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Posts posted by Deadstroke

  1. No way.


    That is a weakpoint of the front office. They don't seem to understand that certain body types are "locked in" and what you see is what you get. The missed with Hardy in much the same way. He is always going to be a lanky, off balanced, not strong enough in the right places...WR.


    Maybin has amazing north/south quickness and can change direction that way. He is poor in his lateral movement however and because of his size issues, he really does look to be a one trick pony of rushing the passer. The Bills see Maybin and think Jason Taylor.....problem is there is only one Jason Taylor in the league to have major success. If anything, with Maybin's frame it would be easier for him to play at 230 at OLB......but it looks like they see a DE.


    Orakpo is built like Bruce Smith.....a thing of beauty. With those 2 on the board...I think they made a major mistake. The knocks against him were that he doesn't give 100% all of the time and that Texas doesn't get pro players. Well....to me that is all the more reason to take him. If he was that good on pure talent alone....and he is built like an A+ athlete.....you can say he has upside as well....and will have a much better chance to be an all around player against the run and the pass.



    Gee, what a shame that the FO didn't call you before the draft. All those guys that study the tapes and observe and travel all year and don't know anything....tsk tsk tsk!


    Maybe, just maybe, Hardy with his 6'6" frame could put on more than 218 IF it was necessary, and Maybin at 6'4" almost CERTAINLY can sustain more than the 248 he's credited with now. The guy is very lean now, man. And the 230 you mentioned.... pretty redicules!

  2. While I DO feel like the pieces are in place, I have to disagree, purely on the basis that it usually takes at least a season for rookies to really get acclimated to the NFL game. Nelson will not have too much of an impact at first, as he will be learning how to run pro routes. Maybin will have to learn a few other techniques instead of having to rely on his speed to turn the corner.


    But when all is said and done, to win football games, you have to be able to rush the passer, and stop the pass rush. This is no longer a game of "run and stop the run," especially since now, we play in a pass-happy league. Rush the passer...we MIGHT be able to accomplish this if Maybin GETS IT right away. My biggest concern is our ability to stop the pass rush. Like you said...time will tell. Let's hope that our new O-Line gels and meshes quickly.



    One thing about it though, it's going to take something special, maybe 2 guys from the opposition, to control Maybin's speed, and that gives us an advatage right there whether he gets the sack or not.



    Height: 6'4


    Weight: 250


    40 time: 4.89


    Vertical Leap: 38 inch


    Bench Press: 22 reps of 225 pounds


    Overall Draft Pick: 11th overall




    Height: 6'1


    Weight: 266 lbs


    40 time: 4.48


    Vertical Leap: 37 inch


    Bench Press: 28 reps of 225 pounds


    Overall Draft Pick: 11th overall

    Can he be the next Freeney?!


    Just a sec here; Maybin's 40 time is gotta be misleading inasmuch as he ran in the combine immediately after gaining 20 lbs of muscle. That was nice for a lot of things but not for speed. A month later, once he became accustomed to the extra weight and did some speed training with it he was able to run somewhere around 4.6, a vast difference, huh?


    Besides, as a lot of people have pointed out, as a DE the 20 YD speed is the biggie... quickness is key, and it's said that Maybin gets outta the blocks faster than any lineman in the draft.

  4. I'm actually quite convinced that is where the Bills intend to play him. Our best chance for improving our team at this point would be to forget about trading for Henderson and sign Jason Taylor. Would not cost us anything in compensation, and that is what I expect the Bills to try and do. Now whether or not Jason Taylor would sign with the Bills remains to be seen, but that is the best case scenario for the Bills at this point, and why I am convinced they see Maybin as a Cornelius Bennett type play maker at the OLB.


    I think if the Bills were looking to draft a starting caliber DE, they do not select Maybin #11 overall, and since taking him at #11 clearly indicates their belief that he is starting caliber, I can only assume they see him playing at OLB. Which is an idea I very much like for the record.


    To suggest that the Bills would waste a #11 pick on a guy who only plays on 3rd down is preposterous. But it is a known fact that Maybin isn't going to be able to handle every down duties at DE this year. So you start putting two and two together and you get a sum of OLB.





    Wow, man! Are you ever smart! Quick, get on the horn and clue the coaching staff onto your observations!!


