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Everything posted by EastRochBillsfan

  1. A man of your word. A good quality.
  2. Like the man or not, a sad day for Raiders fans and football fans alike. RIP Mr. Davis
  3. I find it ironic that when maybin was on our team we couldn't get rid of him fast enough and now that he is gone we still have to hear about him. Why must I still read about our worst draft pick ever? I'd really just like to turn the page. And I need all of you to help. NO MORE Maybin threads!!!
  4. What makes you guess that? Bell has played very well. We need depth at the position. Doesn't add up? Unless of course you are in the Ralph is cheap crowd, THEN it might make sense. but I don't subscribe to that nonsense.
  5. WOW. Here we go with the doom and gloomers after the first loss. I want to keep winninmg just so I don't have to hear this crap anymore. Some off you guys just can't stay on an even keel. It's 1 loss. There will be more. But there damn well will be more wins too. Jeesh Damn , you were really on the bandwagon last week. You jumped off already??....just stay off, ok.
  6. he's an ass. We are getting lots of love from all over so I wouldn't let it bother you. We all know we finally beat the Patricheats. It may not have been pretty, but it sure feels like a win to me. Just enjoy it!... They can't take this win or our 3-0 start away from us.
  7. Who thinks you're a realist (other than you)? I just think you are negative.
  8. I was scared as hell. It was most defintely a blessing in disguise. The football Gods were smiling on the BIlls today!
  9. Nice guys! its amazing that some winning can pull us all together and make us feel like we are all on the same team again. It wasn't pretty but we pulled it out. GOTTA BILLIEVE! GO BILLS! One more from joe the six pack and all will be well.
  10. F the patricheats!...we r taking this game, somehow someway!
  11. Perspective? The perspective is our team is playing pretty well right now and we have a great chance to finally beat the Patricheats. What the hell will you do if we win??
  12. We've won games before just not too many against the Patricheats in the last decade. If, or should I say WHEN we win, it will be a huge monkey off our backs and cause for celebration. I, for one, think it would be cool as hell. Bring down the goalposts!!
  13. Have you ok'd this post with Astrobot?? lol
  14. And on that note, THE END!
  15. Man that really sucks. I was hoping we finally were going to see what he could do playing for the whole year. Is it possible he's played his last snap in Buffalo?(I think you're right John from Hemet) I love the guy but how many chances do you give a guy at the expense of someone who may be able to stay on the field? And who do we sign now? Roosevelt? Aiken?...I'm not too impressed with that Ruvell guy either, they should just let him go. I think he dropped all 3 or 4 passes his way Sunday.
  16. i'm with ya Pilsner. I'm convinced the "half empty" crowd that always just complain no matter what the circumstances are just that way in life in general. It's a choice really. And I choose to be happy at 2-0. And I'll be estatic when we beat the Patriots this weekend. If we don't, I'll still find the positives instead of harping on the negatives. That's just how I live my life.
  17. uh,....ok. I'm feeling some Levitre jokes on their way.
  18. I don't get where anyone ripped him a new ass. One person said he sucks. almost every other post was understanding where he's coming from. And I'd have to disagree with 95% of the board are raging homers. It seems to me the negative nancies rule the board . Maybe they are just more vocal. Or just repeat the same crap that it seems like there are more of them. Call me a homer if you like, but I believe we can beat the Patricheats now. Before we play them. am I guaranteeing a victory? no. am I claiming we are going to the playoffs. no. But I do believe we are a different team than in years past and I for one say we beat the cheaters this week.
  19. I guess this explains why you have dork in your screen name.
  20. I think you should go back in hibernation. seriously.
  21. I liked you till this comment. Now you're back to being the enemy. Good luck this week. The better team will win and we will know about 4:00 est Sunday. If not sooner.
  22. I definitely see what youu are saying and I even kinda contradict myself in my post by saying they need the w no ifs ands or buts and then saying "look really good losing". But I suppose I can still see us retaining the respect we have earned thus far if this is a well fought game against a tough opponent and it comes down to the wire. But u and the op are absolutely right, to make a statement we have to WIN the game. Then on to the REAL statement game!
  23. You guys are basically agreeing with him in whats coming off in a sort of negative way. We need a W. There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If we beat what appears to be a tough team in the Oakland Raiders, the positive talk about the Bills(and I know some of u guys don't care about the medias perception, but I certainly enjoy the positive talk myself) continues as does our ascension to relevance. Isn't that what most of us desire right now, respect? If we don't win this game or at least look really good losing, it will be back to the same old not fun losing Bills talk. Sounds like we can make a statement in this game to me. Good post OP.
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