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Everything posted by jscap

  1. Why is this not allowed by the league for anyone other than GB.? If offered I would spend $1000 for a share as i'm sure many others would. Time to make some noise and let the NFL know the average fan still should matter!
  2. What makes Green Bay a desirable destination? It's colder than Buffalo, similar size, and last I checked not the nightlife capital of the USA. Seems the only thing that matters to people these days is the weather and the "upscale" nightlife. Everytime I here ESPN or any other media outlet joke about it snowing here in August I just think to how i've never had to flee my home due to wildfires, never waited out a hurricane, and never had to rebuild from an earthquake. I guess paradise has a price.
  3. Dude is hysterical. I watch for entertainment and 99% of the time he delivers
  4. Thats it... thanks
  5. Anyone know what the song played at the Ralph before a kickoff return is? They used to play it everytime McKelvin went back to return a kick
  6. You can urinate everywhere, throw garbage all over the place, burn random pieces of garbage, I honestly do think they give a sh1t what u do
  7. 21-31 for around 220 yards. 2 TD's
  8. Last year after the SF game ( yes that disaster ), a ton of fans were chanting TKO in the tunnel endzone. He came over and signed for a couple kids. I said, Takeo we miss you, and he replied " Thanks man my heart is still in Buffalo ". That dude loved playing here even though we never made it to the playoffs. Nate Clements showed lots of love after that game to. Thats how it should be...nothing drives me more crazy than going to a Sabres game and listening to people boo someone they worshipped a year prior.
  9. They said after a year with Fassel in Vegas he may look to catch on w/ an NFL team next season
  10. They are doing a piece on JP and what happened to a once promising career.
  11. Ok i guess horns wouldn't be a great idea....wait i got it! Maybe the 30 or so thousand that don't make any noise could get into the game. I've been at games where there seemed to be a half empty stadium towards the end of a game or in bad weather that seemed louder than a full house. The monday night game against the cowboys two years ago was the loudest it has been in awhile.
  12. Watching some of the FIFA soccer match and just thought that if even 40,000 people were able to get some type of horn into the game it would be a nightmare for an offense...
  13. Could be worse....you could be a Raiders fan
  14. I could be wrong but I think the word, sarcasm, should be put in paranthesis because some people don't really pick up on it. That is if you were in fact trying to be sarcastic, if not, WTF are you kidding me with this post!
  15. Actually this was previously reported. What was left out of the article is how defensive Stafford became and how he treated the psycologist...he yelled and asked how much they were paid and basically showed very little maturity. He doesn't have to talk about it if he doesn't want to, thats his business, but he went about it the wrong way. Some compared his attitude to Jay Cutler. He might end up being a great QB, we shall see.
  16. Trade down. Agree w/ beastmode...to many other holes. And i'm sick of California QB's who struggle here in the cold.
  17. After reading some of the replies to this, it makes me wonder why I signed up for this. Is it really that hard to sense sarcasm??
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