    Then again, fella, maybe, just maybe they may have thought of all this stuff and they and just about everyone else involved thinks he can in fact play DE because if you take the time to think it out we NEED a DE and only drafted Maybin. Does that give you a clue to the Bills' intentions?? :blink:

  5. I'm concerned that on a team who lost its best DE for most of the season, that Ellis couldn't even have a couple of shining moments. Instead he didn't even dress for the majority of the games. I expect a little more out of a 3rd round pick who played in major college football conference.



    "They" say his biggest problem was a lack of strength to fight off blocks, etc. The staff has obviously had him working on that as well as the myriad of other things an NFL DE needs to master to be a success. Let's hope for the best, huh? The guy was pretty good in college!

  6. not good. not good at all.


    It is depressing I have been trying to like another team but, I am stuck as a long time bills fan.


    So it is nothing or the Russ and Dick show.


    Terrible predicament many of us are in.


    4-12 for 2009



    Why doncha find another team, zazie? Let's see, there's the Raiders, or the Browns, or...... well find one and quit complaining. :rolleyes:

  7. On ESPN Mel Kiper has said the Bills had the best draft. :w00t:




    Don't you feel good that the Bills think enough of their OT's that they didn't even draft one? I mean think about it; if they had any reservations about them, and we're talking about coaches, etc who know more about the state of the team than anyone, then we would have grabbed one in the 1st couple of rounds rather than taking 2 guards.


    It's obvious to me that the staff feels that with Walker, Chambers, Bell, and now the Butler move, they are A-OK at OT and they worked on the OG position in the draft. If the dreams of the Bills' mice and men turn out for the best and this OL jells, look out AFC East, because we most definitely have the RB's and now a complete set of receivers to do some serious damage.


  8. :rolleyes:


    I believe the Bills strength and conditioning coach also works with or knows enough about nutrition and diets to bulk him up along with Maybin. I think he will be allright and give the Bills a great TE for years to come.



    If we could put 15 lbs on each of them it would be great. Not an easy task, but doable! :w00t:

  9. QB- Edwards

    RB- Lynch, Jackson

    WR- Evans

    WR- T.O.

    TE- Nelson

    LT- Walker

    LG- Wood

    C- Hangartner

    RG- Levitre

    RT- Butler


    CB- McGee

    CB- McKelvin

    CB- Youboty

    FS- Byrd

    SS- Whitner

    DE- Schobel

    DT- Stroud

    DT- Williams

    DE- Maybin/Kelsay

    SLB- Mitchell

    MLB- Posluszny

    WLB- Harris



    I just wanted to take the time to say I love your lineup!! Why? Because it's the first that I've seen that is exactly, 100%, like mine. Super!

  10. guess what? nic harris may still be young and undersized but he's definitely bigger than keith ellison. who has weight trained in the pros for at least 4 years. give this kid a year with some pro training then say somethig. i also have a feeling that bobby april wanted some help on special teams. which is why the last three picks were slower but talented cornerbacks.



    I read somewhere that now that Harris has been designated as a LB apparent, he'll move his weight up to 240.

  11. He's completely unproven...and I don't get a good feeling when I hear the Bills FO saying they are high on somebody because____(fill in the blank). We hear it every year on guys like Dockery, whittle, Robert Royal, Tim Anderson, etc....only to see them fall by the wayside. It's pretty risky taking an already thinned out O-line and not getting a tackle, in a draft that had a lot of them to offer.



    I'm seeing that some of the Bills' rosters list Butler as an OT this year:


    60 Butler, Brad T 6-7 315 09/18/1983 4 Virginia


    Does that tell you anything?


    He's got all the tools and that would put us in fat city for G and T.

  12. I agree, there's no way Buffalo knew Cincinnati was definitely going OT at 6. I wouldn't mind the acquisition of L. Jones, because Bell isn't ready to play RT, Chambers is a swing OT, and frankly Butler isn't an OT in the NFL. Some will assail this, but it'd be a mismatch if any of them played long term at OT. And it's just wrong to say Walker can play LT long term.


    I really don't think there was an OT after A. Smith who would come in and start from Day 1. Neither Britton nor Beatty are the types I want playing LT against many teams.



    Your OL evaluations are a reach, Vet. Bell MAY be ready, we don't know that yet, Chambers, so, so, Butler has OT experience and good size for the position and very well may be ready to play the position, and Walker... maybe we'll soon find out, eh?

  13. But, if Maybin doesn't produce, we didn't improve our front 7. They should have addressed it more, is the underlying theme on this board today.



