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Posts posted by Deadstroke

  1. Please don't forget Orapko is playing OLB not DE. What a shock the Bills coaching staff didn't realize Maybin could have made more of an impact this season at OLB. I had no problem with him being a situational pass rusher to start the season. But when Kawika Mitchell went down Maybin should have been moved to OLB especially when the team had the bye week to get him ready.



    3-4 fellas.... the 3-4 is the place for him as an OLB.


    In case you think he's just a DE you have to consider that a OLB in the 3-4 he'd be our fastest LB.

  2. If Brohm comes out and shows that kind of potential then we are going in the right direction not the wrong......


    We have other needs....but in the needs of OL and QB....we are going to have to decide which direction we are going to go


    - I wanted Brohm when he came out in the draft....the kid looked great in college and put up the productive numbers.


    - If Brohm shows promise....we go LT in the 1st round.....EASILY.....it would even be great if we could trade down a bit and pick up another good player because we need a LB or DT.


    - This OL needs to be SEVERELY upgraded.....we will not get consistant QB play until that is solidified......It would also not break my heart if we just stand firm and take our LT with that top ten pick....we NEED talent there.



    I disagree with your final paragraph, esp. the word SEVERELY! IMO given injury recovery I think that we are AT LEAST adequate at 4 of the 5 with LT obviously the kicker. That just might be our #1 draft choice.

  3. We will learn nothing about how good Brian Brohm is. Typically it takes about 4 to 5 weeks of film for defenses to effectively scheme a QB, which explains why Mark Sanchez went from "Sanchise" to "Suck" around week 6. Even if Brohm plays well, it really doesn't mean anything in determining how good a player he is for next year. The best case scenario is that he sucks and its easy to determine he is not the answer. If he plays well, it may give the Bills false hope that he can be their QB next year and they might not be so inclined to take one in the draft with a high pick, which they desperately need to do...



    Your premises is not very thoughtful, matter2003. We WOULD in fact learn something about Brohm in the same way that the Jets learned about Sanchez, and that is that is has a lot of ability and in time I have no doubt will put it together and be a fine QB. It's called a learning process, matter guy.... you know, like it takes time and experience....knock knock knock!

  4. I don't mean to be pessimistic, but I do think that the Bills have a major rebuilding job in front of them to bring the franchise back to a playoff level. Yes, things may be worse than you think.


    The reality is that the Bills need a strarting QB, two offensive tackles and upgrades at linebacker. Add in the uncertainty of Schobel's return (with Denney a free agent, Ellis a bust and Maybin a potential bust), Owens' return (with Reed a free agent and Hardy a potential bust), and the severity of some of the in season injuries (Butler, Wood, Mitchell and McGee), and the Bills may be facing, at a minimum, the need to replace talent at DE and WR as well, and possibly other positions. Even if the Bills find a talented QB in the draft, it will likely take a couple of years before he is playing at a high level. With the defense, although the pass defense was decent, it is unclear to me whether this is because of their strong play or because the rush defense was so poor. Clearly, the team may need upgrades at DT (in addition to the need at LB and DE).



    Then again there may be an optimistic way of looking at it......


    ----We MAY be able to go with Brohm; at least for next year. Who knows, huh?


    ----Butler and Wood have a good chance of a full recovery leaving us 1 LT short of a potentially above average OL.


    ----WR I say we're not as weak as people think, but look to FA and draft wisely.


    ----On the "D" strictly my opinion BUT if we go to a 3-4 and Schobel likes what he sees in Mgt, etc and stays I think we at least have a heck of a nucleus of a good "D". Look... the deep 4, 5, and 6 DB's are set, then at LB's Mitchell, Poz, and MAYBIN (yeah, a natural switch for him), and that leaves needing one more either by draft or FA. Then on the DL, start with Schobel, for another year or two anyway, while IMO the other DE currently would have to be a Kelsey and Spencer Johnson split or of course draft or FA; and obviously the NT would be a giant priority. Count it, that's only 2 or 3 players short!


    Not perfect I grant you, but not too shabby either. A good draft to go along with it, good coaching, avoid injuries for once, and a 10-6 playoff scenario is very possible.

