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Everything posted by Deadstroke

  1. Pretty obvious isn't it, Leon?? If we somehow got the guy, 1 in 10 chance right now, we'd have a near future Pro-Bowler playing along side 2 other very competant LB's. Maybe not too awful likely but nice to think about!!
  2. Maybe you forget that Youboty was probably the top DB on the squad last year untill he was forced into inactive status due to an unfortunate injury. If he can stay away from physical problems the guy's a star!
  3. Maybe we should wait and see how it turns out this year. You know this is basically Poz's 2nd year and many players really come into their own at that time. Give him a break, mannc!!
  4. I don't know, man, you might be right about Bell but what do you base your "opinion" on? The man had a poor showing in the 225 power lift but by all reports he's gained 10 - 15 lbs and LOTS of muscle in the past year. What else? Little experience? He's had far more experience than Peters had at OT at the same point in their developments and apparently has impresed the hell out of everyone on the staff. What else? Hmm, didn't think so!
  5. I wasn't going to comment on these threads but yours was just so info mangled, IMO that is, that I had to respond.... Yeah, Stanger, he did 9 reps on the 225 power lift, but that was a year ago and all indications are that a lot has changed since then and it's beyond me that you wouldn't be aware of that. By all accounts Bell has put on somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 to 20 lbs of muscle, and that being the case wouldn't you think that among other things he's spent some serious time in the weight room....hmm? Maybe he's at 15 to 20 or so reps now, huh? Addionally, look at his videos, the guy flat out has great mobility. So, combine greatly increased strength with real fine mobility and a full year going up against our defensive linemen and, well... we'll see. The final thing I want to say is that Peters came out of college as a non drafted TE with no OL experience what-so-ever, and went on to a starting OT position in a VERY short period of time. Bell has several years of OT experience (not to mention a good bloodline by the way), and now a full year going up against our defensive linemen every day in practice. I say ... look out, the guy has a real shot to do it. AT LEAST as much as what Peters had when he came up. Your post gets a
  6. I was about to breeze by your post but the last paragraph was kinda misleading so I couldn't resist a reply. Walker, Hangartner, Butler are fine players and the other 2 positions will be filled by a top draft choice and either another high draft choice or yes, a FA, but really, pal, I'm thinking that you misrepresented the situation pretty bad.
  7. I don't know how well you're thinking this out, Bufcom. When you say 2.5 million is pretty fair for the best punt man in the league I gotta believe that you're looking at this through rose colored Parrish tinted glasses. First of all 2.5 million bucks is one hell of a lot of money practically for anybody but especially for someone who for all practical purposes only returns punts... a pretty limited job no matted how well you do it. The second thing is that the Bills have a young man by the name of McKelvin who, if I'm not mistaken, is the leading punt return TD scorer in NCAA history, or if not he's AWFUL close. Doesn't that add to Parrishes expendability? In short, the guy is like our 6th ranked WR and as great a return man as he is he is now odd man out. I say trade him for what you can get, save the big money and 1) use the money on someone more productive, 2) use the extra pick wisely.
  8. Depending on what else the brain trust has in mind in FA that sounds about right. There is still a good TE and a good LB or 2 available in FA. We'll soon see! 8 days and counting!
  9. Think about it, Leon..., last year early, Schobel was our one and only viable sack threat. Pretty easy to neutralize a guy in those circumstances. Let's see what happens if and when we draft another DE legitamate sack threat. Schobel is not that old and has been a very very and even very good player for us in the past. If he's healthy, he will be good again, McKelvin.
  10. I think the thing is that if he came to camp honorably last year, like Evans did for example, he might be sitting on year 2 of a big fat contract right now. The bucks that he probably lost last year, let's say in the neighborhood of as much as 6 million probably cannot ever be made up.
  11. You tell me? What does he tell his agent? What did he tell him last year in similar circumstances?
  12. With Reed the number 1 slot guy and Hardy either ready or very NEARLY ready to go full steam in Sept. that really and truly leaves the Bills with 1 high priced receiver too many.... guess who?
  13. You mean ... now we're drinking... don't you?
  14. Take one of the QB's??? Please... shake your head a little bit and get serious, Rebound. Positions of need are G... TE... LB... DE... and MAYBE T. QB is not one of them!
  15. Gotta agree with your statement, the following... "and his work habits and dedication are far below his physical talents..." at least for the present. Not saying it was like that in the past when he was pushing but I'm thinking those days are done, ESPECIALLY if he gets a big big contract.
  16. 2 through 5 are ok, but 1 is fuzzy thinking, Bill. You pay a guy what he is worth, at least in MHO. And Peters, although very good, is not the top T in the game, and with scads of sacks allowed it's a shame that the players, etc, voted him into the pro bowl again because he most certainly did not deserve it. Pay him the top T $ in the game and it would be a shame. Hopefully the Bills use integrity and dump him off for a 1st and a 3rd and again, hopefully, things turn out well. One more quickie... if we didn't need the players so badly I'd say let him play out his contract for the next 2 years at his PRESENT salary and then pay him the avg of the top 5 in the 3rd and let him rot! The guy is a certified jerk and deserves to be treated like one. However........
  17. And the option of moving Langston Walker to LT where he just might perform admirably as he did on a limited basis last year? It would then be a bit easier to replace him at RT than to start from scratch hunting a LT.
  18. There is something to be said for character, though, Dean, and Jason has not shown that to the team. If he had he would have taken a page from the Evans book, reported to camp and bargained from there in good faith.
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