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Posts posted by Deadstroke

  1. I saw the so-called "report". It consisted of Adam's speculation. He did not even bother to refer to the ususal "unnamed sources". He said, and I quote "I have a feeling that Leslie Frasier will not end up as the Bills coach". Wow! Great reporting job Adam.


    I am not sure what people do not get. The Bill's could not offer him the job even if they want to. His team is still in the playoffs.



    The way I see it, but of course it's becoming apparent that I'm half blind, is that we should know by mid week if Frazier is our guy or not. The Bills should know his interest in signing with us, right? That is whether he will or not. Therefore if we don't interview anyone else in the next few days, or at least firmly schedule an interview, you'd think Frazier is the choice, right? Right? Riiiiiight? Come on, that's right, isn't it? Heck, I don't know any more WHAT'S right!!! :wallbash:

  2. Nope. If you are happy believing as you believe I do not want to be the one to burst your bubble.



    It seems that your last couple of posts have shown that you've been confused to the point where your only answer is to try to convince others that they "don't understand you". Poor guy, you have to understand that NO ONE UNDERSTANDS NONSENSE! B-)

  3. Leslie Frazier will be the next head coach of the Dallas Cowboys if the Bills don't make a quick decision. That's my prediction.



    Geez, don't say that, you're scaring the crappola outta me.


    I gotta say, though, that the way that things have been going, I'd almost be surprised if something didn't come up that we'd lose Mr. Frazier!! B-)

  4. Yeah, he's a genuis with the Williams, Jared Allen, Kennedy and the DBs like Winfield.


    It's so laughable this idea that coordinators are geniuses when they win with some of the best talent in the league. Isn't that what they're supposed to do?


    The best companies have the best talent first, not the best managers.



    Look, I haven't read on yet, but I felt that I had to comment on your post.


    You have to understand, zonabb, that no one except idiots is asking Frazier to come in and replicate what he has in Minnesota during his first year with the Bills. The Bills are in a state of disarray (to say the least) and if he could squeak them into the playoffs in 2 or 3 years, we should be delirious. But I digress.....


    I want to quickly address the "D". We are as good or better than Minn. in the backfield; we have a couple of very good LB's; we have a 1st rd. draft choice that I'm SURE there is a spot for, and a DL player here and there who is serviceable. When you think about it we are lacking a big nasty NG, another quality DE, a good LB, and someone who understands the "D" to have a very good Defense.


    These things are possible through draft and FA in 2-3 years. B-)

  5. The only real possible answer is that Ralph got PO'd at him for the negative comments he made on the Bills a few weeks ago and subsequently gave instructions to Nix that we would NOT interview him. That's really the only logical thing that I can come up with.

  6. I have a quick question about the coaching prospects and who to look for today and tomorrow.


    Arizona at NO…….. …We have Russ Grimm

    Baltimore at Indy….. …I don’t think we have any candidates, do we?


    Dallas at Minnesota…..There’s Leslie Frazier and Jason Garrett to watch for

    Jets at San Diego…….. Ron Rivera


    Can anyone think of anyone else from these 8 teams to be on the lookout for this weekend as far as viable head coaching prospects go?


    :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:



    After almost an hour, nothing?? Does that mean there is no one else or no interest??????????????????????????

  7. I have a quick question about the coaching prospects and who to look for today and tomorrow.


    Arizona at NO…….. …We have Russ Grimm

    Baltimore at Indy….. …I don’t think we have any candidates, do we?


    Dallas at Minnesota…..There’s Leslie Frazier and Jason Garrett to watch for

    Jets at San Diego…….. Ron Rivera


    Can anyone think of anyone else from these 8 teams to be on the lookout for this weekend as far as viable head coaching prospects go?


    :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

  8. Completely not true. We have a STACKED secondary that's BEGGING for a more aggressive scheme. Leave CBs on an island and let them go man against opposing receivers while the front seven runs aggressive zone blitz schemes. This would then allow our UNDERtalented front seven to blitz more, generating the pressure our front four alone cannot.


    I also think Maybin could be a hybrid DE/LB in a 3-4, with some coaching. Not trying to say he's the next Biscuit but I think he can be a bit more versatile than we give him credit for.


    So IMO we should either go 4-3 or go forty-six, based on the talent we have. Add some linebackers and maybe go 3-4 with maybin on the end.



    I've been saying this for a long time, but then again....who the h?ll am I? Anyway.........


    Yeah, I believe in the 3-4 but with some additions. Of course we'd need additions no matter what we do so anyway here's what I see.


