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Everything posted by EastRochBillsfan

  1. I agree. And not what I would expect from a Raiders fan. I thought they were ALL a-holes. Like the screen name as well. The bolded part, sounds just like the stadium wall. Man our teams have a lot in common. As for your jab at our Qb, it's not like your team has been the most stable at this position the last couple years that u can really talk smack. And do I even have to mention Jamarcus russell?? That must still hurt. Even more that the Maybin pick hurt us. The first overall pick and how much gauranteed? ouch.
  2. It is my understanding that there is a particular Jests fan that might be able and happy to help you with your problem. Good advice. But if you do this BE AWARE. You cannot buy or sell tickets on Ralph Wilson property as I found out the hard way last year. I was selling an extra ticket to the Indy game right near the road. Had no idea of that rule. A security guard saw us exchange and confiscated my extra ticket. and I was only selling it for 40 bucks for a great seat. Me and the buyer were pretty pissed off. And selling that ticket was the ONLY reason I ponied up $25 to park just for myself. So I was doubly pissed. I was going to start a thread about it the next day but just let it go. Apparently, I am still not over it. F K
  3. LOL Pants on the ground, pants on the ground. looking like a fool with your pants on the ground.....
  4. Not that you need or want it, but you just gained a little repect in my eyes. ......now if we can only get to 9 wins damnit!
  5. 30 to 17 Buffalo. They just won't be able to handle us with the short week and coming from the west coast. AND the 12th man! The Ralph is gonna be rockin! Besides, I have a jerk friend who is a raiders fan and he needs his nose rubbed in it if you know what I mean. Karma is on our side. Can't wait for Sunday! GO BILLS!
  6. What the hell is wrong with some of you?
  7. Please speak for yourself. I didn't hate the pick at all. You have NO IDEA if you are right yet. And further more, I vehemently disagree that cj's ceiling is low. I think some of you guys are just being too impatient and nitpicking. We played an awesome game but people still gotta B word about something so here we are with yet another stupid spiller sucks thread. How many of these do we have to put up with?? ^^^^^^ this
  8. Not for nothing, but who the hell cares about the 2012 draft right now? The season JUST started. Let's enjoy that for awhile and see what we need at the END of the season. jeesh
  9. Can u guys recommend a place? I'm feeling a little sore from my 3rd floor moving job the other day. .....ahh, forget it. I'll just twitter Shawn and see what he has to say.
  10. Now you know how us optimists feel.
  11. Yep. there sure are a lot of those posts. They want to see the baby. Well, one baby down. 15 more to push out!
  12. You make it sound like you were in the "expecting a win" crowd. But in the predictions thread you predicted a chiefs win 20-10. just settin the record straight.
  13. Thank You for your sacrifice. As for me, I decided to post in the live game thread for the first time. I usually don't like to be distracted from the game but figued it couldn't hurt. If only I knew earlier it would help I would have tried it last year....but then we wouldn't have Marcell so I guess all is as it should be.
  14. Do we have to lose???
  15. Awesome to see Chandler have a great day! Having a tight end to play like that will help us play with the big boys and help make this a well rounded offense. Finally. GO BILLS!
  16. I'm pretty sure there haven't been any. lol Oh man Matt, I would trade a winning season if we could only spank the Partriots in 2 weeks! Oh, forgot something. *
  17. The last one I remebber was 31-0 against the Cheatriats back when we got Lawyer Milloy from them.
  18. Spiller! ...alright, shut up already u spiller haters. Give the man some time.
  19. Florence! interception!...makes up for the one he dropped. This is FUN! Long overdue bills fans. Hop on the train, its a leavin! The line is playing just fine. I dont see what yer seeing.
  20. Great catch chandler!...Do we have ourselves a tight end?!...hmmm
  21. I'm going with the Bills 27- Chiefs 17 as well We are going to be a much different team than most expect and it begins week 1. Hop on the train boys.. before it leaves the station! Go Bills!
  22. Who are you and what have you done with Thoner??
  23. Yea. Hopefully his recollection of the play book matches his play on the field. The good news though is we got the tight end from the Patricheats and maybe that can help us a little bit. And obviously we need all the help we can get to get that monkey off our backs.
  24. Dialogue IS good. And that is why I come here. But what some guys spew here, specifically, ranting about Spiller being a bust at this stage of the game, isn't dialogue. It's just annoying. You want dialogue. Let's talk about spillers first run of 27 yards in the last game and what a thing of beauty it was. The kid is going to be special. If he can break a couple of those a game, watch out. We are going to be dangerous. It would be nice for a change for some of the haters to accept that Spiller is on our team now. And instead of bitching and moaning that it was a bad pick, get behind the man and hope for him to become a star for our football team. He is a BILL now. One of US. Would u rather be right that we shouldn't have picked him? or would you like him to be a stud runner and a homerun threat that they envisioned when they picked him? I'm guessing the few who really hated the pick would rather just be right. Anyway, this is a Troup thread and I didn't mean to go into the spiller thing. So, as for Troup, now that I saw the game. I certainly disagree with papazoid even more. Couldn't be more night and day with our opinions on how Troup played. I'm thinking his binoculars need a little cleaning maybe.
  25. The diaologue on Spiller being a bust and he has't even started his second season is a good thing? I guess it's all a matter of opinion Bill.
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