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Everything posted by RussellDopeland

  1. Tua is a left-handed Uncle Rico.
  2. No. No it's not. You might as well watch a MLB game- they'll bore you to death. Carr is a dud; he's always been a dud; he always will be a dud. He has always had weapons- don't think that the addition of Adams will change the dynamic. He shares the stage with Cousins as the most uninspired, unwatchable QBs of this era. Watching any game featuring Carr is akin to watching your neighbor mow his lawn. But sure, the Raiders are a big name.
  3. Conversely, when you pair a Fournette with a Brady, you can win a Super Bowl (not taking sides in this debate, though).
  4. Is Hormel Canned Corned Beef and a 6 pack of Hamm's the best St. Patrick's Day meal?
  5. Not to sound judgmental, but I think if you're compelled to bet on USFL games, maybe a trip to the William J. Lepetomane Memorial Gambling Casino for the Insane might be in order.
  6. Really? Do you have any evidence to that effect? 👹
  7. Since the market for Mayfield isn't exactly vibrant, maybe the Bills should think about it- he could be this year's Trubisky. I'd think a trade offer of...maybe Case Keenum, and let's say a 7th rounder, might be enough to get it done.
  8. You know how Beans's feeling today
  9. Just saw Star at the airport...tough to see him go!
  10. It's great to see that Beane finally completed "Cap Management: 101", with professor Mickey Loomis. The number one rule of the Saints' salary cap? There is no salary cap!
  11. After what happened in KC- and with this team so close to winning it all, fans want this team to take the next step, addressing the weaknesses on this roster. To do this, the GM needs to stick his neck out and be aggressive. Thus far, Beane apparently has decided to take his familiar, measured approach to roster-building. But let's be perfectly honest- this team should have won the Super Bowl...13 seconds of hell prevented that from happening. This has left a bad taste in our mouths as fans. To hear the same old spiel about "the process", or convient excuses about cap constraints, doesn't really carry much weight, not after that playoff debacle. And to top it off, we WNYers are going to have to shoulder the burden of responsibility tax-wise to build ownership a brand-spanking new pleasure palace of a stadium. I think ownership should be cognizant of this. It's time to start being more aggressive, conscientious of but not restrained by the cap, and add those pieces that are needed to finish what should have been achieved last season- winning the god9amn Super Bowl. I'm not seeing that approach at this point (but it's early...we shall see!)
  12. My question is- If the Shefter tweet about with the agents' version of events is true, do either one of those numbnutted morons think that this is in any way, shape, or form a good look? And do they represent players that are currently on the Bills' roster? How do they plan to negotiate with this front office, in good faith, after this? Some will say...'it happens!' But it's a rather bad look.
  13. He was the weak link of this defense the last few years- and his mediocrity played an impactful role in two playoff defeats at KC. Pedestrian corner play combined with an impotent pass rush is an impending disaster in the making when you face an offense like the Chiefs. Wish him the best, but I'm glad he's gone.
  14. Aaron Rodgers right about now-
  15. I'm done with him. He's gotta go. He's now become a full-blown distraction for this organization...a colossal pain the a$$! He obviously has lacked the intelligence or common deceny to handle this behind closed doors- in other words- the sensible way. Thusly, he should be sent packing; and as soon as possible! He's gangrenous.
  16. I wish I could have- A beer-filled balloon signed by Jim Kelly An N95 mask autographed by Darryl Talley The Renoir Ralph bought instead of paying Tom Cousineau
  17. Titans are still not winning anything with that QB. Tannehill is a poor man's Kirk Cousins- in other words, pedestrian (at best). The days of winning Super Bowls with Defense, a strong running game, but with mediocrities at QB (like Hostetler, Dilfer or Brad Johnson) are over. If the Titans want to win a championship, they'd better make Green Bay an offer they can't refuse for Rogers.
  18. Glad he's looking good (of course they all look good this time of year). Now package Epenesa and a pick off to the Vikings for Danielle Hunter.
  19. I see as well that pornstar Richard Steele had his Pornhub rating dropped due to what was referred to as "D**k Arrogance".
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