    DB's......The back 4 or 5 or 6 depending on the situation is relatively set with McGee, McKelvin, Florence, Corner, Byrd, Scott, Wilson, Wendling, whatever....we have enough and are set.


    LB's...... Throw Maybin in there (yeah yeah yeah, I know, but he's FAST and can learn) with Poz and Mitchell, and we're only short one starter. we have backups aplenty.


    Line.... After Schobel on one side we're a bit light, but between Stroud, Johnson and Kelsey, they could man the other side while we'd obviously have to come up with a NG.


    That's only 2 players short to field a respectable 3-4, a LB and a NG. With luck and/or another year, it would be even better!!! :wallbash:

  9. Hmmm.... after reading everything that I can find on Mr. Grimm I get the distinct impression that he will come in for the interview, listen carefully to everything that is said/offered by the Bills hierarchy and then politely yet firmly say those words which we have come to expect; "Thank you very much for the opportunity to be HC of the Buffalo Bills football team, but at the present time I am firmly entrenched in the building of the future success of the Cardinals and I must decline the generous offer." In other words, thanks but no thanks!! :thumbsup:

  10. There's ONLY 32 SUCH JOBS ON THE US of A you dumb sh&t, and it pays several millions of US dollars per year. Additionally, it allows for the possibility of building a winner here which would immeasurably add big plus signs to the guy's resume'.


    Sometimes I wonder if you guys ever make any attempt at all to THINK before you write popular BS that you see other people espouse over and over and over. :censored:

  11. If you could get your lips off of ralphs ass for 5 minutes you will see he told it as it is in a very PC way. This job SUCKS and no one worth a damn wants to touch it. Ralph is going to have to pony up the power or we won't get a HC worth a ****



    There's ONLY 32 SUCH JOBS ON THE US of A you dumb sh&t, and it pays several millions of US dollars per year. Additionally, it allows for the possibility of building a winner here which would immeasurably add big plus signs to the guy's resume'.


    Sometimes I wonder if you guys ever make any attempt at all the THINK before you write popular BS that you see other people espouse over and over and over. :censored:

  12. I think we're complicating this Cowher thing....simple really. We interview candidates, some more than others because guys like Cowher and Schottenheimer Senior don't need too awful much of an interview, do they? Anyway, we interview and when we're done we categorize and then make offers in order; i.e. 1. Cowher, 2. Schottzie Sr., 3. Schottzie Jr, 4. Harbaugh, 5. Grimm, and on until some FINALLY accepts the da&mn job!!

  13. This is just one of many questions that I been finding myself asking lately. The frustration in my life has been building like a pressure cooker and here's some crap that's been happening that I can't understand.


    I was going thru the grocery store line and handed the cashier a gift card and she promptly hits the wrong button. She turns and asks what key to use, food or cash, I ask if there's a key for a career change.


    My daughter and her husband came back home from Rochester to SW Florida a week ago Sunday at 5:30 AM, both unemployed. The next night, Monday, my wife's father passed away unexpectedly. The house turns into emotional shambles. The following night, Tuesday, I fall asleep on the couch at about 10:45 PM. My daughter has horrific stomach pain. My son-in-law takes her to emergency at about 11:15 PM. On the way there they get pulled over and guess who gets arrested for having a suspended license for an unpaid traffic ticket? That's right, my dearly beloved (sarcasm) son-in-law. I go the scene of the incident and see him in the back of a squad car and a EMT taking my daughter to emergency because of her "chest pains". I'm just getting warmed up, this **** gets better. Here I'm stuck moving their car as they both get whisked off to different destinations.


    Oh, it's going to be a looonng night and sure as **** it was. Now I have to stay up all night for dual reasons, (a) make sure that my daughter is alright, turned out to be gallstones, and (b) to bail out my son-in-law. Well, now that it's 6:30 AM and I have to be to work at 9:00 AM to a job that I can't stand (car sales), btw, I never grew up wanting to be a car salesman, I don't know how this **** happened, I always wanted to be a cowboy, astronaut or a fireman! Ok, back to this nightmare. I get the call from the bondsman and he tells me that it will ONLY cost me a $100.00. Well that's just !@#$ing great because I only have $80.00. How tempting was it for me to tell them to keep that little prick??! VERY!


