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Everything posted by Deadstroke

  1. Gotta agree with your statement, the following... "and his work habits and dedication are far below his physical talents..." at least for the present. Not saying it was like that in the past when he was pushing but I'm thinking those days are done, ESPECIALLY if he gets a big big contract.
  2. Remind you of Evans and Stroud?
  3. 2 through 5 are ok, but 1 is fuzzy thinking, Bill. You pay a guy what he is worth, at least in MHO. And Peters, although very good, is not the top T in the game, and with scads of sacks allowed it's a shame that the players, etc, voted him into the pro bowl again because he most certainly did not deserve it. Pay him the top T $ in the game and it would be a shame. Hopefully the Bills use integrity and dump him off for a 1st and a 3rd and again, hopefully, things turn out well. One more quickie... if we didn't need the players so badly I'd say let him play out his contract for the next 2 years at his PRESENT salary and then pay him the avg of the top 5 in the 3rd and let him rot! The guy is a certified jerk and deserves to be treated like one. However........
  4. And the option of moving Langston Walker to LT where he just might perform admirably as he did on a limited basis last year? It would then be a bit easier to replace him at RT than to start from scratch hunting a LT.
  5. There is something to be said for character, though, Dean, and Jason has not shown that to the team. If he had he would have taken a page from the Evans book, reported to camp and bargained from there in good faith.
  6. Jackson most definitely deserves a large pay raise. He has performed extremely well for the Bills and at his age this could be his last shot at the bucks. Pay him.... ching!! As for fat ass Peters, although I'm learning how to hate the guys guts, he's awful good, so one of 2 things; either trade him for at least a 1st and a 2nd, or sign him up on a new long term contract. But anything more that 10 million would be a disgrace!
  7. Duh! Am I missing something here fellas? If you have a receiver going out for passes and he's not expected to block... uh, why not just put another WR in there?? He BETTER block, Thoner, or he won't hack it in the NFL!
  8. You need to take Psych 101, fella. Your childhood experiences do in fact continue to influence your lifestyle over and over and over and.... all your life, like it or not.
  9. Hey, great idea, evans... let's do it!! Let's make Peters, who I believe let the league in sacks allowed by an Offensive Lineman, the HIGHEST PAID LINEMAN IN THE GAME!! Hey, we'll show him and the whole league how smart we are. Yes sir!!
  10. I think just grab a 1st and a 3rd for him and be done with it! The guy has dissention written all over him starting from his college days when instead of being a 3rd or 4th rounder, as he should have been, he went all the way to being a FA. His attitude screwed him back then and will continue to do so thoughout his career. Let it be with someone else!
  11. And what about Walker at LT, a position which he could probably handle fair to midlin'ly well for awhile and Bell at RT where it's just a tad easier for awhile. When it's determined that Bell is ready, whether that is during the bye week or at the end of the season, pull the switcheroo. As far as Johnson goes I'm all with you. I'm thinking that in all probability Owens is a 1 year wonder with the herd regardless of his success here one way or the other 'cause really he needs a big city atmosphere... more publicity and all that stuff. But one more year under their belts and I'm thinking that both Johnson and Hardy have excellent chances to be big time receivers in this league. Here's hoping, anyway.
  12. For sure. (By the way, I hate your avatar... it makes me wince whenever I see it! )
  13. Gott say, Bob, these nice to have plans rarely work out the way that you want them, but I'd take yours in a heartbeat. Sent it in, will you?!
  14. Gee, nice post, MattM. Have you contacted Brandon on this yet? I'm certain he'll appreciate the advice.
  15. Yeah they do.... a 1 and a 3!
  16. People who don't have a clue ALWAYS say that! If the best player available was a RB.... then what?
  17. Well said!
  18. Let's see if I've got this... Bell practiced against our professional DL all year and Eben Britton played against college players but E. B. has the edge. OK, gotcha!
  19. I agree with you.... how 'bout that!
  20. I think you're showing a high degree of non comprehension here, sisyphean. There have been many cases of late bloomers in the NFL, especially in the class of WR's; Eric Moulds comes to mind, and if anyone had good reason to be behind in the art of NFL moves and generally getting open, it's apparently Hardy who was just asked to rely on his basic skills. But you know, with his obvious good attitude, great size, 4.49 combine speed, it's just a matter of time before he puts it all togther and starts to produce. Take it to the bank, fella!
  21. Murt Murt Murt, please understand, fella, it's not that the guy had 1 bad year, it's really that he had 1 really good year, then last year was mixed inasmuch as he played well sometimes but gave up one hell of a lot of sacks.... but the bottom line is this, Murt, HE WANTS TO BE THE HIGHEST PAID LT IN THE GAME!!! And you know know, hey, that's a lot of money that he really, truly, honest to God, doesn't deserve. IMO do all we can to sign him for a MAX a MAX of maybe 10 million well before the draft. If we can't do that, make a BIG attempt to trade him for a high value. If that fails, he should get NO PAY RAISE WHAT-SO-EVER for the 2 years more that he has with us and then we should keep him for the 3rd year at an average of the highest 5 (still cheaper than he wants) and then after his reputation is shot, let him go. Let him know well all these facts and maybe just maybe it might sink in and the story will have a happy ending !
  22. First defensive play of the game / season, we stack the line with 11 lineman / linebackers, rush them all, and hope for the best / worst / best / worst / best / wo.....
  23. Gotta disagree with you on this one. Stuff him because he won't talk about his parents divorce? I fail to see what that's got to do with playing football!
  24. Uh, you know, Tarkus II, when you say that the man deserves a raise it seems to me that the reported 8.8 MILLION BUCKS that the Bills are offering a guy who just led the league in sacks allowed with 11.5 or there-abouts, is not to awful shabby.... but that's JMO.
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