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Everything posted by rsxfirefighter

  1. Anyone know if Jimbo had dinner with Pegula lately? I know Pegula's cronies scared away Patty, but Jimbo has deeper roots to this community to let wannabe cronies scare him away!! I would love to see Pegula own this team flanked by Jimbo and Thurman. Than this definitely would be on like a MOFO!! Maybe there was a secret handshake deal between Ralph and Terry 2 years ago that said he would win the bid when it came to sale. And Terry said he had the finances buried on a large acreage in PA that he recently sold to liquidate the assets.. And maybe another part of this secret deal required Russ to flush the Toronto series down the tube which he accomplished this year. Because we all know Terry doesnt need Roger's money..he will just dig another hole!! The moons and stars are starting to align!!
  2. Recount!!! Recount!!! Recount!!! Recount!!! Recount!!! Recount!!! There has to be a hanging Chad or two....come on..thats just not right!!
  3. Exactly..then resell those Best Buy gift cards on ebay for 75% value...
  4. Imagine the reward points you would earn with that purchase..
  5. I personally feel that the NDA is to prevent all the Corporate Finances from being disclosed. I do not feel it has anything to do with the Bids in general. They just dont want the actual books to be released to the general public (or NFLPA hands)
  6. It is more than likely locked out via cached cookie. Clear you cache or use private browsing and you may be able to vote a 2nd or 3rd time if you truly wanted to.. Good luck Eric...you got my 1 or 2 votes
  7. Wow...wow..wow...i can only imagine what my life would be like with a few Billion in the bank..
  8. I agree with you. Had me at teaching the dog!! You got my vote!! Glad they moved it from Twitter as I do not tweet...but I do toot my own horn!!
  9. If they use Tax Payer dollars, are we allowed to "visit"
  10. Way to be honest.... :-) Still waiting for my nonsense to show up.. I am more pissed that I didnt get a text message telling me that I would no longer get text messages, it just randomly ceased coming in.
  11. You may just want to hold onto that letter a little longer, because if the team sells out to a group intending to move it, then I will gladly accept the max free amount of goods I can get to publicly BURN!!! I think the douche that submitted this frivolous lawsuit needs to be publicly stoned. No way in hell is he a true Bills fan if he is sueing because over draft weekend they sent out a few extra texts...sheesh..get a f'n life. I laugh because I have a friend who does not have unlimited text messages currently, and he even knows better than to sign up for something like this.
  12. What people fail to realize is the PSL's only apply to season tickets. So you will have 2 options: 1) Pay the $4 Grand for PSL and get season tickets at X amount of dollars 2) Wait until ticket sales get open to others and buy a ticket to each game for Y amount of dollars ( X/10 + yearly PSL supplement + the season ticket discount difference) So out of 44,000 people who have season tickets, this may cause it to drop in half if not 1/3...But I still dont think The Ralph ver 2.0 will be empty...the fans will still show up to support the product if it is worth supporting. People will just go about it a different way to save a few bucks.
  13. Then they will install gyro's in the helmets to record real time statistics on the force of the hits they give/take, EJ will be equiped with a proximity sensor that detects on coming rushers on his blind side.
  14. See, this is what happens when you are habitually late for meetings. You tend to speed to make up for it, only if he learned during the last few games of the season. Sat for a quarter, sat for a game, now he will sit for a year or two if convicted. Hopefully this is all a giant misunderstanding and a "friend" was in the car and owns up to the possession. Biggest problem is that he keeps getting more strikes than a Bisons' Pitcher!!
  15. But on a serious note, I feel Cleveland would love for this scenario to play out. They could draft a top QB at #9 and add a solid Vet WR to their core. 2 birds for 1 stone. They already have a decent young WR core and this would add another threat to that bunch. Now only if they could protect that QB a little longer so that he could get it out to those WRs. I honestly believe going WR in this draft would be the wrong place to address with our 1st round pick. If it isn't a TE or OL, then I personally will be surprised/disappointed unless they settle for a PBA at LB. We do not need a RB, DL, WR, or QB with that first pick.
  16. Then I guess that falls into the category of why must people start new threads asking a question that was being previously discussed/brought up in another thread. Oh wait..I am not a Moderator, so I can not state the obvious on that.
  17. Why would I trade my 1st round pick, 7th round pick, and a decent WR for a "4th round pick"? I hope you mean their 1st round pick, 4th overall.
  18. Apology Accepted!! On a more serious note, no need to apologize, no one ever does because it is the internet boards. You are one of the few that can post concrete information that alot of the trolls love to tee off on.
  19. P.S. Just another blocking sled in my way to visit Mr. Gisele.
  20. Lets put an end to all this madness and let the players finally stand up.... Hopefully we can finally put a nail into the coffin of #PlayoffLessStrong
  21. Self centered are we, always giving thanks to Nobody!!!
  22. I guess we can safely assume that we will not be drafting a Punter with the 1st round Pick now!!! But gotta love Camp Fodder this early in the game.
  23. Rick Gosselin releases his official rankings of all Special Teams: http://espn.go.com/blog/buffalo-bills/post/_/id/6628/bills-plummet-in-gosselin-rankings http://www.dallasnew...#ssStory1380773 Now if this isnt enough motivation to can our ST Coach, then I dont know what will be.
  24. Thanks for the shout out...yeah the jersey gave it away....thanks for keeping us die hard up to date with a little fan perspective. Here is a picture of the man hard at work!!!
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