    Listen, if any of you don't want to hear anymore whining then get out now but I'm finding this bizarre bs that is my life very therapeutic. Alright, back to my misery. I get all this bs straighten out and go back to work on Thursday (my normal day off) and try to get my momentum rolling again. It wasn't a bad day but nothing spectacular neither. I go to work Friday and I'm starting to feel my mojo, because let me tell you something, this career or job or what ever in the hell that you want to call it, is ALL about a positive mental attitude but this isn't going to be allowed. Around 12:00 PM (lunch time) my wife calls to let me know that the proscessor from the courthouse is serving us papers to respond in 20 days or get the !@#$ out of our house that we have been in for the last 14 years. Of course my wife hasn't been thru enough already, let's add more. The worse part is that it's my fault, not hers, for me being a punk ass wise guy and not doing the responsible thing like getting a proper education and taking on a more stable job. Why she married me is beyond me, that's the only thing that she's guilty or accountable for is making that decision.


    Well, today I had enough. After working HOURS UPON HOURS with a couple of customers this week-end, whose perception is that you are nothing but a lying scumbag and then because they wanted to wait a few hours to "think about it", I'm so sick of hearing that bs!, and then have some boss' pet sell the vehicle out from under you was just too much for me today. I've had it! I had a major meltdown and just said "!@#$ this ****!" and just walked out. Needless to say that I don't have anything else lined up and I'm TOTALLY screwed.


    Now that I'm calming down, and drunk, I ask myself, "Why is this **** happening to me?", and then it occurred to me. Do you want to know why this is happening to me? It's because I'm a !@#$ing lifelong Buffalo Bill fan that's why and **** NEVER goes our way!!!



    Btw, my wife is still slow as a snail and I can't blame that on the Bills.



    Does your name, tipster 19, signify that on a normal day you "tip" 19 drinks? Seems like it!


    Hang in there, pal! :thumbdown:

  14. This is just one of many questions that I been finding myself asking lately. The frustration in my life has been building like a pressure cooker and here's some crap that's been happening that I can't understand.


    I was going thru the grocery store line and handed the cashier a gift card and she promptly hits the wrong button. She turns and asks what key to use, food or cash, I ask if there's a key for a career change.


    My daughter and her husband came back home from Rochester to SW Florida a week ago Sunday at 5:30 AM, both unemployed. The next night, Monday, my wife's father passed away unexpectedly. The house turns into emotional shambles. The following night, Tuesday, I fall asleep on the couch at about 10:45 PM. My daughter has horrific stomach pain. My son-in-law takes her to emergency at about 11:15 PM. On the way there they get pulled over and guess who gets arrested for having a suspended license for an unpaid traffic ticket? That's right, my dearly beloved (sarcasm) son-in-law. I go the scene of the incident and see him in the back of a squad car and a EMT taking my daughter to emergency because of her "chest pains". I'm just getting warmed up, this **** gets better. Here I'm stuck moving their car as they both get whisked off to different destinations.


    Oh, it's going to be a looonng night and sure as **** it was. Now I have to stay up all night for dual reasons, (a) make sure that my daughter is alright, turned out to be gallstones, and (b) to bail out my son-in-law. Well, now that it's 6:30 AM and I have to be to work at 9:00 AM to a job that I can't stand (car sales), btw, I never grew up wanting to be a car salesman, I don't know how this **** happened, I always wanted to be a cowboy, astronaut or a fireman! Ok, back to this nightmare. I get the call from the bondsman and he tells me that it will ONLY cost me a $100.00. Well that's just !@#$ing great because I only have $80.00. How tempting was it for me to tell them to keep that little prick??! VERY!


    Listen, if any of you don't want to hear anymore whining then get out now but I'm finding this bizarre bs that is my life very therapeutic. Alright, back to my misery. I get all this bs straighten out and go back to work on Thursday (my normal day off) and try to get my momentum rolling again. It wasn't a bad day but nothing spectacular neither. I go to work Friday and I'm starting to feel my mojo, because let me tell you something, this career or job or what ever in the hell that you want to call it, is ALL about a positive mental attitude but this isn't going to be allowed. Around 12:00 PM (lunch time) my wife calls to let me know that the proscessor from the courthouse is serving us papers to respond in 20 days or get the !@#$ out of our house that we have been in for the last 14 years. Of course my wife hasn't been thru enough already, let's add more. The worse part is that it's my fault, not hers, for me being a punk ass wise guy and not doing the responsible thing like getting a proper education and taking on a more stable job. Why she married me is beyond me, that's the only thing that she's guilty or accountable for is making that decision.


    Well, today I had enough. After working HOURS UPON HOURS with a couple of customers this week-end, whose perception is that you are nothing but a lying scumbag and then because they wanted to wait a few hours to "think about it", I'm so sick of hearing that bs!, and then have some boss' pet sell the vehicle out from under you was just too much for me today. I've had it! I had a major meltdown and just said "!@#$ this ****!" and just walked out. Needless to say that I don't have anything else lined up and I'm TOTALLY screwed.


