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Everything posted by EastRochBillsfan

  1. Man, that's some great binocular skills you have. I don't think I'd be able to glean that much info with all the bodies flying around holding binoculars from a great distance. With your honing in on Troup every play, did you find any time to take a look at the other players? And just how many snaps did the first unit get? just curious.
  2. Yep. Modraks gone, hello Overdorf. If nothing else, they are consistent. Unreal is right. At least the Spiller is a bust crowd has died down for now. Except for Thoner of course.
  3. A fickle group we are here at the stadium wall. And everyone thinks the front office is so dumb. It takes a lot of intelligence to be cheap but to hide it at the same time. As for my take on Parrish, I see nothing wrong with extending his contract. He showed what he can bring to the table last year. Not too many people can stay with this man one on one. He is a dangerous weapon. And whether he has had his share of injuries or not, he helps this team. A lot of u guys are always biatching that we don't keep our players. Now we are trying to keep some of our players and it's still not good enough. Fickle I say.
  4. WOW, this really is an ammusing thread. tenneseeboy isn't annonymous? way to lay it out there. lol. ya beat me to it man!
  5. THIS is the attitude we need to change around here. Gailey has made a point of emphasizing that the team needs to believe they will win. And this forum needs to start Billieving we will win. I know, most of you need to be shown the baby. But I fully believe we will get that monkey off our backs this year though. And then maybe the rest of you that aren't on board will finally hop on this train. lmao!....In Bradys' defense though, that must be a lot of pressure, having such a hot wife.
  6. Maybin S U C K S! Do you honestly think you are going to find ANY Bills fan who gives a crap? If your coach is such a genius, why couldn't he make Vernon Gholston a real player?? hmmm?
  7. Well big man, take one for the team then if thats how you feel. Boycott the Bills. Don't throw money their way. Don't watch the games on tv as that'll send tv revenue their way. That should teach 'em! and u can go with him. Thanks for the kind words Bill. And I am calmer now thank you. Honestly it's only a handfull of bills faithfull that get under my skin. I don't think of you as a Bills basher. You've had a valid gripe with the oline.(you may beat that horse to death, but valid nonetheless) But you also say positive things and constructively add to the conversation. It's just the guys who only post to say something negative that seem to bother me. The ones who go out of their way to bash our Bills. Constantly. I'm certainly not the only one here that gets annoyed with some of these guys. Why do you think a lot of your fellow old timers don't hang here too often anymore?
  8. give me a freakin break. Nobody is holding a gun to your head to watch the games or go to the games or spend any money on the Bills. If you don't like what you see, and this goes for ALL you negative Bills bashing fans that do nothing but B word, moan and complain that nothing they do is right and the owner sucks and is cheap. DO NOT watch the games. Just go the F away. please. you guys disgust me. A bunch of miserable people my God. yea ok. we just signed the 3rd pick. like we wouldn't sign the first pick to save money. BS! You have no proof of this but you speak like it is fact. Like others have said, maybe Nix decided to let him go and handed the trading part over to Overdorf. Certainly sounds reasonable to me. So please don't state as fact what you don't know the truth of.
  9. I don't think it's a salary cap issue at all. I think Disco here below has got it right.
  10. Which one of the old timers said there should be a minimum post count to start a thread? I'm thinking 200 sounds about right. OP, it sounds like you're a bit unhappy with our starting qb. Fitz may or may not be the answer, but he has earned his shot this year. It would be very disruptive, on the field and in the locker room, to yank our starter this late in the game. If brad Smith is a great quaterback he will rise to the top with the snaps he is getting. If not, prepare yourself for Fitzball.
  11. Well I can't speak for any of the other guys, but I was working. I stand by my earlier post. it'll work itself out. We won't suck that bad. People always freak out this time of year. I guess we'll see soon enough. summer's going fast.
  12. Well you should post more often then. We sure can use some more positive posters around here, thats for sure. Most of the pessimistic ones, I feel, need to be "shown the baby" because they're tired of getting their hopes up and then having them squashed. And like you said, it's totally understandable. But the wind of change is a blowing at onebillsdrive and they will miss out on all the fun if they don't get on board now! Me too. But then again, I'll drink to anything!
  13. ok. now im confused. i thought rockinon was commenting on the op. but it looks like he was saying john from hemet is off his rocker. so in that case, i retract my last statement to rockinon and now it is only me with the great mind. and john from hemet of course. wherever hemet is?
  14. Are you off your rocker?? Our O-line will end up being servicable this year, better than last year in my opinion.I know it doesn't look that way now, but somebody will step up. or we'll pick up someone before the season starts. And with the improved defense you speak of and another year with everyone in the system, I think we'll be better than most people think. But apparently I'm a homer so what the hell do I know?! No chance we get Luck next year unless we make a big draft day trade or something. No way in hell will we be that bad. I say we are an 8-8 team give or take a couple games depending on injuries and a few bounces. Rockinon, I was writing while you posted " you're off your rocker" I guess great minds think alike.
  15. If only. But I highly doubt it. In fact, I wouldn't mind it if some of 'em just took that step. ....Nice I say he's coming to Buffalo too. Man that would add some excitement around here.
  16. well then, that makes it 1 to 22,184! What the hell are you supposed to go off of then?..and what part of "the man was injured last year" did you not understand? jeez
  17. Thanks for that video. Though he was hard to understand there, I love this player!....can't wait to see what he brings to our team.
  18. http://youtu.be/QVdhZwK7cS8
  19. So you had to check and see what you looked like??...or just checking to make sure it was a good pic?! .....I gotta say though, I love it when something gets all the oldtimers(as I like to call them), to post. It's much better here with you guys around.
  20. Ooops. sorry. just thinking out loud. As for the topic. I'm with the crowd that would like to see a tight end brought in. Maybe we'll be surprised and the'll grab a few free agents like last year.
  21. This is one of the more enjoyable threads I have read in some time. Thanks guys!
  22. of course you do. I'm with you. It just doesn't seem like it would be fun to like the team and dislike the owner so much. It's like not being able to stand your wife, but you stay with her because you like the sex once a week. Time for a divorce in my eyes. I wish I could feel any commoradorie with fans like this, but i don't. lmao....I think?
  23. As your first post, i hope this isn't indicative of whats to come. I think we're all full here with negative posters. You see what billsfreak is getting tonight. you don't want that, do you?...but hey, welcome to the club! I'm with Buffalo Baumer, DARKSTAR!...is it really that close??...though I am not sure who Stephen Page is.
  24. Nice. And I bet u watched till the bitter end too.
  25. If you have a pair of red, white, and blue zubas somewhere in your house that you can't seem to toss, you're a Bills fan. If, when on a cruise to Cozumel,Mexico and the Bills are playing Miami on Monday night football and you tell your girlfriend to go dancing without you so you can watch the game, you might be a bills fan (yes I did this) If you leave your 3 year old child and her mother to finish their vacation without you in Bar Harbor Maine, and take a little 2 prop airplane that has no right to fly, back home to catch the season opener against Pittsburgh, you just might be a Bills fan. (yep, did this one too) If you were one of many in a particular corner at the Ralph to scream Leonerd (sp?), Leonerd over and over again, you might be a Bills fan. (leonerd smith of course) This is fun. I'll have to think of more later! Props to the op!
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