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Posts posted by Deadstroke

  1. :wallbash: Tampa 2 is great with guys like the Williams' in Minn and Sapp and McFarland in Tampa manning the middle of your D-Line....With the high motor guys we seem to have a passion for at OBD - not so much.



    I'm not saying he's quite as good but Kyle Williams was a Pro-Bowl alternate this year and if you check it....that ain't too shabby. What I'm saying is IF..IF we can manage to get another pretty good one along side of Williams, and believe me he's not currently on the roster, then I think we're fine up the middle.

  2. This would be the best of both worlds scenerio. We get a proven program building HC who is known for turning teams around. Once rebuilt, he passes the team on to his son (who is clearly on the rise in the NFL coaching ranks.) Serves both sort term and long term goals and would likely satisfy the majority of fans.



    In my humble eyes that's what's known as too good to be true. Schottzie is undoubtedly one of the very best coaches in the HISTORY of the game, his playoff record notwithstanding, and I'd be overjoyed to have him and doubly so if he'd be accompanied by his talented son, who as noted above is clearly on the rise in the NFL coaching ranks.


    I just wish that Ralph and Nix would get together and make him/them an offer so good that it just could not be refused and I almost guarantee a winning program pretty much right off the bat. After all, check out Schottenheimer's records over the years; for God's sake, the man hardly knows what a losing season is!!


    Come on Nix, convince Ralph to part with big bucks, lots of control, Brian's hiring, and get the Schottenheimer hiring done!!! :wallbash::o:(

  3. From what I hear (i.e. Peter King and ESPN), Cowher wants at least what Shanahan got from Washington and that the Panther's owner, Jerry Richardson, is not willing to pay a coach anywhere near that amount. So, perhaps the chin will head back to CBS and keep waiting.



    The panther's might not pay that amount but chances are that the Bills would. :thumbdown:

  4. Blah. Just a big waste of time. Would rather have Leslie Neilsen as the freaking coach. They shouldn't bother interviewing coordinators. I want Ralph to get Cowher in a room, throw a bag containing $10 million in cash on the table and tell him "You get one of these a year for the next 5 years" and see what happens. Anything less than Cowher, Billick or the Bronze Medal (Marty S.) will be a big disappointment.



    Don't quite agree with your "waste of time" comment, but nice post just the same. :D

  5. I didn't expect anything more than that. I expected him to play poorly, and he did. The fact that some of the reasons for his poor play are beyond his control does not change the fact that he played poorly. Now, as I often am forced to do when discussing topics with you, I'm going to have to request that you to answer my original question should you choose to respond again: what did you see from Brohm that tells you that "the kid can play"?



    The kid can play......


    First of all in case you didn't notice the game was played in a virtual blizzard. Combine that with the fact the Brohm was playing behind undoubtedly the worst OL in the league, facing a team which was coming after him play after play giving him almost no time to throw, and I'm thinking it wasn't all that bad.


    Additionally, bandit, in his last 3 pre-season games with GB he completed passes at a 69% rate, but by then GB already had their minds made up! Check it out...it was a sham. The guy is FAR better than people think.

  6. I think Cowher does want to coach this year. Just not in Buffalo if he can help it. Right now the Bills are Cowher's "date insurance" for the prom. He knows he can dance with us but is waiting to see if any prettier girls will go with him.


    While Cowher can always go back to CBS I think he feels like he can't waste another year from the NFL. The longer he's out of coaching the more the game will pass him by. That's why he can't bring himself to say no to the Bills like Shanahan did.


    When it comes down to it, and no better jobs are available, he may say yes eventually. The problem for Buffalo is we can't wait around for Cowher to decide. We have to look at other candidates.





    That's a good post, in line with what I've been thinking. If I were GM I suppose I'd give him no more than week's end to sh&t :thumbsup: or get off the pot. There are other candidates!

  7. He was a complete failure as a head coach. Not to mention the fact he's a guy who relies on the passing game, and Nix has said we need a team that isn't built for a dome. WE CAN'T HAVE A PASS-FIRST TEAM! Period. Mike Martz would build the same crap he built elsewhere.


    So how did he do in Detroit?



    Maybe you forget the Bills of '88 through the mid '90's. Yeah, we had Thurmond but we were a predominantly passing team! Maybe we don't have a Kelley on the roster right now but if Brohm or a draft choice QB comes through for us, hey, history often repeats itself, huh?!! :thumbdown:

  8. Fitz wasn't the marketing ploy...I guess no one understood what I was trying to say.


    Let me reitterate...