    Now that I'm calming down, and drunk, I ask myself, "Why is this **** happening to me?", and then it occurred to me. Do you want to know why this is happening to me? It's because I'm a !@#$ing lifelong Buffalo Bill fan that's why and **** NEVER goes our way!!!



    Btw, my wife is still slow as a snail and I can't blame that on the Bills.



    Does your name, tipster 19, signify that on a normal day you "tip" 19 drinks? Seems like it!


    Hang in there, pal! :thumbdown:

  15. These seem like the two most likely candidates for the job and I have no idea who I want. What I like about Frazier is that he seems to be spoken highly of by any and all media, former player, and current player outlets. A highly respected football guy with a proven track record. That said, he has much better personel in Minny and I'm not sure if the Cover 2 is what we should have moving forward. B Schott seems to be a hot name now due to how the Jets are doing, but until recently Jets fans having been whining about him for a few years and his questionable play calling, etc. I just can't make up my mind.



    Schottzie....I like his experience, his upbringing, his potential, his bloodline, his successes, his age, potential....

    the whole package. Nothing is for sure, but he seems to have what it takes to build on!! :thumbdown:

  16. He also seems to know he needs to shelter Mark Sanchez and play to his strengths which dictates to me understands ADJUSTMENTS. Something that has been lacking in Buffalo for the last decade.



    Remember that I'm saying this....... Brohm is as good as Sanchez; whether he ever has the supporting cast and the chance to prove it is an entirely different matter! :thumbdown:

  17. All but 1 Jets starter on the O-Line was drafted in R1 of the draft.


    I also loved to play calling today.


    A nice stat (I thought) was the Jets run the most play action.



    Give us 1 more season of experience on the OL and we have an excellent chance to be very strong all the way from RT to LG. We need a good draft for a top LT and we can be well above average. :D

  18. Other than Sanchez (who it looks has come along great under his plan), who has Brian worked with? Maybe have him target a QB in the draft and have him come along a little slower than Sanchez. If he sees a guy who is worthy of a top 10 pick, have him tell Nix that he needs to get him at all costs. Depending on what is done with our O line next year, either let him sit and learn under a FA pick-up or get him in later in the year.


    Anyhow, I think his plan in this playoff game has been superb. Obviously he has a top line to work with so he knows the importance of putting one together. If Nix does go after a Coordinator, I would like to see how his interview goes....




    I know this is unpopular but with a patient coach like Schottenheimer the Bills could bring Brohm (don't scream) along slowly. The guy has a terrific and highly accurate arm....all the potential in the world. All he needs, IMHO, is a coach and a team to believe in him. Do it!!! :D

  19. As it stand today, almost a week after the entire staff was sent packing, the Bills have done a masterful job of keeping plan B quiet. It seems very obvious that Plan A is Bill Cowher but beyond that it seems like they aren't going to let us know too much.


    I have the feeling that there are several guys they can't talk to right now. Brian S. is one, Zimmer may be another, Sean McDermott seems like and one name we haven't kicked around, Jason Garrett. At least 2 of those will be avaialble come Monday.



    No one is talking about him now with all the big Cowart news going on but as I mentioned in another post a day or 2 ago, I can possibly envision a scenario that plays out with Schottenheimer taking the reins if Cowart doesn't pan out. The Bills have their press conference and Schottzie stands up and says that although he was thoroughly satisfied in his retired life an opportunity like this doesn't come along very often.....and he has studied the situation and IS CONFIDENT THAT HE CAN HELP WIN AN NFL TITLE FOR THE BUFFALO BILLS!!!!!!!! :w00t:

  20. Are we on the same page thinking that maybe, I say MAYBE Schottenheimer, as a close friend of Cowher is waiting for him to make a final decision on whether or not he'll give it a go in Buffalo. If the word is "No", then maybe Schottzie will step up to the plate and say that while he had every intention of remaining retired, enjoying every beautiful round of golf with no headaches, no pressures, etc, this wonderful opportunity to coach the GREAT BUFFALO BILLS is just too much to let go by the wayside and he intends to put every effort into making them into a CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL TEAM!!!!!!! :rolleyes::flirt:;)

  21. This is a tough one to call alright. Seems to me that the man wants to coach again this year and I'm thinking that in all probability coaching the Bills doesn't scare him IF he can settle a few sticking points..... like his salary, money for his coaches, overall power and authority in draft selections and personnel in general, etc. If Ralph gives in to his demands maybe we finally see Cowher as THE MAN the Bills have been looking for!!

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