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Posts posted by Deadstroke

  1. Polian made the choice of sitting starters the last two games to give his team a better chance of winning the Super Bowl.

    Not only did he fail, but he tainted the NFL in the process. Baseball crucified Pete Rose for betting on games, but meanwhile the NFL does nothing when one of their teams essentially throws games.


    Sure, Polian is a good judge of talent, but his career has been tarnished by five SB losses and that decision to lay down against the Jets and the Bills.


    Nice win, Saints.



    For all my years following the Bills, loving the Bills, I never had a 2nd favorite team until a couple years ago when I really started likin' those Colts. I followed them and hung on them and rooted for them and really loved them (not like the Bills, of course) until week 16 this year, that is. Talk about a turn off.


    To make a long story short, I still rooted for the Colts last night, but nothing like I would have if they wouldn't have laid down and quit last month at NY, and then of course against our Bills. IMO Polian and their HC are disgraces to the NFL, and even more so to FANS of the Colts.


    Not that it means anything now, but if they had won last night fans would look back on this 10 or 20 yrs from now and say, Indy won the Super Bowl in 2010...how nice. But if they had beaten the Jets and then the Bills in the process, which I have no doubt they were very capable of, and then gone on to win the Super Bowl, which maybe....just MAYBE destiny would have allowed given the very different set of circumstances which would have led up to the game, then they would have been history's ONLY ONLY 19-0 team, and then 10 or 20 yrs from now people would have been talking about the 2010 Colts in far more reverent tones as perhaps the greatest team of all times, not just another in a long list of Super Bowl winners.


    Sadly the disgraceful Colts hierarchy would not allow for the foregoing possibility to have a chance and to me that is a shameful dishonor to the team and it's representation. :thumbsup:

  2. This team is about two years away from having a decent offensive line that can run proper protections and function as a cohesive unit, that is of course "if" they address the LT position in the draft with that 9th pick, and "if" Gailey knows how to build a decent O line.


    Throwing caution to the wind and bringing in a name QB like McNabb might just sell the season tickets this year, but he will run for his life just like Edwards and the team will lose games, so why waste draft picks on one player when so many other areas of the team need immediate help.



    I disagree with your e v a l. I see our OL as being "decent" immediately as we have a bunch of fine young and now relatively experienced players, and with any luck and one more acquisition we're 1 yr away from a good one. :thumbsup:

  3. We had better, these three scrubs flat suck.



    I'm having a hard time understanding the Brohm negativity for a guy who really never had much of a chance AFTER and I say AFTER his rookie pre-season. Seems like he did pretty well after that. Want to factually argue about that? Or would you rather just keep spouting intelligent stuff about how "three scrubs flat suck"? :wallbash:

  4. Shawn Nelson- I think the kid has alot of talent. He made a few rookie mistakes but that is to be expected. Nelson is big, strong, fluid, fast, and aggressive. Next year Nelson and Schouman could be a solid TE combination.


    James Hardy- He is slower than his timed speed and has not looked athletic on the field. While Nelson seemed to improve as his season went on, Hardy regressed during his rookie season. Work ethic problems, behavior problems, and a missed season due to injury, lead me to believe he is not going to have a long NFL career.



    On your analysis on Hardy; hey, the guy never had to learn much about routes in college. The pro system was a tremendous adjustment for which which he had major learning problems which reportedly and obviously negatively effected his abilities. HE SAYS (we'll see) that he's learned, and if he has indeed leaned route running, couple that with 6'5" and 4.49, 40 and we just might be on the something. :lol:

  5. I agree that it seems these two have a ton of potential. Hardy was injured though. For this upcoming season he should be given a good look and if he shows what we think he has in the way of talent, should be given the opportunity to start. Nelson should get a good look too, but I suspect we might be looking at tight ends in free agency, and Nelson is going to have to earn starting time against some stiff competition. Hopefully the two of them will be productive.



    I think we have to take into consideration the incredible mismanagement and mis-evaluation of talent in the Jauron regime. It just seemed that they often didn't recognize talent when they had it and then again played guys out of position; a la Maybin.


  6. I dont think Denny or Kelsay are in our future as DE's. They were not great against the run when they had an extra DL helping them to the side.


    We are going to be seeing some new faces folks.....both at DL and LB. I think that Stroud, Williams, and Spencer can be DE's in this system. We also have LB's to play it but will now need reserve guys that are not 220 pound lb's



    Denny is a goner....Kelsey is a sub when everyone else is tired!

  7. The problem is that your timeline doesn't fit. How many years does it take to get a great oline? Minimum two if you make all the right moves. If year 3 you are satisfied then you suggest trying to fill the QB slot, even though you have no idea if anyone is available that year TO fill it out. Even if you did find someone that year - you are looking at year four until they are productive. So now you are 6-7 years into the process... IF you nail that QB 1st try AND if you nail down 5 oline spots in 2 years.




    you get your QB whenever you think you have the chance to get a good one. Anything less is foolish and wishful thinking about the future.


    Yeah, except IMO your timeline doesn't hold water with the Bills because I'm thinking that we're only 1 man and good health short of a fine OL. We have very fine Guards, C and RT; also we have experienced backups while the missing link is the LT. Get that guy in the fold and we're ready in 1 year (that is if the NFL has a playing season in 1 year). ;)

  8. In my admittedly confused opinion, and that's because this year more than any other in recent memory I change my mind just about every day, I think we have the following HIGH priorities:




    NG (or just plain DT depending upon whether we go 3-4 or stick with 4-3)



    QB - maybe....depending on Brohm

    WR - but how high depends on opinion of current young studs


    In conclusion......?????¿¿¿¿¿

  9. Neither Bradford or Claussen would finish the season with the Bills. Both are candidates for IR if drafted by the Bills.