    Unless he's injured, Bledsoe, he will produce; and that's a given. He won't play JUST 3rd downs, he'll play ALL passing situations and little by little more of the other downs, too.

  14. After day 1 I was starting to get my hopes up. . . but with Dick still here, I should have known better. After 3 corners drafted last year, including rds 1 and 4, I thought there was no way we'd spend many picks on DBs this year. I guess Dick showed me!


    Also, I've read several profiles on Maybin. They all say that he is not an every down DE. They talk about a switch to OLB or a pass-rushing specialist that only has one speed move and not much else. I'm on record as saying I'm officially nervous about him over Orakpo. Especially since they're talking about Kelsay still playing most downs <_<


    My favorite pick of this draft is Nelson, hands down. He appears to be a Tony Scheffler-type 4th rd TE.



    Curious, who's talking about Kelsey still playing most downs? Especially since it's been widely speculated that he was on the trading block? Huh? :thumbsup:

  15. Buffalo was 13th against the pass and 20th against the run last season. Stopping the run has been a huge problem for this team over the last 10 years, and especially a problem due to the light players that Jauron likes to use in his Tampa 2.


    The FO has not done a single thing in FA or the draft to address this glaring and fatal flaw with their defense, choosing to draft DB after DB, rather than spending a couple of those picks on a space-eaters in the interior of the line that could occupy blockers.


    Negativity is justified when the FO and coaching staff of this team continue to ignore one of the most important fundamental of successful franchise, stopping the run.



    How many "space eaters" do you think we can play all at once? We have plenty of them on the roster now and considering there are only 7 active each week.... hmm, might be enough, huh?

  16. You obviously haven't read my posting history. But never fear biscuit, I will be there to remind you how right I am when they go breasts up. ;) Man, I'm tired of being right ! :lol: P.S. Like you know anything about talent, Schopp and the Bulldog is how you do your scouting.



    It's obvious to everyone on the board, except you "Da", that you don't know anything about anything!

  17. You might think everybody is negative but the franchise has said 7-9 is not good enough and the fans expect a playoff run. With that being said who is your LT? Do you have a starting SAM linebacker on the roster? Is anybody on your offensive line going to play the same position as last year? How can you make the playoffs running a franchise this way?



    The "74" in your handle must be your IQ!!


    We have several very fine candidates for LT in Bell, Butler, and Walker.... one of them WILL stand out!


    The LB position is our weakest position on the team, IMO, but I suppose every team has one. We have Ellison, who probably is not quite as weak as you think, who will be challenged by Lehman, an injured from last year Marcus Buggs, and an interesting pick this year in Nic Harris. Options, anyway! (FAgency?)


    And OL playing the same position as last year? Who cares? With the exception of LT we're much all around stronger than last year and far deeper.


    This team is much improved from last year... only 2 questions in my mind; can we jell in time, and for once can we avoid the injury bug!!!???!!! ;)

  18. We will see come season time...I hope he turns it around as I want the Bills to do well...but he was terrible last year and is a big question mark...I think he has potential as he was not too bad in SD, but he was awful last year so I am not sold on him. We got a guy in the SIXTH round that was very good value where we got him.


    So, we have a 3rd DB in Florence with question marks, and two guys behind him with quesiton marks...and all 3 of them have had trouble with injuries...so why exactly do you have a problem with a great value pick in the 6th? Nothing is certain about Youboty, Corner or Florence...



    Well said!

  19. Im not bitching about the Wood pick or the Levitre pick. In fact I hope Wood starts at C, I like his nastiness and Hangartner is the back C/G. I hope Levitre develops into a solid pro. Jeez homers, all Im saying instead of drafting our 7th corner in round 6, maybe, just maybe, some depth at OT was a bigger priority.



    I would think that the staff would be the best judge of that. Huh?

  20. I never said he was. The point I'm making is that everyone whines and complains about how bad Royal was, but they want to replace him on the cheap. Well, maybe that'll work out, but a 3rd or 4th round TE prospect has about the same chance of success as any other 3rd or 4th round choice. In other words, the odds are slim and if you're relying on that guy to start or contribute in year 1, prepare to be disappointed.




    You're right, of course, but there are 3 to 5 others who will be available in rounds 2 and 3 who can ran and snag 'em. I've been a big Pettigrew fan but maybe we should wait till the 2nd round and draft one of those 4.5 something guys who'll run routes that a LB won't have a chance to cover.

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