    Brohm has had little to no time doing anything with the offense this year besides throwing to Hardy (aside from ATL game and short prep week). It has been said multiple times from Bills' staff and Brohm himself, that the plan was to not have Brohm play this year, but he would be a project for next year.


    If they threw Brohm out to the dogs in another game with this line, the Bills' fans may lose some confidence in Brohm already (yes we are all quick to judge). So by playing Fitz, its a marketing ploy to keep Brohm in the minds of Bills fans as their 2010 Bills' starting QB.


    Will we actually draft a QB in the 1st or 2nd?



    That makes loads of sense, #18; save the man for next year when he knows the players and playbook and can actually come out of the gate running more or less at full tilt.


    Will we actually draft a QB? Good question and I for one don't really think so. Not sure of course, but don't think so! Somehow I get the feeling that Nix doesn't really have a top QB in mind in this year's draft and maybe we'll groom the living hell out of Brohm, keep Fitz as #3, and pick up a #2 FA somewhere to actually push and compete with Brohm.


    At the risk of boring you to death, Brohm has a terrific arm, is highly intelligent, has been highly accurate to the tune of 65% in college, has lots of guts to take a beating, etc, and IMO has what it takes to play QB successfully in the NFL.


    Last 3 pre-season games at GB...

    12 - 19 for 83 yds 0-1 against Buffalo

    4 - 5 for 45 yds 0-0 against Arizona

    20 - 28 for 154 yds 0-0 against Tennesse


    Yeah sure, you don't see any TD's there but the completion % is 69% and by all accounts he was playing with the bottom of the barrel scrubs. For this he gets cut? I'm not seeing it folks. I'm thinking the pack was saving money by making it look bad for him, cutting him, quickly picking him back up and putting on the scrub team. Notice how they tried to get him back when we claimed him; and that meant that he would have had to be ACTIVE for a good number of consecutive games.


    To cut this off; I'm thinking he's a whole heck of a lot better than 95% of the fans out there think!! :bag:

  9. You know one thing that makes me really scratch my chin is Kelley recommending Tebow so highly. Say what you want about Kelley, criticize the hell out of him and dump on him, but hey, if you think he doesn't know good QB'ing when he sees it you're not thinking straight. HOF QB and all that stuff, huh!!!


    Anyway, he says the Bills should grab Tebow, he loves the Bills, so that really makes you think!!

  10. The consensus on this board seems to be that running the 3-4 would be greatly preferable to the 4-3, but won't doing so require a tremendous amount of roster gutting and contract eating (particularly among the DE's)? Given the major problems we already have at QB and OL, would it be wise to add so many more problems to the list? Couldn't we just run a non-Tampa 2 version of the 4-3 instead and go after reasonably sized LB's?



    IMHO you're complicating things. Look... Maybin is too light in the butt to play DE, and besides even if he could he plays the same position, same side, as Schobel who I'm confident will give it a go for a couple more years. Therefore, McKinley, Maybin goes to LB, if and only if, we go to a 3-4. That's how I see it anyway.

  11. In his CB interview he singled out QB and how important a strong arm was to cut through the winds. Well that cuts out anyone on this roster.


    Happy New year all



    Just want to point out, ICE, that Brohm had the 2nd strongest arm in the 2008 Combine. If he doesn't have enough arm for Ralph Wilson Stadium, well hell, I guess we'll never find an adequate QB, huh? :(

  12. Finally, some sanity


    Levitre, Wood, and Byrd are promising young players to build from.


    Maybin ... time will tell ... few DEs have a major impact in their first few years like linebackers. He's a project as many people have acknowledged and we have so little data upon which to form a definitive assessment. He hardly played. And who knows what the future holds if he was to move to the outside LB position.



    Only our stupid coaches would continue to play a 235 lb guy at DE.....HE'S A LB!!!!!!!! :(

  13. Gone:

    - Edwards - His head is way too messed up to be useable in Buffalo

    - Lynch - Jackson is much better, we could use the cap dollars, maybe draft pick.

    - D-line - need to get bigger, faster, stronger and nastier. Maybe one of our most important

    needs in the offseason

    - Our strenght and conditioning coach

    - AVP - love the guy, but hasn't shown much as OC and when he was QB coach, what did he

    really do with Edwards?