  5. The Bills have really sunk to an unbelievable level. Why is Fitzpatrick a gametime decision?


    1. He stinks when healthy, so why even consider playing him when he is dinged.


    2. The Bills have nothing to play for other than finishing out the season.


    3. Fewell is not coming back as head coach next year, so give it up Perry.


    4. Brohm is healthy, so why is there any other option. If he does poorly the Bills can, and will, spin it that he was put in a bad

    position - oline devastated, new to the system, timing with wr.


    Like many times this year, I find my self saying - "I just don't get it!"



    Gotta agree with you there, pal. But isn't that the way that the current Bills do things?


    Let's put our hands together and hope that a new regime has a different/better mentality.

  6. You're supposed to believe everything that comes from OBD, including the hype on players who've never played a down in the NFL. Bowen was a tackling machine at Iowa State, but returning from an ACL tear and having not played in the league is not something a reasonable fan should expect to work. That, and Demetrius Bell becoming a quality NFL starter. These two story lines will only grow as the season approaches, and it's an effort to excuse the front office for not pursuing proven NFL players.




    2106 posts from you, Vet, and I've yet to see an even semi positive word from your keyboard yet. The Bills may have their problems... but unlike you, personality isn't one of them!! :worthy:

  7. Thanks for illustrating my point. It HAS been a year for Tom Brady, and, he is still not back on the field at Pats OTAs. And not at 100% from all reports.


    IT TAKES A YEAR, MIN!!! Live with it; Hardy will not see the field meaningfully if at all, until November.



    You're what's respectfully known as a hardhead, zazie....also, it's become obvious that you're on the wrong end of the argument beating a dead horse and looking more and more stupid on each of your posts. Do yourself a favor and give it up.

  8. http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true


    We have the cap room to get Jones and the other guy with the more difficult to spell/pronounce name. They are the 2 biggest needs we still have. SIGN THEM NOW for flip's sake and lets go win a super bowl. The Bills have the opportunity to turn a solid-very good off season into an amazing-possibly best ever off season if they strike now.


    I disagree wholeheartedly on Jones! I say play the 2 rooks at the Guards, Butler and Walker at Tackles, let the chips fall where they may and thank ya ma'm, I think that'll turn out just fine! :lol:

  9. You tell me the science behind knowing to put the best players on the field vs. putting horrible ones on the field. Please don't tell me that article actually pointed something out to you that wasn't already common sense, because that would be embarrassing.


    There is no research in that article that proves his conclusion, which has been common knowledge since the dawn of man. Putting players on the field that can execute your offense? Wow... that is astonishing. I sure hope you didn't need that article to point that philosophy out to you.



    It really is hard to pay too much positive attention to someone who posts with an avatar that has a character with a dong in his mouth. Really stupid and tasteless, man, even though it characterizes a hated foe...still dumb and a poor reflection on ans4e64!! Give it up, dummy! :lol:

  10. Ah, point taken. It's would be interesting to see what he is closer to. Either way, IMO, I'd take him at 220 lbs and be very happy with it.



    I certainly could be wrong but he probably let his weight drop lower than intended and now in the offseason, realizing this significant drop in weight and it's undesirable consequenses, he'll probably take measure during the upcoming season to prevent that happening again. At least I would think so.

  11. Bell has never played in a NFL game at any position. Before being inactive all 16 games last season, he played three years at a low level D1 program. He, IMHO, was a two year project coming out of Northwestern State in 08. He needs another year to develop strength and shouldn't be in the picture besides depth until 2010


    Langston Walker is just big and fat.


    He played LT sparingly in Oakland, even after Robert Gallery couldn't cut it. If he wasn't good enough on the league's second worst franchise, he shouldn't be good enough in Buffalo. It's a flat out bad gamble to expect him to make a move to a position in his 8th season that he's never played more than 2 games straight.


    You stated that Bell never played in an NFL game before and only played 3 yrs at a D1 program but 2 quick points, Vet; first, Peters never played T at ANY LEVEL at all before the Bills and it didn't take him very long to progress; and second, Bell was in fact on the 53 man roster all last year and therefore at least did practice with the big boys all long.


    Walker big and fat... hmm, guess he is, but he's also pretty good, and when he had problems in Oakland at the LT position, that was about 5 years or so ago and he's undoubtably come a long way since then.

  12. I agree. IMO, DB is the Bills deepest position. I'd put us up against any team for quality players and depth. But, what will make them look like world beaters is heat on the QB. That, wasn't addressed nearly enough from my perspective.


