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Everything posted by eee1776

  1. PSL. (Personal seat license.) I live in Charlotte and they were one of the first to start PSL's.You will pay somewhere between $3,000 to $7,000 (One time fee) for the right to purchase a season ticket for that seat. If you do not purchase your season tickets for your seat you will lose your investment. If for some reason you want to upgrade your seat location you will have to first see your PSL and buy a new PSL for your next seat location. Its a crappy way to pay for a new stadium. You will be held hostage every year so not to lose your initial investment.
  2. We should have won the first time we met. Time to correct that error.
  3. If we want to admit if or not gambling is having more of an influence in games I personally feel. Every game is tainted one way or another. Although the outcome is not certain I feel a certain prejudice towards a team of a given day is evident.
  4. No doubt that He will eventually become a great LB but at this point if you watch him he still is not gap sound. But the potential is there.
  5. Early weather report; 80 degrees and 70% chance of rain at game time.
  6. I think he had enough zip on the ball when he had to, and great touch when it was required.
  7. We have be losing so long that is the only mentality many fans have. I personally would like to see us win again and re learn a winning culture. You are right, losing does not help.
  8. Have you noticed that He has so idea on where to line up, he has to be told about half the time.
  9. This one is easy. Bean, who put this mess together.
  10. Need him to explain how PSLs work in Carolina.
  11. I think he got pulled last game in favor of the Freshman who won the game for them.
  12. If the NFL feels it is in there interest to have the Bills win on Monday night for ratings and to keep the sponsors and ESPN happy. Watch and see who gets the flags early on.
  13. Report on NFL channel is that Allen out 2 to 3 game with partial tear does not need surgery.
  14. I have been wondering the same thing myself. The only logical thing I can come up with is that he does not want to come to Blo.
  15. Danica is going to be mad.
  16. I have been on board with that choice for a while now. I don't understand why that hasn't been brought up in any press conferences more than it has.
  17. His press conference is about as good as there video department. Sean has to understand that his press conf- just makes him look dumb
  18. Always liked matt Moore, why we haven't made a run for him is a mystery, Unless we have and he doesn't see BLO as a destination. Maybe the money we saved on Vernon can sweeten the pot a little (Moore.)
  19. An underthrown long pass to Jones.
  20. almost to stupid to reply to, almost.
  21. Just watched the press conferences of Fraz and Debol, I can believe the were at the same game I watched Sunday. But with that said This Sundays game at home should be a marked improvement from last week . If not, then I might have to join the negative part of these post. Home game, west coast team, we should rock.
  22. Pittsburg gets Shady and a draft pick. Buffalo get a hold out. (Really)
  23. I like QB Gilbert cut by Panthers. Watched him a lot, Good arm. Plus Father played in Buffalo Don't we usually keep 3 QBs
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