    - O-line - I actually like the line we have, just need to make sure who our LT is. Like our

    guards (keep Incongnito) and center. Another year together should help.

    - DB's - With the exception of Whitner, they all can stay

    - LB's - Mitchell and Poz can stay. Remember a good D-line makes your LB's and DB's

    look better

    - Maybin - as an OLB until he "grows into his body"

    - Fewell - would not mind seeing him stay as DC (even though it won't happen), with and

    upgraded D-line

    - our DB coach



    - WR

    - OLB

    - DL

    - 2nd string RB

    - Tight End, probably on our roster already



    I seldom agree with a post as detailed as yours but in this case I think the above looks pretty good, Dave. Actually the only kinda serious problem I have with it is Fewell. I don't like his "bend but don't break" style. I know...I know, we don't have the horses and all that stuff, but I'm thinking a little more creative blitzing, etc, would have helped. Also, the past few weeks seeing him as the HC it's become apparent that unfortunately, well.... he is somewhat retarded, huh!!!!


    Also, when you say Maybin as OLB, I completely agree, BUT I would push for the 3-4.


    In needs you don't list QB. Good for you! I don't know whether or not we agree but it seems to me that we already have a QB on the squad with a VERY good arm, highly intelligent, pretty darned accurate, and has a whole hell of a lot of potential, and his name is not Edwards nor Fitzpatrick. :censored:

  14. Should he stay or should he go now?

    Should he stay or should he go now?

    If he stays there will be trouble

    An’ if he stays it will be double

    So come on and let me know!


    I'm OK if he stays next season at a much lower price. But he isn't worth the big bucks.. for the Bills at least.


    Given his production this season.. he isn't worth big bucks for many teams. So, the Bills are in the running to keep him on the cheap, I suggest.



    IMHO................... HE IS RUINING OUR RECEIVING CORPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :unsure:


    He has set our receivers back a year just by the fact that the QB I'm sure has some sort of instructions, implied or otherwise, to put the 6.5 millions bucks to use and throw him the D*** ball!

  15. ummmm no. He was a second round pick of the Pack one year ago and winds up on their practice squad?? Even Hardy didn't stoop that low.




    You have no vision, pal. Just going by conventional shortsighted (non)wisdom. THE GUY LOOKED PRETTY GOOD LAST NIGHT considering the horrible OL, the lackadaisical receivers (read Owens), the piss poor coaching, and the total lack of preparation he had the time to receive.

  16. Mark it down...we will not draft a QB with a high draft pick in this draft as Brohm will be our QB of the future. He will either start going into next year, or a Vet will be brought in to keep the seat warm until they feel he is ready and he will be no lower than the #2 next year.


    We may grab a guy in the mid rounds if someone intriguing is still there, but I really dont see us going QB in the first 2 rounds with all these other holes here.


    There isnt a QB in the draft with Brohms updside and tool set.



    I'm thinking/hoping that you're right, Alphadawg7. I mean really now, what do we want in a QB?


    A good strong arm. Brohm has that for sure!

    Quick release. I saw that yesterday!

    Poise under pressure. I certainly saw some of that yesterday, especially considering that he BARELY KNOWS THE PLAYBOOK!

    Accuracy. Yup! At least on the short ones. Of course the films show that he throws good long ones so here's hoping.


    I don't know guys but as for me, sure we've another week to look at him (don't we coach....don't we? Hmmmmm?) but so far I'm thinking hey, do not draft a QB this year!!! Give the man a full training camp, work him to the bone as your first stringer with lots of pre-season work and I have a very strong feeling that he isn't lacking much to be a fine NFL QB.

  17. Look, I'm a little P/O'd by what I've been reading but I'll make this as quick as I can.


    Just about all I've been reading is how Brohm is a bum because all he did was make a lousy imitation of Fitz and Edwards..... duh! Well, lord almighty fellas, I mean think about it; isn't that really quite an accomplishment when you think about it? After 5 weeks with the team, after 3 little days working with the first team who's names he hardly knows; making his first start ever in the biggies; playing behind undoubtedly the worst OL in the league; saddled with an incredibly stupid game plan devised by possibly.... no, I mean surely the worst coaches in the league, hey..... not Manning, Rivers, Brees, Brady, none of them could have looked good QB'ing the bumbling Bills yesterday. None of them!!


