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Everything posted by EastRochBillsfan

  1. He said he'd get back to us when he had something to share. much to early for that now......patience grasshopper.
  2. And if it is not correct, then the opposite should be true then, right? ......don't you ever have anything good to say? that's a rhetorical question.
  3. Surely there should be something of value I can add to this thread.........on second thought, nah.
  4. Well first of all, and I know it's a hypothetical, but there is no way we finish dead last this season. Even last year when a third of the board was screaming we wouldn't win a game, we won 4 and easily(for lack of a better word) could have won 7 or 8. But if that scenario were ever to turn out, picking Gabbert at 3 means the top brass thinks he is a franchise qb which in turn means that they wouldn't pick another one next year.
  5. That's Awesome!......just wish I had thought of it first.
  6. You're getting all worked up over a stupid rumor? Seriously? ....and as far as Von miller, he's getting some good press right now. Almost everyone has him going pretty high in this draft. He IS NOT Maybin, so don't get your panties all in a bunch.
  7. I totally agree with you. I'm sure the players have some valid points but the bottom line is that they work for the nfl and they make a crapload of money as it is. Most people can't demand to their employer that they want more money. If they don't like it, go find some other work. I just can't side with the players on this one. I couldn't even get through the whole thing. was there a point?
  8. Man,I already forgot about hossage. he's the one and only person I found worthy of the ignore list. I like most of your list but would say it's incomplete without Yes, Rush, Pink Floyd, and Genesis. Oh, and of course the Beatles.
  9. Honestly, I could care less what you think. If you love seeing how people react to something they don't agree with, you really should look in the mirror then because you certainly are reacting negatively to people that don't agree with you.
  10. You are one hell of a tweaker, I must say. I have a suggestion too. If you're going to boycot the nfl and the Bills, which is your right, but like some others I don't really see how any of this has negatively impacted your life, it's only right you boycott everything to do with the Bills. Which would mean you should probably just stop posting here. Starting NOW, please.
  11. How did you come to this conclusion?(the part I bolded) likely scenario? I don't think so. There is no way in hell I make that trade for a 4th or 5th this year and next years first. Unless they want to give up a little more than that, say a second and forth this year and next years first, I would stand pat with our # 3 pic.
  12. Holy Mother of avatars, Batman.
  13. I tip my hat to you for seeing the error I made in not saying "tip your hand". ...but in my defense, I was well into the wine and in a hurry to get ready for dart night with the boys!
  14. You can't tip your hat man. Keep everyone guessing.
  15. Your first sentence isn't consistent with the 3 you have rated as must haves. If your reason for not picking Peterson(who I don't really want either) is because of us being last in run defense, why do you have Green on your list? He's not going to stop the run.
  16. Cool!.....hope it's true.
  17. How the hell do you know what everyone in the league thinks about Brohm?? give me a break. And with that logic about fitz starting for st louis, Rob Johnson had one awesome game coming in cold and then we traded a first round pic for him. how did that work out? You just don't judge someone on 1 or two games. Especially the toughest position to fill with not much supporting cast to help him. And i can't honestly judge Fitzs' first start without knowing what the rest of the Rams were like at the time.... Ryan Fitzpatrick had his share of crappy games. But he also got the time needed to grow at the position. Brohm hasn't had that opportunity. Regardless, Chan gailey has only had 1 year with him. And another year of tutelage might be all it takes. No one knows. how many years did rogers sit on the bench before he got his chance? One thing is for sure, If we are giving maybin 1 more year or pre-season to make it, we damn well better give Brohm the same chance. We've got nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain. Look, I'm not gonna respond to this again. you hate Brohm and your mind is made up. I think he should be groomed for the job and he could possibly become the qb we are looking for with some more work. And until I see him get a real tangible chance , I am not going to change how i feel.
  18. There's no denial. I'm not saying he's great or anything, but I still think he has the tools to become a productive qb in this league. You've seen 2 games from him, under less than stellar conditions no less, and you have him all figured out? That's mighty impressive. Chan should be able to use you on the staff. The first time he got to play year before last against atlanta, he was only here 5 weeks or so and the line was decimated. he had absolutely no chance to succeed. This year when he got his shot the line was in shambles again, the 32nd ranked defense against the run and playing against the jets or patriots i cant remember which. And it was his first live game since preseason. I don't even think Fitz would have looked good against them the way the team was playing and with all the injuries. So for me, I am not ready to write him off. Like I said, Chan has done more with less so there is the chance that he could get something out of him yet. I know I am in the minority here but I'd like to see him play with the starters , when they are all healthy, for a few games, and then I can accurately judge what you and a lot of others think you know. Till they draft a stud and/or let brohm go, I'm still gonna back the guy.
  19. Jeez, God forbid some of us want our 2nd string qb to play well. Good thing I'm a good swimmer I guess. But please tell me where in the article it says Brian Brohm has been released? He just wasn't tendered and he might not be a free agent anyway, depending on what happens with the cba.
  20. First of all Joe, you should change the title of the thread. You make it sound like Brohm has been released. Secondly, and maybe I am alone on this, but I highly doubt it, Your new avatar of your shirtless self must go. It's creepin me out. And all this time I just thought you liked beer. As for most of the rest of you, I just don't get out all the hate for Brohm. He had one game at the end of the year, again, with our 0-line decimated, again. Granted he didn't light it up or have a great game, but it was ONE friggin game. The man needs some time under center with the regular front line starters. Some meaningful time playing, even 2-3 games in a row could possibly go a long way for him to get a grasp of the speed of the game. Many of us wrote off Fitz before last year started and see how that turned out. I really find it hard to believe any of you know what Chan is feeling with regards to Brohm and just assume brohm is gone. Gailey may want to work with him some more. He has surely done more with less in the past. Personally, I don't think Brohm will be released. And I don't want it to happen. Bottom line to me, there is just not enough tangible evidence yet to throw Briam Brohm under the bus.
  21. I have got to say, after reading this article My link, I am more excited than ever that we have added Wannstedt to the staff. For those of you who may have been a little hesitant to like this move because of his background with the 4-3, and for the rest of us who may have been wondering exactly what he is going to do, this write up better explains what kind of role he will play and hopefully will put you at ease. I especially like what he said about the lines. I really do think this was a great addition to our team. Hopefully it will mean some more W's. What a great time to be a Bills fan. I feel ever since the Baltimore game last year we turned the corner and are FINALLY on our way back up. Should be a great draft, exciting at the very least, with wondering what the hell we are going to do with these high picks. Anyway, didn't mean to turn this into a ra ra session. Just wanted to share the article that sheds a little more light on Wannstedts' role with the team. GO BILLS!
  22. I can't stand the man, or at least the way he goes about his business. He seems like a dictator to me. The football nazi. And he totally mishandled the situation with Belicheat right from the get go. As far as I am concerned, he definitely should have gotten a suspension of some sort on top of the slap on the wrist fine for the multi-millionaire that he is. jmo Not a chance. I would want the man fired if he was our coach after he was caught cheating. What an embarrassment.
  23. Don't think you're a p----y at all. That lady is a sick individual and it is nothing short of torture what she is doing. Taking away the kids Nintendo for a day probably would have sufficed.
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