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Everything posted by RussellDopeland

  1. If we elect anyone but Romney, I'll be happy!
  2. I'd like to see the Bills get away from these high motor, undersized, limited athletic-ability types- such as Batten. I hope the Williams signing is a sign that this is the case. Batten was not at all impressive last year; can't imagine him making this team.
  3. no, you're thinking of that country singer Melinda Lambert, who's married to what's his name on the voice: Drake Skelton. jw No John, you're confused. I think he was talking about the 80's pop singer Melinda Carlilse. She's married to Cardinals quarterback Jim Skelton.
  4. Didn't Walsh recommend Trent Edwards to Marv? What kind of draftism was that?!
  5. How can any list not start minus the name "Kelsay". 1. Kelsay-'Nuff said (obviously has pictures of Ralph dressed as Betty Grable) 2. Mark Kelso- dude played 40 yards off the line at the snap, and his tackling philosophy was "hold on for dear life" until the ball carrier fell or teammates arrived. 3. Shane Conlan- dumber than a box of rocks (I know him personally, he's my cousin's cousin), and as athletic as my dishwasher.
  6. Hard to believe people are getting worked up over a collar. It's hardly noticeable. Guess we should go back to the Donahoe-inspired rags from the last decade
  7. This nightmare now over, can we please close this thread once and for all. He's now a Jet, and thus must be loathed and despised by all Bills fans.
  8. I am confused as to why the organization would have to let Fitzpatrick know that this was "his team". To me, if they like Tannehill, and he's available, you draft him. As for Fitzpatrick, there is nothing in his resume that leads me to believe that he should be anointed the starting job without any semblance of competition. Let's face it, he's not exactly Jim Kelly; heck, he's not even a Flutie. In two years as a starter, he has been quite good at times, and God-awful at others. Inconsistent is the best term to describe his play. To me, if there's a viable option, either in the draft or free agency, that would improve the talent level at that position, you pull the trigger. Fitzpatrick's feelings are of no consequence. He should have someone looking over his shoulder, vying for his job. Competition breeds success. All Fitzpatrick has proven, to this point, is that he's maddeningly inconsistent.
  9. I just about spit my beer on my laptop reading this. Andy Reid is arguably the most overrated coach in the recent history of the NFL. If not for the likes of McNabb and Vick, not to mention the great defenses orchestrated by the late Jim Johnson, Andy Reid would have been fired years ago. Fatboy would be mentioned in the same breath as Richie Kotite.
  10. Why on God's green earth would we want to keep this hybrid 3-4/4-3 defense intact?
  11. Best post I've read on the board in a while!
  12. "Cape Fear" as well
  13. You're a happy fella for sure. Four and one and people are b$tching? There's nothing wrong with being analytical, but the only thing that counts is the final score. I could say that the Bills were the better team in Superbowl XXV, but the reality was they lost. The outcome is all that counts.
  14. The only thing Kelsay has figured out is how to hoodwink Bills' management into paying him an exorbitant salary for his unspeakably-bad play.
  15. yup-long tremor
  16. This perplexes me as well. It's one of life's great mysteries... Who built Stonehenge? Who killed JFK? How/why is Chris Kelsay on this team? Frankly, he's like a man's nipples...serves no logistical purpose whatsoever
  17. I smell another extension for Chris Kelsay in the works
  18. Wow! Could not agree more....well said
  19. Wow, now I remember why I don't visit TSW that much...happy-go-lucky fans such as yourself
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