    I'm not saying that Brohm is the answer but I am saying that MAYBE he is and we just need to take a step back and really evaluate given the circumstances.

  18. This is the best compilation I could come up with:


    Young guys we should trade for and develop (not named Brohm) - Curtis Painter or Drew Willy (both colts)



    Someone we could trade for and start next year -

    1.) Troy Smith (he's VY but a better passer and a little slower)

    2.) Delhomme (he might just need a change of scenery, worth a shot if cut)

    3.) Brodie Croyle (has shown flashes the past 2 years, never got a chance cause he was thrown into the fire immediately)

    4.) Pennington (we'd be a missed tackle away from Fitzpatrick again, and Lee would never see a deep ball)

    5.) Losman (yes i still think he's got something)

    6.) Todd Collins (still has a rocket, not many miles on him, and has shown that he has grown since he was last a Bill)

    7.) Alex Smith (I doubt that San Fran wants to dump him now, but if they go back to Shaun Hill I'd like him)

    ---side note - he is the reason I don't think we should give up on Trent yet Or should've given up on Losman.


    and the one guy I'd LOVE to get if we could pry him from the Eagles is

    8.)Kevin Kolb... guy looks like Aaron Rodgers just biding his time behind an HOFer and we know McNabb isn't going anywhere anytime soon.


    Our best bet is clearly the trade route for one of these guys. probably the most upside is Kolb with Delhomme being the best bet of the veterans.


    So there you have it. Thats my research from top to bottom of every roster in this league. Brandon, if you are listening, start dangling a 3rd rounder for some of these guys...



    They all suck or are unavailable.....and we'll know more about Brohm in a few hours won't we?!

  19. I agree with your assessment about the O-line. I really would like to see the Bills use a 2nd pick on a LT. I like Bell, but I am not sure he is a starting LT yet, or ever will be. I like his athleticism, but he needs to get stronger. I like our inside 3. I think Woods should be fine. If he had just broken bones, then no problem. Bones heal, and are stronger than before. If he had nerve or ligament damage, then it could be a while.


    In the draft, I think we should get a LT early, preferably in the 2nd, and get another guard late in the draft. It think this is how we should address the O-Line. We now have a bunch of young players that have some playing experience, due to injuries.



    Make the LT a 1st rounder, BBgun. A future pro bowlin' DOMINANT guy!!!!

  20. So $hanahan turns down Buffalo, much to the happiness of pinheads like John Clayton because the alien does not want to travel to Buffalo in Jan....everyone PLEASE stop this...we are NOT getting an elite coach...elite players will NEVER EVER COME HERE!


    ONLY hope and I mean the ONLY hope: Get REAL lucky with a GM hiring, and strike it HUGE in the NFL Drafts.


    End of story.


    F Shanny and F ESPN.



    Your ignorance is overwhelming, Circle man.


    First of all, a coach, especially a 57 year old guy probably on his last job, wants to go to a soon-to-be-winner, that is a team with a ready QB which Buffalo obviously does not have (although I for one cross my fingers on Brohm).


    The majority of players, Circle man, will go where they see a good staff in place (hey, we ARE hoping the Bills hire a good staff, right?) and where they receive top dollar. Ralph seems willing to spend the bucks to build the team right now before he has to soon meet and explain to his maker why he has slacked off from building a winner all these years.


    In short, maybe...just maybe, Scrooge's pocketbook is now open somewhat and you can say what you want but if it is, the players will imitate the Field of Dreams and come in......and you can take that to the bank, Circle man!!

  21. just curious with what people think brohm would have to do these next 2 games to be a starter week 1 next season. does anyone think it's even possible with only 2 games experience. if he has 2 great games i think we should still take a qb in the draft, but should we waste a first round pick on a qb if he has two great games. u don't want to invest so much money in a guy from the draft that may turn out never seeing the field if it turns out brohm does start week 1 next season. which is why i think if brohm has 2 great games and i mean 2 possible 300 yard passing games with like 4 td's and an INT in that strech. that qb should still be an option in the draft but maybe more towards the later rounds. what do u guys think?



    You're talking pretty dumb I'm thinking, theman.


    If Brohm comes anywhere near those figures with his total lack of preparation we should all get down on hands and knees and pay homage. It's NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE!


    BUT with a good showing....... well, it would be nice to be able to take a chance on him next year instead of being forced to draft a QB high.

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