    That's a stupid thing to say. You know that we had umpteen injuries along the line this year and precluding that next year we'll have a far superior line. think a little, pal, before you post nonsense. :rolleyes:

  10. Me neither. My memories of the 90's Bills and their 3-4 with a HOF DE and a talented LB corps was that teams with big O-lines ran on us all day long and couldn't stop it. Like SB 25 against the Giants. Actually all the SB's. So I'm not sure I'm sold on the 3-4.



    I remember that game like yesterday and Marky, the biggest problem is that we had a 275lb NG who was a decent pass rusher and was mobile, but a terrible run plugger. He was alright in some situations but NOT against strong run teams! :thumbsup:

  11. This seems like the classic case of making a mountain out of a molehill. Nix just said that Gailey has freedom to do as he pleases. This is news?



    Yeah, but you gotta think about it, Sig. Why would the conversation of the freedom to make his choices even come up if it wasn't relevant one way or another to the Bills plans. In other words, I'm thinking there's a good chance that Gailey will be cutting at least one of the 2 top guys.

  12. I'd actually like to see Levitre move to RT with the line looking like this:


    Rookie LT - Incognito - Hangman - Wood - Levitre


    another scenario might be if Chan wants to use Brohm as the QB and letting Brohm's college center be his pro center:


    Rookie LT - Incognito - Wood - Levitre - Meredith


    my main idea is that I'd love to keep the mean attitude guys on the O-line (Wood, Incognito and Levitre)...Levitre played OT in college and Wood played OC...Meredith was a 2nd round draft talent that I think has some upside...keep hangman as depth along with 1 or 2 of Bell, Scott and Ramsey..also keep Butler as OG backup...jmo



    Of course then again Butler very well could pan out at RT and Meredith, who performed excellently at end of season could be the LT precluding the need to draft a LT. Just thinking out loud, kotic. :flirt:

  13. IMO this could be one of those truly exciting moments for the Bills if they can work out the details. It would have to be a Gailey/Reeves hand in hand partnership with both of them on the same page, same methods, etc.


    The only real possible downside that I can see is that Reeves has been out of the coaching ranks for 6 long years! Not entirely out of the loop as I understand it, but still........

  14. Here are some physical stats from NFL.com:


    Maybin- 6-4, 250

    Schobel- 6-4, 243 (if Maybin is small, what is Schobel?)

    Kelsay- 6-4, 261

    C.Ellis- 6-4, 261


    Maybin put on a lot of muscle between the end of his last college season and the Combine. He likely can add some more.


    Yes, the Bills DEs are on the small side weight-wise compared to the average NFL DE but that's what fit their scheme.


    As a couple of other posters are saying, Maybin REALLY doesn't weigh in at 250, and now it's getting doubtful whether he can put on weight and keep it on. Furthermore, as for Schobel, he is an exception to the rule, while Kelsey is a legitimate 261 (and isn't exactly a star, huh?), and Ellis.....while heck, man, Ellis is really a non factor so far, don't you think? :unsure:

  15. I'd prefer them to stay at a 4-3. Poz is not a fit outside in a 3-4 at all and in my opinion he and Mitchell would have to be the inside backers. Maybin would be ideal at OLB and between Stroud, Johnson, Williams, and McCargo I would hope they could fill the two DE positions. Only spots that would need players not on the roster would be one of the OLB spots and the NT. I'm not sure if its worth creating more needs however on a team with so many holes already.



    A little confusing, Mesi, but at the end you're saying that we'd only need one OLB and the NT. Hey!! That ain't that much!!


    There are players, like Wilfork (sp?) available in FA and the draft, fill the 2 spots with one from each source and IMO we've got the making of a heck of a 3-4....especially with Maybin in his NATURAL OLB 3-4 position. :blink:

  16. Brohm has done nothing in this league. He was awful in GB. Just awful. Totally lost out there in every preseason snap he got. Then he really lit it up in the one game he was in this year. Actually he didn't. Yea, sounds like someone the Bills should build around :thumbsup:



    How awful was he in GB, Billy? Just maybe not quite as bad as some of you "know nothings" are pushing for some stupid reason. You know that in the last 3 pre-season games, playing with the super scrubs, he passed for a 70% completion average? Additionally, if you watched the 1 game he played with us, just barely knowing who our 1st team receivers were and having almost no time to look down-field with all the blitzing going on, he looked pretty darned calm out there, threw the ball pretty darned well, and the 2 picks were first, a slightly under-thrown 50 some yard ball in the endzone which the DB made a great play on, and the 2nd was a fabulous pickoff on, again, a slightly under-thrown ball.


    All in all, Billy, Brohm looked pretty darned comfortable in the pocket considering it was his first NFL start EVER and Atlanta absolutely threw the kitchen sink at him.


    In short, I think your criticisms are ignorant and unwarranted. :blink:

  17. Anyone saying "give the guy a chance" is saying that you trust Bills management. This is the same organization that has approved of Williams, Mularkey, Jauron, and now probably Gailey. Call me crazy, but as long as Smithers and Brandon haven't made a good decision in forever.


    Who is the last manager, HC, GM, or otherwise that was hired by Buffalo and actually in demand by the NFL? And the first person who cites Levy in 86 should remember ML inherited too many quality players and had the greatest GM of his generation running the show.



    Really poor post, Vet. Following your logic, anyone the Bills hire is automatically doomed to failure because the hierarchy obviously doesn't know their butt from a hole in the ground. Fuzzy thinking IMO, my friend. :thumbsup:

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