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Everything posted by rsxfirefighter

  1. I wonder if the Odds maker will Favor this Jets Fan in showing his face back up on this thread like they expected the Jets team to show up for the game yesterday?
  2. Well..you did say it was going to get ugly in the city..you had that right...only problem it was your QB play that was UGLY...and you feel he is getting "Good" As posted in another thread, CBS Sums up your QB situation quite well. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24769963/photo-jets-1-7-season-summed-up-perfectly-in-one-picture
  3. Stop applying logic to these thought processes.
  4. Umm..so which was it....read or told? Or maybe both??
  5. Troup was a second round pick...but i get your point. :-D
  6. Prescott Rossi tweeted the picture about the Orton Play where he criticized the Laser dot. https://twitter.com/PrescottRossi/status/519705219555262464/photo/1 No one can deny that photo.
  7. ^^^^^ This was very impressive from my point of view.
  8. Making progress... Detroit Lions @ Minnesota Vikings is leading 30% to 22%
  9. I love the man and what he brings our team. However, no way is he a Hall of Famer. I can see a Wall of Famer, but not Hall. He brings serious work ethic, however he has only affected the out come of a few games and teams really do not game plan around him. He is going to be like Darrell Talley and Biscuit....teammates love them, opponents appreciated them, however they are just not the elite of the elite.
  10. Everything finds its way to the internet....is this the game? Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
  11. Correct me if I am wrong, but a QB that has a large amount of 20+ pass attempts usually is playing on a team that is losing games or coming from way behind. The Bills have seldom been behind in any of the two games this season. Not alone by a few scores. There has been no need for EJ to consistently attempt long passes and he has attempted to take what has been given to him. Our record indicates that is a positive thing.
  12. Well I will find out first hand this weekend as I will not be at home to watch the game. I hope you are wrong on that aspect. I also concur on the On-Demand portion being blocked, but if it is On-Demand I usually can access that content through my phone/laptop that way.
  13. I ordered this all while doing my annual DirecTV Sunday Ticket Dance....I told them i was upset that other services offered it, but I couldnt with DirecTV yet...and they were like..have you heard of this...and then we did our dance.. They wanted $100 for the device...i said way to expensive...20 second pause..well.we have an offer for $80....I said still a little to expensive....30 second pause...Ahh, I found another deal where it will only cost $50...I said ok..sold. $50 for the device, free to use. I have used it to stream recorded shows for my kids and also to watch a few of my shows while waiting at the hospital and other places. It works great.
  14. I gave in and purchased the GenieGo. It works awesome, now I can stream anything I record on my Genie and other HD DVRs to my phone or laptop. Just cant delete watched recordings. So I can set up my DVR to record the game and then watch it via my phone. Heck, contact DirecTV and tell them your thinking about adding the Online portion and want to try it out this week to see if it is worth it for you to do. They may just be willing to accommodate this thinking they will get more money out of you the rest of the season.
  15. I know the Trust is Cheap and all....but if that was the case they would have still refused to bring in Orton...nobody would have been wiser
  16. I dont know. I am starting to think it was more of Marrone was pissed that Orton didnt want to come to Buffalo earlier in the pre-season and now was doing it cause he had no other options. Why else would they bring in Jordan Palmer the previous week if they could have brought Orton in? If they new Orton was a viable option, no way Jordan Palmer and his 3 INT come to Buffalo
  17. Orton signed soo late because he successfully pulled a Modern Day Bruce Smith....he didnt want to partake in off season training or training camp, instead wanted to spend time with family. He was content with the money he had, but found someone desperate to give him a few more millions to watch on the sidelines than on tv.
  18. Did anyone read WGR's write up about DM's comments regarding the report? When asked if he calls himself "Saint Doug" all he says is that "he will catch heat from friends". He never actually denied it. But who cares, I love a little piss and vinegar attitude around the place. Too much complacency over the years. Dont know for sure, but wouldnt put it past a few people that randomly post here...
  19. Because the TBD'rs stopped reading his posts, so he figured everyone had to listen on the radio if he got through.
  20. Thats why they cant fix his mechanics, he was sold AS-IS..
  21. Go for it Astro...I dont tweet... :-D
  22. Marone: I thought I asked for a QB like CARSON Palmer, and you go get me his ineffective brother. Brandon: NIKE loves Jordan, we can market this player Whaley: And my career rests with you two bafoones, who I piss off in my previous life!!
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