    Best way to rid a sniper? Rattle the rifle!



    Heat on the QB is addressed in 2 different ways actually.... 1st round draft choice, check, and Schobel's anticipated return to full health. Maybin is being worked out on the left side and with Schobel on the right....hmm, looks like a lot of potential pass pressure there. Here's hopin' anyway.

  13. Very good article. Man, the progression of everyone on our offensive line, not just the two rookies but all 5 spots, is really going to be the key to the amount of success we have on the field this season. It seems as though the right mix of personell may finally be in place, now we need to pray that they learn their roles and blocking schemes and form a team out there in order to bring it all together. Anyone else think that this season is going to ride on the coaching success of Sean Kugler more than anyone else not named DJ? I hope he comes through.



    Maybe it's a good thing that they have an extra pre-season game this year!

  14. We actually tried a few times to trade up to get him but the asking price was too high.


    The Lions coaches were ballwashing him during their mini-camp last week, too.



    I'm ecstatic with the man that we selected at TE, not to mention the fabulous position, 4th round being an absolute steal. Look, just off the top of my head lets give Pettigrew a 10 on blocking and Nelson a 5 but know what? HE WILL DEVELOPE INTO A GOOD BLOCKER! IMO he'll probably become, say about an 8.


    As far as receiving, the numbers will be somewhat reversed. Whereas Pettigrew will be a very fine possesion receiver, our man Nelson will be possesion, midrange, homerun, you name it and chances are he will excel at it.


    We got a good one, Bills fans, and anyone who feels poorly about not getting Pettigrew, get over it!! We got a good one!! We needed a TE who was predominantly a dangerous receiver, not a blocker, and we got him...in spades!!

  15. I can't think of a single position with MAYBE the exception of punter that wasn't better on the '91 team. From top to bottom that team was better in every single aspect of the game.


    I love optimism but your assertion is just nuggin futz!



    You're fulla negativity cramp, Mike. The receivers are easily on par with the '91 squad, and I have watched and cheered for both extensively. Lynch, if he'd get his head on straight, and if the OL gells, is not far behind Thomas, and the OL has a BIG chance to come together and be dominant, much like the '91 guys.


    The big difference, of course, is Edwards to Kelley.... sad to say that it ain't in the cards!! But that don't mean that TE can't be good!!

  16. assuming Evans and Owens are healthy as #1 & #1A...... when the bills go to three wideouts, i would expect Josh Reed to come in next as an inside guy. over the past two seasons he has proven his worth. when they go to 4 wideouts, i would expect Roscoe parrish as an inside guy. i see Johnson backing up evans & owens outside. i think hardy is going to be a non factor early on and possibly a bust, he is slow, a poor route runner, has bad hands and is coming off injury, he is tall tho....i would actually be interested in bulking him up and moving him to tight end.


    Your post requires multiple responses:


    1) Three (3) wideouts? - I'd LOVE to see 3 wideouts PERMANANTLY! K-Gun revisited! Evans, Owens, Reed, and Shawn Nelson.... give T.E. a little bit of time and ain't NO defense gonna cover all of them!!!


    2) Hardy a non factor...slow...bad hands...coming off injury - First, papazoid, he ran a 4.49 in the combine and in case you don't know, that's FAST; bad hands?, not in college, and last year according to the stats he had TWO (2) drops; coming off injury?, that's a non factor. He's due to be 100% by the end of August.


    Your post? :unsure::P:worthy:

  17. Baring injury, I think Josh is a lock to be the #3/Slot WR, opening day. If Roscoe is still a Bill (I hope he is), I would also use him in the slot, or in 4-wide situations.


    Johnson should see time at any/all of the WR positions. Hardy (assuming he is healthy) will be most useful as a red zone threat, so that's where he will see most of his time early in the season, I'm guessing. But, hopefully he will be worked into the rotation as the year progresses.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not predicting a breakout for Hardy this year but maybe we forget that he was a highly touted second rounder with great height and speed (people forget his combine time was 4.49) and I feel quite sure that for a variety of reasons he lost confidence in himself through his inability to quickly learn route running, the pro playbook, etc, and all that was capped off by the injury.


    He could very well be a pleasant "surprise" this year and be the kind of player we expected him to be last year!


