case scenario, if we were to draft one of the other TE's who are not known for their blocking, they will be used as a situational TE, who most likely will be used in a passing situation.


    Remember, the game is about running and passing. We run and pass approximately %50/50. Pettigrew seems as if he is the most equipped to help out a team on both of these fronts. He would definitely keep defenses more unbalanced because you know that he can do both, where as if you draft a player like Travis Beckum or Jared Cook (which I would hate this pick btw), then you pretty much know that we would be passing the ball most of the time with these players out on the field. It would be more telegraphed.


    I don't care if it is considered a reach. I believe if we draft Pettigrew, in a couple years from now, Pettigrew will be considered a damn good pro, and we will be glad to have drafted him. Meanwhile players like Jared Cook will be buried on some team fighting for a roster spot, and Maybin could be another player in the long line of Penn State Busts.



    Gee, you may have a point there, fella!! :(

  17. I think he was, at times. Late in the year before he shut it down, to be precise. The conventional wisdom is that he was out of shape/practice early in the year due to the holdout and rounded into form as the season went on.


    But using sacks alone to form an opinion on a lineman's play is sketchy, in any case. To compare it to baseball, you're using errors alone to judge a player's defense, when you ought to use errors in conjunction with fielding percentage. There is no way to use stats alone to form a worthy opinion on a lineman's play...hell, its hard enough to do it with quarterbacks!



    The thing is, though, that it doesn't matter WHY he sucked early in the year, the jist is....just what did he produce for his team over the course of the year, not what was he perhaps capable of producing.


    Anyway, Boone, yeah, he's good alright, but the players and fans have a habit of voting in players based on reps an awful lot, not necessarily what they did in the past year. So he's good, but IMO not that good... certainly not last year, and certainly not highest paid left tackle in the game good!

  18. You guys give me a lot of credit for trying to make something up like this.


    But to make it even more interesting, here's some particular's:

    - We have offered a 4th and a 6th rounder for 1 year of service or a 2nd rounder for 3 years of service.

    - and there are 2 more teams fighting for him as well, for now.


    Get over the collective negative and jump aboard the collective positive. We are in the midst of having the best offensive talent ever assembled on our team. We are about to shake it up for the old timer. You have to believe Buffalo!


    Or continue shooting down any glimmer of something extraordinary happening for us, and keep wearing your "I hate life" t -shirts.


    Get on the love train gentlemen, cause it's coming.



    Sorry, not me! No way I'd give up that much.


    Look; a 4th and a 6th for 1 year assumes we're banking on THIS being THE year for the Bills, and a 4th and a 6th is too much to give up on a fool's gamble.


    As for a 2nd for 3 years for a 33 year old... yeah right, give me a break! The man, great as he is (was), could be a real slow poke in a year or so. No way Jose´. <_<

  19. Unfortunately, with the holes we have on our roster,

    we can't afford to have our second and third pick only account for one player.


    IMHO both times they traded up recently (for Poz and McCargo) it turned out to be a mistake.


    Poz is a league average starter, McCargo is a bust.



    McCargo may be a bust, but then again let's give it one more year to see... but as for Poz, that's a little different. In a sense he was a rookie last year and I'm thinking we may see some pretty good things from him this year.

  20. IIRC, Peter's was considered as high as a third round pick by draftnics and analysts the year he came out. His UFA status came about because there was uncertainty over which position he could play, his low Wonderlic and the fact he would need time to develop. I don't think Bell had any of those factors tied to him...



    Of course then again Peters never played the OL before he came to the Bills either. Bell at least has a few years of experience and is impressing the staff. :thumbsup:

  21. Oh stop, that's like hoping the sun won't set. The Pats are going to rip the collective weak hearts out of Jauron and the Bills' chests and show it to them. Sorry, but I'm giving the Bills less than one percent chance to win that game. Has something to do with the embarrassing beat downs they've taken over the years to that team. The Bills deserve, and have fully earned, the pie-in-the-face comments by the media.



    1billsfan, huh?


    Something makes me a little skeptical of that.


    Take a hike to the Pat fags board, pal!

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