    I, for one, hope so anyway!! :unsure:

  18. Waters right now would be a waste. You can have too many or i should say too much money tied up in one area. I dont think Levitre or Woods will be a bust. At worse they will have nice solid careers. With Woods possibly turning into your starting center in 2010.

    Look at what the Bills just got in the 4th round (Nelson). A potential starter at a need area. So do you want to give that up for Waters?

    Now i would be on board with a fourth or fith to Jax for Henderson. Because the Bills are very thin at best on Dline. Anderson is a hard worker but gets dominated a lot on run plays. Another strong presence next to Stroud, then this D would be pretty much done.


    Your post makes sense... Leave the OL alone, it will develop very well naturally. And of course if we could pick up Henderson for no more than a fourth... shoot, go for it!!

  19. This idea that because Butler played RT in college that he can play in the pros is wishful thinking. Many college tackles kick inside because opposing DE's are faster and stronger.


    As for the Bills competing in the AFCE, that also remains to be seen. One thing the Bills do quite a bit of is making cosmetic changes that casual uniformed fans think will make a difference in the W column. TO is a nice addition, but Rhodes averaged 3.5 ypc. But because casual fans recognize his name from Indianapolis, it's a good move. He's 30 and that number does not bode well for RB's.


    The talk about the 2009 draft being a turning point also is premature. This type of discussion was tabled after Marv's first draft in 06. While that wasn't a complete failure, it hasn't set the foundation some fans thought it would be.


    Hmm, I have to respectfully disagree with your post, Vet.


    In Para 1, your talk about Butler, at 6'7", 315, the man is absolutely built for a T position rather than G. Furthermore, his coaches, from college to pro see him as a natural Tackle.


    Then when you talked about Rhodes you mentioned his low ypc; yeah, but what about his whopping 45 pass receptions and 9 TD's? Pretty impressive stuff.


    Point out some good with the bad!

  20. Awful lot of negativity on this board!


    I'm thinking that the OL holds up, which is the only question mark on the O, and we are easily a top 10 offense; maybe top 5 or so.


    The D was what?, like 15th last year and will be MUCH stronger at BOTH DE positions, meaning far more pass rush, we have a lot more competition at LB, and the FS has improved (interceptions, anyone?.)


    Fellow fans, this is a big time improved team. We may not yet be better than the Fagriots, but I believe that we'll be closer to them than most of you give us credit for. As for the Fins and the Jets, I believe we have left them in the dust!!

  21. Can someone explain what it means for an OL to "gel?"


    What sort of intrinsic skills and reads require this nebulous gel-time?


    It seems that knowing your teammates habits and having the capacity for non-verbal communication (two of the things I ASSUME to be part of the "gelling" process) would come after a training camp together, at the very least.


    Plus this whole "gelling" thing seems like a pretty Girl-Scout concept for a bunch of pros.


    Can someone shed a little technical light on this subject?


    You obviously never played the game... and now are foolishly making light of it, to your own detriment! :thumbsup:

  22. True that. Although I think we've got the best deep cornerback crew of any Bills team that I can remember. I'm not sure about the best top two (Winfield & Clements were pretty nice) although I hope McKelvin grows up to elite status this year.


    I really like



    Youboty (I watched this guy struggle for so long but last year I was stunned by his performance. I hope he can stay healthy)



    Drayton - Who knows, he may flourish now that he's back inside. May get cut.

    I don't expect much out of the rookies, but maybe someone sticks.



    Based on his resume´I don't see how you cannot like Mr. Byrd. I just saw where many of the experts had him ranked as the number 2 CB in the draft... since speed is apparently his only shortcoming, the Bills have moved him to FS where he is free to use his natural ballhawking skills.


    Tell you the truth, I'll be surprised if he's not a starter by midseason and who knows, maybe right off the bat!

  23. Thanks Lori - it is hard not to now be a glass half full person with regards to the upcoming season. I just hope the o-line really does come together. Sounds like Peters really did not want to remain in Buffalo. I suppose we will never know his side of the story.



    Hey, call me a homer if you want, and believe me I usually don't spout off like this, but I really believe that IF IF the OL comes together as it has an excellent chance of doing, this Offense has a very good chance of being in the top 5 in TOP due to Jauron's penchant for the ground game and Trent's ability to hit the short ones. Not quite the success in scoring but with luck we have a good chance to crack the top 10........ JMO guys. :thumbsup:

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